Ieri sera abbiamo attivato la nostra prima distribuzione di macchine in una struttura di Newark, NJ. È gestita da NAC, che gestisce una struttura impressionante, ha molti accordi di peering e non blocca nessuna porta. Abbiamo uplink gigabit ridondanti, molta energia e raffreddamento e spazio per crescere. Speriamo che questa struttura migliori i tempi di ping per chi si trova in Europa, Canada e Stati Uniti nordorientali.
Sapevate che potete migrare il vostro Linode in una qualsiasi delle nostre quattro strutture? Cambiare datacenter è semplice: Basta premere un pulsante e Linode e il suo contenuto vengono migrati automaticamente. Se siete interessati, inviate un ticket di supporto. Noi imposteremo la migrazione e vi forniremo i nuovi IP, mentre voi potrete spegnere e avviare la migrazione quando sarete pronti.
È possibile verificare i tempi di ping e di download per tutte e quattro le nostre strutture con i link forniti in questo post del forum.
Commenti (17)
I’ve added some photos of the initial rig on the Linode page on Facebook:
Sweet! 35ms from Halifax, NS
The map on the Linode homepage does not have NJ highlighted green yet.
You guys don’t miss a beat. I’ll get to it on Monday 🙂
If I migrate to Newark from Atlanta, will that also include changing over to Xen as well? (That’s not a bad thing, just curious)
I’m in Delaware and ping has dropped in half! (~15 vs ~30)
Very nice work. Nice to see Linode expanding.
@weave — yes, all the Newark servers are Xen. It’s a seamless move.
35ms from Halifax sounds exciting! I might be migrating after a few months…
115ms from London, compare to 145ms to Atlanta and 190ms to Fremont
115ms from London? That’s strange.. I got 100ms from Belgium, Ghent, and my traceroute goes trough London.
21ms to Toronto. Yay.
I’m in northwestern Germany, and I see a similar improvement: about 120ms, as opposed to 145ms to my site in Atlanta. Nice.
Can I upgrade the plan at the same time while migrating it to this new data center.
I’m in Sweden and my results are 102 ms to Newark, compared to 138 ms to the datacenter in Atlanta 🙂
Ping to Atlanta (where current machine is):
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 338.270/339.101/341.074/0.978 ms
— ping statistics —
8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 7000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 321.856/324.780/333.921/3.885 ms
Seems a bit better. Yeah, in South Africa, going via undersea cable, it’s slow. It’s a little bit better though. Moving my machines there soon.
hi, a note of caution. i got a new IP addess after moving to newark data center. but my bad luck, this ip address is blacklisted because it was once used as dynamic IP by some ISP. Many email servers consider emails from dynamic IP address as spam. do not get into trouble like me. So please check your IP address here to make sure it is not blacklisted.
37ms from Québec Canada ROCK ON !!!
Linode rocks. 😀