我们刚刚在法兰克福数据中心添加了一个 LinodeS3 兼容对象存储解决方案的集群。为了庆祝,我们从今天开始向所有人免费提供 3 个月的对象存储服务!
从 2020 年 3 月 1 日到 2020 年 5 月 31 日,对象存储没有促销代码,没有兑换程序,最重要的是没有账单。
LinodeObject Storage让开发人员更轻松、更经济地管理非结构化数据。它用途广泛、经济高效,支持从简单的多媒体存储到用于机器学习等高级应用的大型数据集等各种用例。
一如既往,如果您遇到问题或需要帮助,Linode 支持随时待命。
此优惠对新老客户均有效,并将作为价值 0.00 美元的细列项目反映在您的 Linode 发票上。
LinodeObject Storage的标准套餐容量从 250GB 到 50TB 不等,每个集群最多可容纳 5000 万个对象。250GB 的存储和 1TB 的向外传输起价为 5 美元/月(之后的存储费率为 0.02 美元/GB,传输费率为 0.01 美元/GB),向内无限传输始终免费。
促销包括标价和入站网络传输。1TB 将添加到您的网络出站传输池中;适用常规超额费用。优惠从 2020 年 1 月 3 日开始,至 2020 年 5 月 31 日结束。
点击此处查看使用 Linode 可以节省多少费用。
评论 (16)
I’m looking forward to seeing Object Storage in Sydney and Fremont. ?
Us, too, Philip! The eventual plan is to deploy in all data centers. There’s a lot of considerations when choosing which location comes next, but feedback from our customers can influence priority. Right now, we don’t have ETAs on when Sydney or Fremont will launch. When that happens, we’ll be sure to announce it here on our blog.
Great news!
For those of us already using the Newark NJ Object Storage, does that mean no charge for the next 3 months? Also, if I wanted to migrate my current data from Newark to Frankfurt (most of my site access is from Europe), is there a straightforward way of doing that?
Hi Dave,
It absolutely means that your Object Storage will be free for three months! The only thing you could get charged for is transfer, and that’s if you exceed your transfer pool allotment.
To answer your other question, migration of a bucket from Newark to Frankfurt is possible, but as of right now you’ll need to do it by copying each object over individually.
We’ve tried object storage in the beta period and have really nice results. Now it’s in Frankfurt we will use it in production too. As far as I see from your documents you guys are charging for traffic in the same data center between Linode instances and the object storage for both inbound and outbound traffic. With this you can never be cheaper than AWS or GCP in many of the use cases.
Do I misunderstood or you guys have a real reason for that? If I’m wrong please review your documents.
You’re right – uploading an object to your bucket from a Linode is billable because it counts as outbound transfer from your Linode.
That being said, if your Linode is in the same data center as your bucket (i.e. Frankfurt), you can upload over IPv6 at no cost.
Is there any way of telling from the cloud manager how much space one’s Object Storage is using at the moment? And how much transfer has been used?
We don’t currently separate Object Storage transfer from your general transfer pool, though this is something we’re looking into. You can view the size of each object in your bucket; right now, you aren’t able to view the total size. We’ve made a note to look into how this can be included in the Cloud Manager. In the meantime, you can use s3cmd to view your bucket’s storage size: s3cmd du s3://$bucket
Is there a limit to the amount of data stored during this promotion?
Hey Travis! There are no limits in place during this promotion. By default, customers are limited to 50,000,000 objects and 50TiB, but the object limit can be raised through a Support ticket.
Will there be traffic charges for downloading from the object storage to the linode?
Hi YM! Yes, data transfer from Object Storage to a Linode in the same data center will be counted towards the monthly transfer pool: https://www.linode.com/docs/products/storage/object-storage/#transfer-quotas
I’m really interested in Singapore location, plus add more tutorial and documentation about using this object storage.
I’m using rclone for it, it work but a bit buggy. I know it not official yet, in my circle a lot people using that.
Thanks for letting us know! We don’t have an ETA for when other data centers will have Object Storage, but we’re aiming to get it to all of them. We’ll be sure to put up an announcement here on our blog when it’s available in another data center.
As for guides and documentation, could you let us know what sorts of guides you’d like to see? You can either open a ticket or send us feedback directly via email at feedback@linode.com
Is there a limit to the amount of data stored? Please help
You are able to store up to 50TB of data using Object Storage, and the default bucket size is 250GB. We have more specs listed on our Object Storage product page here:
You can also feel free to reach out to our Support team via support@linode.com or a Support ticket if you need help with your Object Storage.