

昨天晚上,我们在新泽西州纽瓦克的一个设施里打开了我们的初始部署机器。 它是由NAC经营的,他经营着一个令人印象深刻的设施,有许多伟大的对等安排,并且不阻塞任何端口。 我们有冗余的千兆上行链路,充足的电力和冷却,以及可增长的空间。 我们希望这个设施将改善欧洲、加拿大和美国东北部的用户的ping时间。

你知道吗,你可以将你的Linode迁移到我们四个设施中的任何一个?切换数据中心很简单。只需按下一个按钮,你的Linode和它的内容就会自动迁移。 如果你有兴趣,请提交一个支持票。 我们将设置一个迁移,并向你发出新的IP,当你准备好时,你可以关闭并启动该迁移。


评论 (17)

  1. Christopher Aker

    I’ve added some photos of the initial rig on the Linode page on Facebook:


  2. Author Photo

    Sweet! 35ms from Halifax, NS

  3. Author Photo
    Michael Hendricks

    The map on the Linode homepage does not have NJ highlighted green yet.

  4. Christopher Aker

    You guys don’t miss a beat. I’ll get to it on Monday 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    If I migrate to Newark from Atlanta, will that also include changing over to Xen as well? (That’s not a bad thing, just curious)

    I’m in Delaware and ping has dropped in half! (~15 vs ~30)

  6. Author Photo

    Very nice work. Nice to see Linode expanding.

  7. Christopher Aker

    @weave — yes, all the Newark servers are Xen. It’s a seamless move.

  8. Author Photo

    35ms from Halifax sounds exciting! I might be migrating after a few months…

  9. Author Photo

    115ms from London, compare to 145ms to Atlanta and 190ms to Fremont

  10. Author Photo

    115ms from London? That’s strange.. I got 100ms from Belgium, Ghent, and my traceroute goes trough London.

  11. Author Photo

    21ms to Toronto. Yay.

  12. Author Photo

    I’m in northwestern Germany, and I see a similar improvement: about 120ms, as opposed to 145ms to my site in Atlanta. Nice.

  13. Author Photo

    Can I upgrade the plan at the same time while migrating it to this new data center.

  14. Author Photo


    I’m in Sweden and my results are 102 ms to Newark, compared to 138 ms to the datacenter in Atlanta 🙂

  15. Author Photo

    Ping to Atlanta (where current machine is):
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 338.270/339.101/341.074/0.978 ms

    — newark1.linode.com ping statistics —
    8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 7000ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 321.856/324.780/333.921/3.885 ms

    Seems a bit better. Yeah, in South Africa, going via undersea cable, it’s slow. It’s a little bit better though. Moving my machines there soon.

  16. Author Photo

    hi, a note of caution. i got a new IP addess after moving to newark data center. but my bad luck, this ip address is blacklisted because it was once used as dynamic IP by some ISP. Many email servers consider emails from dynamic IP address as spam. do not get into trouble like me. So please check your IP address here to make sure it is not blacklisted.


  17. Author Photo

    37ms from Québec Canada ROCK ON !!!

    Linode rocks. 😀


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