我在2002年底/2003年初开始在Linode上开发,自愿离开一家非常好的.com医疗相关公司的工作。 我告诉自己,如果到年底(2003年)它还没有成功,我就会放弃它。 因此,这是对我和我一生追求的企业家幸福的清算之年。
Linode于2003年6月16日启动。因为你,Linode是一个[b]完全的成功[/b],并且有一个很好的基础,在此基础上,我们的服务会越来越成熟,不断成长,并继续解决一些问题;就像我们在过去6个月所做的那样。 你的建议和鼓励有助于改善每个人的整体Linode体验,我对你感激不尽。
评论 (7)
Heh! This means you’re NOT calling it quits, right? RIGHT??
GC. 🙂
There, I edited my post (bold text) just in case there were any doubts 🙂
Happy new year Chris – and everyone at linode.com
I’m glad you’ve met with so much success – here’s to another year of it!
Cheers \o/
Happy New Year from us in the southern hemisphere, where we are in a tropical heat wave at the moment. 😳
You have truly created a unique product, and have technical skills way beyond any other host I’ve encountered.
Best of luck in the future.
Happy New Year!
Chris, thanks for providing a great product and great service. I hope you have enjoyed running Linode as much as I have enjoyed using it.
Its a relief that Chris has been successful and not shut down, I agree with gmt, this is an excellent product, lets hope that linode continues to be as good as it is now.
Having bought a years worth of Linode 96 from Jan 1 , my money is where my mouth is.
My only wish is that in the New Year Chris finds a way to clone himself so support will be 24/7.
Happy New Year, and thanks for all the hard work!