博客存储Block Storage 现在法兰克福可用

Block Storage 现在法兰克福有售


Block Storage 现已在欧洲中部(法兰克福)发售!以下是我们当前的可用性矩阵以及预计到达时间:

数据中心 可利用性
美东地区(纽瓦克) 现在可用
美国-中部(达拉斯) 现在可用
美国西部(弗里蒙特) 现在可用
eu-central(Frankfurt) 现在可用
ap-south(新加坡) Q2 2018
ap-东北(Tokyo2) Q2 2018
欧西(伦敦) Q2 2018

要立即开始使用Block Storage ,请随时查看Block Storage 产品页面入门指南

评论 (13)

  1. Author Photo

    Thanks! Looking forward to SG!

  2. Author Photo

    Awesome work. But waiting for Singapore too and good to know it will be available in second quarter.

  3. Author Photo

    No love for Atlanta?

  4. Author Photo

    Hi Scott – Atlanta and Tokyo 1 are not in our scope for Block Storage.

  5. Author Photo

    +1 for SG block storage, can’t wait 🙂

  6. Author Photo

    Great! Looking forward for Q2 2018 for Singapore & Tokyo to launch too. Linode delivers!

  7. Author Photo

    Looking forward to SG! +1

  8. Author Photo

    Waiting for London here!

  9. Author Photo


    When will it available at Singapore?

  10. Author Photo

    Hi Inanh – Block Storage will be available in Singapore within a few weeks. We’re in the final phases of the deployment there.

  11. Author Photo

    Great! Can’t wait. I’m setting up a few new servers in Singapore and will need block storage very soon 🙂

  12. Author Photo

    Any rough date in June when London will be available?

  13. Author Photo

    Any chance to be able at some point to mount a volume to multiple linodes? Even if read only.


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