博客凌码介绍 Linode Green Light (测试计划)

介绍Linode Green Light(测试计划)。


今天,我们很高兴地介绍Linode Green Light,这是一个测试计划,为Linode客户提供一个机会,在影响和测试我们最新的云创新方面发挥积极作用。去年,我们推出了几个新的产品和数据中心区域,到目前为止,在2020年,我们已经跟上了新的解决方案和即将公布的路线图。绿灯计划正式确定了你的意见,并帮助提供你所需要的基础设施来扩展你的现代应用。



  • 倾听你的声音。 成为第一个使用新产品和功能的人,并与Linode社区分享您的知识。
  • 窥视路线图的内部。当我们把新产品加入我们的路线图时,你会比其他人更早知道,我们会征求你的意见,以帮助确定功能和发布的优先次序。
  • 在Slack上联系。加入Linode产品支持团队的独家Slack频道,进行实时问答,并与其他测试者交流。
  • 独家绿灯小礼品。在每个测试结束时,你将完成一个关于你的体验的调查。为了感谢你,我们将发送一盒很棒的限量版礼品。


  • 专用 VLAN
  • 裸机实例
  • MySQL管理的数据库




对商业工作负载的测试感兴趣?请阅读ChangelogLinode Kubernetes Engine的绿灯测试期间的经验

评论 (4)

  1. Author Photo

    I was trying to submit the sign up form. It doesn’t seem to do anything right now when I fill it out and hit submit.

    Also, does every Linode account have a number? I am not sure how I can find my account number.

    • Author Photo

      We’ve had a few users run into this same issue. If you clear your cache or try resubmitting this through a private browser (like Incognito), it should go through.

      With regards to the account number, you can either input your Linode username or just leave that field blank – up to you!

      • Author Photo

        I too have the same issue. I tried resubmit in incognito mode but no luck. Can I manually register?

        • jdutton

          Hey Liew – we’ve made a change on our end. Could you try again without using incognito mode? If you still run into issues, you can also email marketing@linode.com and provide the following info so that we can get you signed up:

          – Name
          – Email
          – Your Linode username
          – A list of programs you want to join: Bare Metal, Cloud Firewall, MySQL Managed Database, VLAN


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