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Linode e Limelight Networks


Ogni giorno le aziende sviluppano, distribuiscono e forniscono nuove soluzioni utilizzando la piattaforma cloud Linode. Per fornire applicazioni reattive e mantenere le esperienze più vicine agli utenti, molte organizzazioni richiedono una soluzione decentralizzata e a bassa latenza che avvicini le applicazioni e i sistemi al bordo della rete.

Con una delle reti private globali più grandi al mondo, Limelight offre al mercato una suite completa di soluzioni competitive, tra cui la distribuzione di contenuti digitali, video, sicurezza cloud e servizi di edge computing. In qualità di partner, siamo entusiasti di mettere a disposizione le nostre capacità di cloud computing come parte della nuova offerta di edge cloud di Limelight e, a sua volta, di rendere disponibili soluzioni CDN ed edge personalizzate ai nostri clienti che eseguono API-applicazioni mobili o IoT su scala globale.

La rete QoS-enabled di Limelight ha una capacità di oltre 35 Tbps e una dorsale in fibra privata da 100 GbE connessa a più di 900 ISP e reti dell'ultimo miglio. Grandi marchi come Marvel, Nintendo e BBC si affidano a Limelight per ottenere un vantaggio competitivo attraverso soluzioni che estendono la potenza delle loro architetture multi-cloud.

Questo rapporto è significativo perché i servizi di calcolo, archiviazione, backup e bilanciamento del carico ad alte prestazioni di Linode possono ora essere potenziati dalle capacità di content delivery leader del settore di Limelight. Grazie a questa nuova partnership strategica, Linode e Limelight inaugurano la prossima generazione di distribuzione delle applicazioni su misura per i clienti delle piattaforme cloud, riducendo il costo del trasporto dei dati, diminuendo la latenza e migliorando la disponibilità delle applicazioni.

Per saperne di più sulla nostra nuova partnership, visitate il sito Limelight o contattate il nostro team di vendita per ulteriori informazioni.

Commenti (14)

  1. Author Photo

    As a long-time user of Linode and a former LLNW employee I applaud this partnership on multiple levels. Here’s to many more years of reliable service on both parts!

  2. Author Photo

    Congrats on the partnership. But I am trying to understand what specifically will this partnership bring in terms of additional feature or service offerings to Linode VPS users ? And at what additional costs ?

  3. Author Photo

    I cant wait to see Linode offer DNS, CDN services from LLNW. And hopefully many more add on services to come.

  4. Author Photo

    Hi George. The first phase of our partnership with Limelight is focused on connecting Linode’s data centers with Limelight’s global network to enable a scalable, global edge computing offering. This is being marketed by Limelight as the Limelight edge cloud. The next phase of our partnership is to introduce the ability for Linode customers to easily consume Limelight CDN and related services seamlessly via the Linode Manager or API. As we get closer to phase two, you can expect to see more information announced here including target dates and pricing.

  5. Author Photo

    @csmith I believe what George was asking is if the current pricing of the linodes would change in relation to this partnership, or is this a new product that would be optional?

    • Author Photo

      Thanks for the clarification. Current pricing will not change as a result of this partnership. This is a new product and entirely optional.

  6. Author Photo

    What will be the pricing for this new cdn product? Since linode currently offers bandwidth for $5/TB by just buying a bunch of linodes, if it’s much more than that, I doubt it’ll find much use…

  7. Author Photo

    using LLNW network ( is tokyo ( is tokyo ( is singapore ( is singapore

  8. Author Photo

    Thanks @csmith for the clarification. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

  9. Author Photo

    In Korea(top3 isp: KT AS4766, LG AS3786/AS17858, SK AS9318), ~ seems to be via the US.

    There is nothing better than tokyo2/singapore. Only demerit exists.

    Congratulations the partnership, but please be forget about limelight in Korea.

  10. Author Photo

    Will it support IPv6?
    Excellent IPv6 support is something I’ve come to expect of Linode, but I’m a bit skeptic about LLNW, because their website doesn’t support IPv6, unlike Linode’s.

  11. Author Photo

    Just read about the new Bandwidth Alliance thingy:

    Amazing news! Obviously, this will mean bandwidth between that new CDN service you’re building and Cloudflare is going to be free, right?

  12. Author Photo

    Why are there no announcement on the Bandwidth Alliance?

  13. Author Photo

    I notice no announcement here too. Could it be due to Cloudflare’s reputation of protecting some pretty nasty sites, or could there be a risk to the privacy of our network connections?

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