Linode很自豪地宣布,我们今年将再次举办Rails Rumble编程竞赛!这将是一次很好的机会!
Rails Rumble是一个48小时的网络应用程序开发竞赛。作为参赛者,你有一个周末的时间来设计、开发和部署你能做到的最好的网络财产,使用令人敬畏的Rails的力量。 Ruby on Rails.
报名现已开始,有200个名额(先到先得)。 报名地址:
如果你还在犹豫不决,或者正在寻找团队成员或项目想法,请访问Freenode IRC网络上的#railsrumble。 此外,请注意在,包括奖品的细节和充分利用比赛的有用提示,以获得更多令人兴奋的消息。
评论 (3)
This event was unique! Participation in this competition has given me the knowledge and skills in programming
If you want to capitalize on the purchase of Slicehost by Rackspace, you should run a promotion giving a discount to any transfers from Slicehost to Linode.
Most of us Slicehost users know that things will change and not for the better.
A large majority of the entries fail simply because they don’t explain what the hell they are for. Srsly..I land on flibbityboop (or whatever silly name they pick) and I see a bunch of WEB 2.0ish form fields, a goofy logo…yet not a single line of text explaining what the point is. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……