Heute vor 13 Jahren hat Linode seine Türen geöffnet und die ersten Kunden gewonnen. Heute, 13 Jahre später, ist es erstaunlich, wie sehr wir gewachsen sind. Laut einer Studie von CloudHarmony ist Linode der viertgrößte Cloud-Anbieter für die 10.000 größten Alexa-Websites, nur gefolgt von Amazon, Rackspace und IBM. Nicht schlecht. Wir haben mehr als eine halbe Million Kunden betreut, fast 12 Millionen Linode-Server in Betrieb genommen und beschäftigen inzwischen mehr als 100 Mitarbeiter - und das alles, während wir unabhängig und in Privatbesitz bleiben.
Nichts von alledem wäre möglich gewesen ohne den Einsatz und das Engagement unserer Mitarbeiter, denen Sie, unser Kunde, und die Arbeit, die wir leisten, sehr am Herzen liegen. Wir haben einige der leidenschaftlichsten, brillantesten und attraktivsten Menschen angezogen, die ich je getroffen habe (übrigens, wir stellen ein). Also, ein großes Dankeschön an alle hier bei Linode.
Wir möchten uns auch bei Ihnen für Ihr Geschäft und Ihre Unterstützung in all diesen Jahren bedanken. Als Zeichen unserer Dankbarkeit bieten wir kostenlose RAM-Upgrades für neue und bestehende Kunden an. Hier ist die Aufschlüsselung:
Alter Plan | Neuer Plan | Preis |
Linode-Instanz mit 1 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 2 GB | 10 $/Monat (0,015 $/Std.) |
Linode-Instanz mit 2 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 4 GB | 20 $/Monat (0,03 $/Std.) |
Linode-Instanz mit 4 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 8 GB | $40/mo ($0.06/hr) |
Linode-Instanz mit 8 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 12 GB | 80 $/Monat (0,12 $/Std.) |
Linode-Instanz mit 16 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 24 GB | $160/Mo ($0,24/Std) |
Linode-Instanz mit 32 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 48 GB | $320/Mo ($0,48/Std.) |
Linode-Instanz mit 48 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 64 GB | $480/Monat ($0,72/Std.) |
Linode-Instanz mit 64 GB | Linode-Instanz mit 80 GB | 640 $/Monat (0,96 $/Std.) |
Linode-Instanz mit 96 GB | Linode 120 GB | 960 $/Monat (1,44 $/Std.) |
Vollständige Planliste anzeigen
Das kostenlose Upgrade ist sofort verfügbar. Oben auf dem Dashboard Ihrer Linode sehen Sie das Upgrade-Banner. Für viele von Ihnen sollte es nur ein Knopfdruck und ein Neustart sein. Manchmal wird jedoch eine Migration erforderlich sein - was normalerweise nur ein paar Minuten dauert.
Dieses Upgrade ist nur für KVM Linodes verfügbar. Ältere Xen Linodes müssen zuerst auf KVM upgraden, bevor sie die Vorteile des RAM-Upgrades nutzen können. Sie können Ihre Xen Linodes auf KVM aktualisieren, indem Sie den Link "Upgrade to KVM" auf der unteren rechten Seite des Dashboards Ihrer Linode verwenden.
Da Tokio ausverkauft ist, ist das Upgrade dort leider nicht verfügbar. Wir hoffen, unsere zweite Anlage in Tokio noch in diesem Jahr online zu haben.
Neben der neuen Einrichtung arbeiten unsere Teams hart an der neuen API (in der öffentlichen Alpha-Version), dem neuen Open-Source-Linode-Manager und den erheblichen Verbesserungen unserer Netzwerkinfrastruktur, einschließlich Transit, Peering und Bandbreiten-Upgrades. Wir freuen uns auch sehr auf unser zukünftiges Büro in Philadelphia - ein wunderschönes neoklassisches 110 Jahre altes ehemaliges Bankgebäude im Herzen der N3RD Street. Die Renovierungsarbeiten sind im Gange und wir hoffen, dass wir im Frühjahr von dort aus arbeiten können.
Wir bauen weiterhin auf dem Fundament eines Unternehmens auf, das groß genug ist, um die Bedürfnisse seiner Kunden zu erfüllen, aber klein genug, um sich zu kümmern. Wir hoffen, dass wir das erreichen. Sie haben unsere ewige Dankbarkeit für Ihr Geschäft. Bleiben Sie dran für mehr!
Kommentare (106)
This is great news! Congratulations guys. This is the type of business move that had attracted me to Linode many, many, years ago. Nice to see nothing has changed (but the RAM :p ).
Amazing. Thank you Linode!
Great stuff. Happy birthday. Thank you.
Thanks for being a great hosting provider! I always used your services, even when I was working for your competitor!
Happy Birthday Linode! Thanks for this update, things like this (along with your awesome service) have kept me a happy customer for several years now.
To the next successfull 13 years!
Great. Only one question… When will you come to India 🙂
Awwww you are the best ! Love you Linode and happy birthday to you guys !
Very much appreciated! Happy Birthday Linode!
Thank you Linode!The best wishes!
Dudes, you rule.
Thank you Linode! I have been a customer for many years, and have always been impressed with Linode’s unique customer care and incremental increases in value. That’s why I recommend Linode to so many of my friends and clients, and why I am still a very happy customer. Great job guys, keep up the good work!
I hope the second Tokyo facility online soon.
@madlaxcb It’ll be up by the end of the year!
We’ll make sure to do our best and get this up – we want this to be an option for you guys too!
Happy Birthday! Linode is one of the best companies whose services I ever had pleasure of using — don’t even know any more for how many years exactly.
WOW! Happy birthday!
Not bad at all.
One thing though: can we expect official support for FreeBSD on Linode at some point? Certain other cloud vendors have made big inroads in this area as of late.
Happy birthday Linode! Always great service.
This is a great gift for all your customers! Congratulations for your birthday. I was evaluating a migration to another service because the leak of PayPal payments but is impossible to equal Linode great service. Many thanks!!!
Happy Birthday Linode! A happy customer for over five years I’ve seen a good number of hardware refreshes and you’ve always given me more for less. You guys are amazing! Keep up the good work.
@TN: I don’t know our exact roadmap for distribution support, but we do have a guide available on how to install it yourself on Linode: https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/custom-kernels-distros/install-freebsd-on-linode
Happy Birthday, Linode! You guys are literally the best out there. And the way the community has contributed by writing guides for us is what makes customers like me stick around for a long long time. What better way to celebrate than have double the RAM.
PS: Lots of Love, always!
Thanks so much for the free upgrade and happy 13th birthday Linode
Last month was my 2nd year anniversary being a Linode customer as well just nice birthday present too 🙂
Happy Birthday Linode 13th Birthday! You guys are awesome!
Hope to have 2nd Tokyo datacenter online soon!
@mkorsak: Yup. I do prefer all the niceties of official support though.
But hey, back on topic: As a long-time customer, I never get tired of how these pricing adjustments feel totally insane at first.
My personal 1 gigs of RAM plan being bumped to 2 gigs is one thing, and it makes me get all deep about the meaning of exponential growth in the middle of a busy work day. But a customer system going from 4 gigs to 8? That’s a ‘wait wat’ kind of moment 🙂
The best kind of moment!
The best… you were, you are, and you’ll always be the best 😀
Thank you Linode
thank you linode.. we’ll loyal to you
Oooooooooh YEA! I’ve been sacrificing noble goats that we might see a RAM upgrade and look, it didn’t take the whole flock! WOO HOOO!! You can have a birthday everyday. ehehhe!
Thanks for your great service, work, and continued path towards excellence.
If you already building a new manager, what about a production Lockdown feature?
What i’m basically mean is to add a lockdown button in the manager.
When we turn this on it will limit the access of linode’s customer support representatives (maybe allow only specific staff).
When the customer using this feature will want customer support ,he will just disable it.
This will greatly increase linode security because most breaches are actually come from inside (I know there was few exploits with ColdFusion. but this still would be greatly appreciated)
Is it possible?
By limiting the access, do you mean access into the servers? If so, then you can rest easy – Linode staff doesn’t have access into a user’s server. We don’t know the credentials and just squarely are no able to get in. Of course, Linode Managed users do create users for us to sign in with, but that is always logged and we can only sign in if something that is monitored breaks.
Thank-you for all the hard work and for the upgrades! I am looking forward to the new interface.
–Happy customer for 8 years!
Thank for your answer.
Yes, I meant into the server when i’m NOT on Linode Managed. not directly into it, but copy/clone access of an image or any other way that allows an inside worker to get a copy of my server image (And then get my into my production database).
I’m not talking about a RAM\hypervisor attack of an IT guy (which cannot be prevented even in AWS),
i’m talking about an easy way of doing it thru the staff’s linode manager.
Did I got something wrong?
Ah, I see, so more of being able to interact with the disks, not necessarily being able to go into it.
There wouldn’t really be an easy way to do it even from our end and I’ll be happy to try and rests some fears. Say for example someone did make a copy of the disk. They wouldn’t be able to access it or copy it out of the account, as it can only be copied (from the Manager) to a server on the same account. The only way they could get it out of your account is if they signed into the server and ran an rsync or something similar to another location, but as your credentials are unknown to Linode, you’d be safe from that (and if they could do this, they could do it remotely, not needing to go through the Linode Manager).
Of course, I can still bring this request to our devs to see if they can implement it, but I can guarantee our team follows a stringent code of conduct and that you are largely safe in our hands 🙂
Thank you Linode!
Thank You very much! Happy customer for 2 years!
Thanks and happy birthday, Linode! You guys are actually the first VPS I’ve used (I previously just had an old PC running under my desk as a server) and the service has been fantastic. This is even more reason for me to stick around for a long time. 😀
Yes, thats what I talking about. Every way that allow them to steal data.
If guess correctly the access that linode support staff have into user’s Linode Manager, one can probably clone the disk, reboot & use rescue to reset the new image root password, use rsync or any other way to steal data. this way it can be done without my credentials, isn’t it?
Just to clarify, I don’t put linode staff code of conduct in doubt. but, inside staff, or the human is almost always the point of entry. an example could big as Edward Snowden or even some leaks I encountered myself. it’s almost always an inside staff.
I also don’t think it’s bad that that linode staff has access to Linode Manager of every customer as there is usability vs security compromise.
That’s why I think opt-in solution is best.
As a developer myself I think that implementing such thing isn’t very hard (but that’s a blind guess). it should just block linode staff into Linode Manager of users that ask so as opt-in. there could be a senior staff with access to bypass that if you think that is necessary.
Am I right?
By the way, Great RAM upgrade!
Thank you!
Props to you. I have an eCommerce website hosted with you guys, you are truly great!
Congratulations Linode! Happy customer for almost 6 years.
Happy 13th Birthday, Linode! 🙂 This is truely an awesome day for you guys! Keep rocking! 🙂
Hopefully one of these days you’ll remove the awful upload speed limit, I mean at least offer 1Gbps upload minimum. 🙁 Been a customer for like 3 years.
Congratulations and Thank you!
Any plans on India DataCenter?
DigitalOcean opened last month!
Amazon opening next month
Azure and IBM Softlayer already have it.
This is an awesome news! Is it applied for lifetime or just for the first month?
Happy Birthday! I have been using the Linode cloud hosting for 3 years, and totally pleased with the service. Thanks for the gift.
Thank you! 🙂
Firstly, thank you for this gift.
Just a question. I have several nodes running. My node is 2048 and located in Singapore. How much will you charge me next month if I do not upgrade RAM to 4096?
Notice this when i was updating the DNS records.
Really nice gift and happy birthday Linode!
This is awesome – great going Linode. Moving from DigitalOcean has been all smiles.
Happy birthday Linode. Great services!
Hi. Thanks. I’ve been looking for a higher memory alternative to Digital Ocean. You’ll get a new customer early next week! (Not starting the migration just before the weekend, sorry.)
Hey, Happy Birthday Linode.
I’m a new buyer. If I get this discounted plan, then I can lock-in this plan for ever? As long I continue to you.
Amazing….And Thanks for this offer.
Happy 13th Birthday, Linode! You’ll always be the best
That is great! You guys have been awesome in helping my web hosting startup Web Hosting Ninja Get off the ground at a great price point.
Thank you so much for your great service!
Why is it anything over 8GB don’t get double the memory?
Will there be another hardware upgrade with Xeon v4 soon ?
Update on Block storage? Compute / Memory instances?
Any new DC coming in? Others seems to be expanding a lot faster.
Bueno. Gracias. 5 Years Customer im Very Happy.
@John: Plan prices are never temporary and you won’t be kicked out of them at any point. We pass on discounts for plans to our customers where we see fit to make a better value for our service, just like this one. If at any point though you are comfortable with what you have, you aren’t forced to upgrade, and can remain on your exact plan paying the same price basically well, forever.
@Ed: This is just the new structure our team designed as they see fit. As you move up, doubling the RAM means adding an amount that’s far more than the smaller plans. You could also utilize more smaller Linodes together to horizontally expand your infrastructure if you would rather do that, which can work great for many people.
We don’t have any other announcements about upgrades or services at this time, though when we do, they’ll be posted here to the blog first. I recommend following its RSS feed, or following us on Facebook/Twitter where they are also posted.
Our next datacenter is Tokyo 2 as mentioned in this blog, which is coming in Q4 2016.
Thanks for this generous gift Linode and happy birthday :D.
Thank you! Been with you guys since 2009 when I had a 384 MB Linode. The upgrades never get old.
Your move, Digital Ocean. (ha!)
I absolutely love you guys! You’ve taught me so much about Linux with your wonderful docs, and your servers are rock solid! I don’t do too much with my server but host TeamTalk for my friends to chill out on, and also have a PBX which I use sometimes, but you guys are absolutely amazing! Happy birthday and I’m sure you’ll remain the best server provider ever, in my oppinion!
Happy birthday
Linode is awsome!
Great news, but not great for me in Tokyo.
I have Linode 2GB now. $20. But new plan is $10 for 2GB.
People in Tokyo have to pay $20 for 2GB until second facility opens?
LIke an addiction I visit the linode blog nearly every day hoping for this announcement. My fix has finally come. Thank you linode 🙂
will Transfer be upgrade?
Thanks Linode ♥ And Happy BDay.
Our upgrades were very easy, quick, and piece of cake workflow 🙂
Thanks for the upgrade!
Looking forward to your peering upgrades as well! I hope it resolves the issues we sometimes have with traffic from Asia.
I love you!!
After leaving Slicehost and DigitalOcean, I can say that my servers found their true home.
Awesome. Thanks, Linode. 🙂
The legends of awesomeness. Thanks guys, been very happy with your service for the last 3 years so far.
I hope the hongkong facility open soon.
We were literally in the middle of a meeting discussing moving to AWS. When we saw the upgrade we ended the meeting. Thanks for the upgrade!
Nice Linode, that’s why I still prefer Linode as my server!
Thanks for the upgrade. I don’t need the extra ram so can i just stay on my same plan but pay less? I currently paying $20 for 2 GB but now it’s only $10, can i change my price to the lessor amount?
You’re staying on the same plan, but getting more RAM for it. If you don’t mind reducing your storage, CPU, and transfer allotment you can always change plans after you take the upgrade.
I’d like to say I am enjoying the new upgrade; I was originally on the tiny 1GB plan which was already fast.
Not only do I have more RAM on the new Linode, but AES-NI has been enabled, and an “openssl speed -evp aes-128-gcm” benchmark indicates over 2GB/sec (!) for 8192 byte blocks of AES-128-GCM encryption, up from ~350MB/sec
And AES-256-GCM, which Chome has recently added, which was previously ~250MB/sec is now 1.8GB/sec in the “openssl speed -evp aes-256-gcm” benchmark, 8192 byte block!
Nice. Thanks, Linode.
Understood that TYO is currently not available for this upgrade. Will this free offer still be available for current Xen users in TYO after your new facility is online? Thanks.
My 2 GB plan is now at 4 GB. It is a great gift. I will add another linode soon 😀
One of the be-laterz..
Happy Birthday Linode! And thanks for the treat!!
Great news! More RAM is always better 🙂
Happy 13th birthday!
It’s really nice to be a customer of yours! My company had some problems in the last year with a ddos that Linode suffered and affected all my customers but at least after that no more problem! Thank you so much for the RAM gift and if you allow me to suggest something: you should not have increased the amount of RAM but the amount of disk space cause your main competitors (like Digital Ocean) offer plans with more disk space. Take for example de 1GB plan (now 2GB plan) you offer only 24GB while Digital Ocean provided 30GB. I have 2 servers running there only because of this disk space limitation at linode, if you could change that I would certainly move back to Linode these 2 servers. Anyway, I appreciate your efforts and Linode is getting faster and faster every year 🙂
Love the upgrade of ram, it allowed me to save a bit of money! Thanks Linode!
@Felipe Criação: I imagine Linode will be upgrading network and disk space soon if they stick to their usual pattern of doing things. It’s coming, that’s my prediction! Get ready for that migration!
Thanks Linode for this awesome gift. I have upgraded mine successfully and working more robust than before.
Used RackSpace for years. Nothing but trouble and server went down daily. Switched to Linode, couldn’t be happier. Zero problems, better service, better server, better everything for the same price… and now free memory. I am a happy Linoder!
@Blake G I really hope that! If they increase their storage (disk space) I am sure many people will migrate from other cloud companies cause the only thing that lacks at linode is disk space when comparing to other hosting solutions.
This is awesome!!!!
It came at the right time when i was planning to upgrade.
Linode Rocks !!!!
I logged into the manager to spin up new servers (I hardly EVER have to) — and I saw the free upgrade! You guys are just awesome! Thanks for being amazing! Happy birthday, Linode!
Happy Birthday! And thank you 😉
A customer here and I would like to see block storage options. I switched from Digital Ocean because Linode is cheaper, but I’ve had to upgrade because I run out of storage and now DigitalOcean is cheaper. I haven’t had time to do the migration but plan to.
Best Wish for your birthday – Linode 🙂
Happy birthday Linode. Thank you for gift.
thats a great news for all linode customers. great news for potentials customers like me as well. are you guy’s thing of increasing bandwidth allocation anytime sooner? im thinking to switch to linode and everything seems perfect for me except the bandwidth limit. where most of all competitors are offering 1gb outbound and DO’s new structure offer 10-40gb, linode seems to be far behind in this area.
Wow, amazing free memory. I will try 4 GB.
Great stuff. Happy birthday. Thank you.
Happy birthday!
And thank you for the gift as well. It’s a really nice touch 🙂
Great happy birthday, wish that linode always grow
Always great service.
Happy Birthday Linode and Thanks for the gift.
Thank-you for all the hard work and for the upgrades! I am looking forward to the new interface.
Best Wish for your birthday – Linode
The best service that I use.
Happy Birthday Linode in Advance 😀 after reading Some Post Came Here 🙂
Happy birthday Linode! Congratulations guys. This is the type of business move that had attracted me to Linode many, many, years ago.