Xen 安全团队最近公开了三个关于Xen Hypervisor的安全建议。由于Linode在过去几周内进行了主动维护,因此Linode客户不受建议中所述问题的影响。
Xen 博客对这个问题有一个非常好的写法。
这些具体的建议有可能影响到我们的整个舰队,然而我们能够设计一个聪明的计划,把受影响的Linodes的数量减少到少数。该计划结合了:1)急于在所有设施中部署额外的容量储备 2)只对能恢复最多的主机进行重启/升级,以及 3)只对剩余的受影响的 Linodes 进行自动迁移排队,以获得良好的容量。因此,大多数客户没有受到这次维护的影响。
评论 (11)
Awesome work, Linode!
This is exactly why I’m with Linode. You guys take care of things seamlessly and I don’t have to worry about my server 🙂
Keep up the excellent work Linode!
A pat on the back for the team!
Nice – I never even noticed.
Thank you Linode, you handled this very nicely.
It had a very modest impact on us, but we did wonder why only a small percentage of our linodes were affected by what we deduced was a security patch. Thanks for the explanation.
Well done Linode, awesome!
Well done, and happy almost-birthday Linode!
Nice, I think you handled this well, however, my systems administrator does not.
Awesome work, couldn’t love you guys more
Undiluted, pure awesomeness.
Consistent excellence!
I read about the vulnerability on Slashdot, clicked over to Linode and “yup it’s already fixed”. There is a huge amount of dedication and effort over time that enables you to say that.
I thank my lucky stars the day I joined Linode.