博客云计算概述Shellshock "漏洞Bash

'Shellshock'Bash 漏洞

上周,GNUBash 中发现了几个被称为 "Shellshock "的漏洞。利用这些漏洞,攻击者可以远程执行命令,从而入侵机器。更糟糕的是,许多常见配置都为这种攻击提供了载体,使其成为一个严重的问题。

许多 Linux 发行版已经提供了打补丁的软件,因此您能做的最好的事情就是更新您的系统。我们已经发布了一份指南,帮助确定你的服务器是否存在漏洞以及如何更新Bash :

针对 Shellshock 漏洞升级Bash


评论 (5)

  1. Author Photo

    Presumably the DHCP servers at Linode that most Linodes use by default, were patched?


  2. Author Photo

    nm, I realise the exploit works only if a malicious DHCP server attacks a vulnerable *client*


  3. Author Photo

    Thank you for the detailed guide on how we can protect our Linodes. As our service provider, please release a statement addressing your response to the vulnerability for the Linode infrastructure and your progress in patching.

    • Tom Asaro

      We’ve upgraded Linode infrastructure several times since this has been disclosed, and as soon as updates have been released.

  4. Author Photo

    If you Could you update that guide to check CVE-2014-6278 vulnerability, that would be great. One page contains information to check these chaining bugs that effecting bash


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