



这种创新速度与我们在过去一年中看到的趋势不谋而合。在云计算的发展过程中,核心产品和服务(即我们业界所说的基本要素)已经在基础设施提供商之间实现了平等。这意味着,开发人员、小型企业和企业现在可以选择三大云计算服务提供商之外的其他服务提供商来完成部署到公共云的工作负载。这是一个新的市场领域,451 Research ,被称为替代云运动。我们在云计算领域的先驱角色,加上我们业界领先的价格性能和独立性,使我们能够引领这一不断发展且至关重要的类别。



针对 CPU 密集型工作负载的专用计算实例
2019 年伊始,我们推出了Dedicated CPU 实例,帮助客户避免资源竞争,以 100% 的容量运行 CPU 密集型工作负载。在短短几个月的可用性之后,我们将这些计划所包含的存储量增加了一倍多,以庆祝我们的16 岁生日

采用NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000 的按需GPU 实例
使用GPU ,机器学习和人工智能、图形渲染和视频转码等复杂应用的速度更快、效率更高。我们推出了采用NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000 的按需GPU 实例。这款功能强大的显卡首次在云中提供,价格也更易于开发者社区接受。


我们的客户正在采取措施,通过大规模部署容器编排来推动Kubernetes的采用。我们推出了Linode Kubernetes引擎的测试版,旨在成为最简单、完全管理的容器编排平台,用于在云中部署和管理现代应用程序。

从Rancher 2.3版部署Linodes
Rancher 是团队在工作流程中采用和管理Kubernetes的一个流行工具。我们与Rancher 合作,支持我们的客户使用该工具,并在2.3版本中把激活一个Linode节点驱动程序作为默认。这使客户有能力在Linode上部署集群,而不需要任何额外的配置。


简单、经济、兼容S3 Object Storage
2018 年,Linode 客户的存储能力大幅提升,发布了 Block Storage,以及今年新增的兼容S3 、高可用性和易扩展的Object Storage 。根据反馈,我们还将存储限制提高到 50TB 和每个集群 5000 万个对象。


随着我们在印度、澳大利亚和加拿大的新数据中心的推出,Linode现在跨越了全球11个地理区域。 需要在这些市场部署工作负载的客户将享受到更低的延迟和更好的性能,同时满足数据主权的要求。 





半价NodeBalancers 让云计算更易使用
NodeBalancers 是云计算的工作母机,负责管理流向您的 Linodes 的流量规模和工作量分配。今年是我们的 16 岁生日,我们永久性地将NodeBalancers 的价格减半,从 20 美元降至 10 美元。



利用新的 "一键式 "应用程序加速部署






如果你认为2019年是令人兴奋的,那就等着看我们为2020年准备了什么。 这里只是我们计划中的一个小例子:

  • NodeBalancer自动支持Let's Encrypt
  • NodeBalancer PROXY协议支持
  • DNS Manager 即时更新
  • Marketplace 用于一键式 Kubernetes 和单实例应用程序
  • Linode Kubernetes引擎的全球可用性
  • 带有云基础设施管理的裸机
  • 用于生产就绪的数据库的管理数据库
  • Cloud Firewall 控制连接到 Linodes 的网络流量
  • 每个客户网络VLAN
  • 用于改进路由的任播网络
  • 新的数据中心将继续支持全球市场
  • Linode文档和指南的多语言支持,包括西班牙语、德语、葡萄牙语、日语等。


评论 (20)

  1. Author Photo

    Now I can’t wait for December 31, 2020, to see how everything for the new year is put together. Happy new year, Linode!

  2. Author Photo

    For the Marketplace for One-Click Kubernetes apps, will it be possible to install more then one app on a single linode?

    • Jessica Yoo

      This isn’t currently in the works, but I’ve passed your interest along to our One-Click team so they can look into this as a possibility.

  3. Author Photo

    Any chance we see NVMe storage for servers to compete with Vultr?

    • Author Photo

      We don’t have anything to announce on hardware changes like this just yet, but it’s certainly a request I’ll pass along to get some eyes on it.

  4. Author Photo

    Bare Metal machines with cloud infrastructure management sounds like the perfect choice !!!
    Windows Server 2019 pretty please ???

  5. Author Photo
    Lorenzo "Palinuro" Faletra

    any plan to open a datacenter in south america or africa? these are zones that other providers barely cover but a lot of people demand for.

    also, what is the plan for the anycast service?

    • Author Photo

      Hi Lorenzo – No plans for a DC in South America or Africa at the moment. We have been tracking requests for these, though, and I’ve just added yours to the list as well.

      As for Anycast, no ETA for this either, though we’ll certainly share more details on our blog as they become available. Thanks for your patience!

  6. Author Photo

    “Per customer network VLAN” — will this be something similar to Amazon/Google VPC? will it span across multiple data centers?

    Thank you linode — 2019 improvements were astonishing; and your 2020 roadmap is indeed something to look forward to.

    • Author Photo

      Hi Mic –

      Thanks for your kind words. We’re excited about 2020, too!

      > Will this be something similar to Amazon/Google VPC?

      VPC is a longer term goal for us, so in the short term, no. Private VLANs will come first which will give customers new opportunities to scale securely and will be a cornerstone for Linode to provide more networking options in the future. Stay tuned on our blog for any future updates regarding this!

      > Will it span across multiple data centers?


      • Author Photo

        Thanks, having that per customer VLAN (at the least) is essential to deploying Kubernetes cluster securely (and accessed remotely via vpn). Hope this feature becomes available soon!

      • Author Photo

        Private VLAN <3

        • Author Photo

          Hello Linode!,

          “Per customer network VLAN” is a game-changer for many that own several Linode’s.

          Is there any news about this? is there any estimated time when it will be ready?


          • Author Photo

            While we don’t have a specific ETA at the moment, VLANs are definitely on the way. When we have more information we’ll post it here on our blog, so keep checking back.

  7. Author Photo

    Do you have an ETA for the NodeBalancer PROXY protocol support? It’s a real blocker for my project atm.

    • Author Photo

      Hey Dan,

      We don’t have an exact ETA on the release of NodeBalancer PROXY protocol support that we can share just yet. When we do have an announcement, it will be posted right here on our blog.

  8. Author Photo

    bare metal cloud infrastructure looks amazing in 2020,
    cloud firewall will also be very good at this time

  9. Author Photo

    “VLANs are definitely on the way. When we have more information we’ll post it here on our blog, so keep checking back.”

    I’m checking back a year later and there’s still nothing about vlans. And trying to sign up to the beta doesn’t even get a response. Without a vlan we can’t implement any reasonable security (dedicated firewall, vpn for admin access etc). Can you provide any sort of update?

    • Author Photo

      Hi David,

      We’re still very much working towards getting this offering out to our customers. We’ll be able to share some specific updates about this shortly. Feel free to open a Support ticket and we can follow up on your request to joining the beta program, when it’s available.


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