博客凌码Linode聘请Michael Greb为客户服务工程师

Linode聘请Michael Greb为客户服务工程师

我很高兴地宣布,从2月27日开始,[b]Michael Greb[/b]将全职加入Linode.com,担任[b]客户服务工程师[/b]。 迈克尔在计算机方面有十多年的经验,特别是在Linux和支持大型客户群方面。





评论 (13)

  1. Author Photo

    Fantastic!! Congratulations Michael, and thanks Caker.

  2. Author Photo

    Welcom Michael, from your customers on the Southern Hemishpere 😆 (We do really walk upside down)

  3. Author Photo


    (IRC joke!)

  4. Author Photo


    (To make up for his lack of a forums script as well)

    Congratulations Mike, I look forward to bugging someone else with my problems besides caker. 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    Yes, congrats Mike.


  6. Author Photo
  7. Author Photo

    Indeed congrats. Such news can only improve services. Hope you’ll feel great at Linode.com 😉

  8. Author Photo

    Congratulations Michael ❗ 😀

  9. Author Photo


    Thanks for the congratulations everyone.

  10. Author Photo

    sweet avatar 😛

  11. Author Photo

    Great news! Congrats!

  12. Author Photo

    [quote]15:01 < fo0bar> mikegrb: I would like to speak with your supervisor
    15:01 <@mikegrb> nah
    15:01 <@mikegrb> he doesn’t want to talk to you[/quote]

  13. Author Photo

    [quote:a7f056cd81=”fo0bar”][quote]15:01 < fo0bar> mikegrb: I would like to speak with your supervisor
    15:01 <@mikegrb> nah
    15:01 <@mikegrb> he doesn’t want to talk to you[/quote][/quote]

    Truth hurts sometimes 😉

    /me runs!


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