博客LinodeLinode 和 Limelight Networks

Linode & Limelight Networks


每天都有公司在使用 Linode 云平台开发、部署和交付新的解决方案。为使这些企业能够提供响应迅速的应用程序,并使其体验更贴近用户,许多企业需要一种分散式、低延迟的解决方案,使其应用程序和系统更贴近网络边缘。

Limelight 拥有全球最大的私有全球网络之一,为市场带来了一整套极具竞争力的解决方案,包括数字内容交付、视频、云安全和边缘计算服务。作为合作伙伴,我们很高兴能提供我们的云计算能力,作为 Limelight 新的边缘云产品的一部分,进而为我们在全球范围内运行 API 驱动的移动或物联网应用的客户提供定制的 CDN 和边缘解决方案。

Limelight 支持 QoS 的网络拥有 35 Tbps 以上的容量和 100GbE 专用光纤主干网,与 900 多个 ISP 和最后一英里网络相连接。Marvel、任天堂和英国广播公司等顶级品牌依靠 Limelight 通过扩展其多云架构功能的解决方案提供竞争优势。

这种合作关系意义重大,因为Linode的高性能计算、存储、备份和负载平衡服务现在可以通过Limelight业界领先的内容交付能力得到增强。通过这一新的战略合作伙伴关系,Linode 和 Limelight 将通过降低数据传输成本、减少延迟和提高应用程序可用性,为云平台客户量身定制下一代应用程序交付。

请访问 Limelight联系我们的销售团队了解更多信息。

评论 (14)

  1. Author Photo

    As a long-time user of Linode and a former LLNW employee I applaud this partnership on multiple levels. Here’s to many more years of reliable service on both parts!

  2. Author Photo

    Congrats on the partnership. But I am trying to understand what specifically will this partnership bring in terms of additional feature or service offerings to Linode VPS users ? And at what additional costs ?

  3. Author Photo

    I cant wait to see Linode offer DNS, CDN services from LLNW. And hopefully many more add on services to come.

  4. Author Photo

    Hi George. The first phase of our partnership with Limelight is focused on connecting Linode’s data centers with Limelight’s global network to enable a scalable, global edge computing offering. This is being marketed by Limelight as the Limelight edge cloud. The next phase of our partnership is to introduce the ability for Linode customers to easily consume Limelight CDN and related services seamlessly via the Linode Manager or API. As we get closer to phase two, you can expect to see more information announced here including target dates and pricing.

  5. Author Photo

    @csmith I believe what George was asking is if the current pricing of the linodes would change in relation to this partnership, or is this a new product that would be optional?

    • Author Photo

      Thanks for the clarification. Current pricing will not change as a result of this partnership. This is a new product and entirely optional.

  6. Author Photo

    What will be the pricing for this new cdn product? Since linode currently offers bandwidth for $5/TB by just buying a bunch of linodes, if it’s much more than that, I doubt it’ll find much use…

  7. Author Photo

    using LLNW network (gw-li1931.linode.com) is tokyo (gw-li1932.linode.com) is tokyo (gw-li1942.linode.com) is singapore (gw-li1943.linode.com) is singapore

  8. Author Photo

    Thanks @csmith for the clarification. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

  9. Author Photo

    In Korea(top3 isp: KT AS4766, LG AS3786/AS17858, SK AS9318), ~ seems to be via the US.

    There is nothing better than tokyo2/singapore. Only demerit exists.

    Congratulations the partnership, but please be forget about limelight in Korea.

  10. Author Photo

    Will it support IPv6?
    Excellent IPv6 support is something I’ve come to expect of Linode, but I’m a bit skeptic about LLNW, because their website doesn’t support IPv6, unlike Linode’s.

  11. Author Photo

    Just read about the new Bandwidth Alliance thingy: https://www.cloudflare.com/bandwidth-alliance/linode/

    Amazing news! Obviously, this will mean bandwidth between that new CDN service you’re building and Cloudflare is going to be free, right?

  12. Author Photo

    Why are there no announcement on the Bandwidth Alliance?

  13. Author Photo

    I notice no announcement here too. Could it be due to Cloudflare’s reputation of protecting some pretty nasty sites, or could there be a risk to the privacy of our network connections?


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