七年前的今天,Linode 刚刚起步,当时只有几台服务器、大量时间投入到代码中,以及一个将虚拟化的好处带给大众的梦想。 在过去的七年里,我们看到云计算和虚拟化已经发展成为一个独立的行业,而 Linode 一直是,并将继续是这个行业的先驱。 我们从一开始就做对了。
自Linode成立以来,我们一直在努力提供我们认为客户应得的卓越服务质量。 这是一种荣誉,也是一种特权,我们为Linode的发展感到无比的自豪。你可以打赌,Linode将继续创新,增加功能和服务,并作为一个公司和服务继续成长,就像我们一直做的那样。
为了纪念这一里程碑,并对我们的客户表示感谢,我们已经将所有计划的内存增加了约+42%。 新的Linode阵容看起来是这样的: Linode 512, Linode 768, Linode 1024, Linode 1536, Linode 2048, Linode 4096(4GB), Linode 8192(8GB), Linode 12288(12GB), Linode 16384(16GB), Linode 20480(20GB)。
现有和新客户都可以立即获得这一升级。 要利用你的新内存,只需重新启动一次。 就这样了!
感谢你在过去七年中的业务。 我们期待着下一个七年的到来。 享受资源的增加。
评论 (317)
Happy birthday Linode!
I love Linode! What a super upgrade!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks guys!
congrats on 7 years! keep up the good work!
Wow!! Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy birthday!
Thanks Linode!
YAY!!!! Happy Birthday! Thank you so much 😀
Thank you for the great service.
Thank you, I will happily ruin my uptime:
17:49:16 up 111 days, 17:39, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00
Happy birthday! Thank you!
I’ve been a happy customer for a few years now…and you guys keep reminding me why! Keep up the great work.
Thanks a lot. Happy birthday, Linode!
Wow! You guys rock!
Happy Birthday!
Wow, I never expected this much of a ram upgrade!
Very nice. I was starting to eye other VPS providers, in spite of their poor reputations for support. 360MB for $20/month was starting to feel quite cramped.
This should keep me happily at Linode for the forseeable future 🙂
Happy Birthday! Thank you for the increase!
Best. Thing. Ever.
Happy Birthday, Linode!! I love you for the upgrade and the service!! 😀
Happy Birthday, Linode!
Wonderfull!!! Almost incredible!! 😀
Now Linode is really unbeatable, at least in Italy!
Happy birthday and thanks for the gift!! 😉
thank you guys! happy birthday!
This is awesome guys, thanks. Nothing but good things from Linode for sure 🙂
Awesome stuff, I love a big RAM increase!
Congratulations on SEVEN years – it’s been great fun being along for two of them 🙂
And thanks for the RAM upgrade – so very welcome
Thanks, Linode! This is massively surprising, and very welcome! You guys ROCK.
Thanks for the RAM! Happy Birthday! Many more!
Allright Thanks!!
Rebooting tonight at 2AM 🙂
Thank you! This is the best news I’ve heard all day.
Woohoo, very nice upgrade!
Happy Birthday!!
Woohoo! Thank you Linode and congrats on 7 years 🙂
Have I mentioned lately, that I love you?
I <3 Linode…
congratulations and thanks a lot!
I like when someone got a birthday and gives presents instead of receiving it.. i’ll never make a party in my birthday this way 😛
Great work guys, you are my favourite 🙂
That is just amazing. Thanks guys, keep up the excellent work and enjoy your anniversary.
Thank You Linode!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Linode! Thanks for generous gift! All the best with your endeavors!
Amazing. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
Freaking awesome, my VPS was swapping and now it has room to breathe.
wow, happy birthday linode.
Also, thanks for the ram increase!
Linode, you rock!
Thank You Linode! Happy Birthday! You are an amazing company.
And thanks for the upgrade!
Holy F you guys are amazing.
Simply no reason to host with anyone other than Linode now! Best control panel and DNS manager out there, great support and community, and now this. You guys will be putting competitors out of business soon at this rate *cough* slicehost *cough*
Congrats, and thank you for the RAM upgrade!!!
Linode, you make love to use like a beautiful woman.
Haha, but seriously thanks!
Happy Birthday! and thanks for the RAM 🙂
The best just keeps getting better…
Thank you! I’ve been and will continue to recommend you guys in every opportunity I have.
Great stuff, Happy Birthday! Keep up the great work
Much appreciated!
Thank you guys! Happy Birthday!
Thanks a lot for that extra RAM and congratulations for your seven years. I’m really happy with my Linodes and will get a few more soon for some new projects with Django and ecommerce.
Great news! Happy birthday linode
wow, i bought space on a linode last week because the prices were good, now i get a free ram upgrade too.
unbelievable and unexpected. so far this is a class act!!
Wow, awesome. Thanks you guys!
I love you guys almost as much as my mother.
Happy birthday!
Yes! Happy Birthday Linode!
Congratulations. You all rock. Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks and Happy Birthday!
This is great, thanks. But now all that extra RAM is just used up. I am left with less free RAM than before. That’s weird.
Happy birthday! Thank you!
This is really great. I had recently upgraded in order to get more RAM, and this announcement would allow me to downgrade and save some money. However, I won’t be doing that, since I’m more than happy to pay for this wonderful service.
Happy Birthday, Linode! Thanks for the awesome service and this great present, 🙂
Wow… this is simply amazing. Thanks for freebies. I can’t recall the last time I’ve received any form of free upgrade from an online service.
Thanks Linode for the great services and this great present!
Happy birthday. Excellent service and excellent present :). Thanks 🙂
Happy bd linode, just realize that my mem has been increased to 512m. love that.
nice! Linode is awesome, the only company you keep getting more for your money. I’ll continue to recommend linode to everyone i know! and happy birthday!
Wasn’t asked for, but greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Thanks a lot!
AWESOME! Thanks Linode and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday & Thank you!
I tell everyone to use you guys. Have several happy friends that are customers of yours now.
Your commitment to excellence is obvious. Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday Linode!
And thanks for the upgrade! You guys rock!! =)
Happy Birthday, guys! You are amazing! %)
And happy birfday!!
wo0t Thanks Linode for the awesome present 🙂
F’n A! Nice.
Thanks guys.
Whoa!!!! Thanks a lot Linode!! 😀 My support will not fade anytime soon :>
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday and thanks for the incredible upgrade! You prove once again that you have amazing service and support.
I can’t find a better service anywhere else…
Happy Birthday, Linode!
Thanks so much and congratulations! You guys are the best!
Happy Birthday Linode!! 😀
Thanks for the upgrade :)))))
Happy Birthday! You are the best of best!
Happy Birthday!
Many thanks for this upgrade!
Happy Birthday! You all rock!
I ♥ Linode
Happy Birthday Linode! Long may the excellent value and top notch service continue.
Happy birthday to me.Happy birthday to linode!
Great! Thank you very much!
This is totally awesome. I thought my virtualmin manager was going wacky when i saw that my ram increased after an unscheduled reboot. Thanks alot Linode!!
Thanks for the RAM upgrade. And have a great time during your 7th birthday party 🙂
Happy birth day to Linode and … thank you 🙂
Thank you, Linode!
you guys are the best! congrats!
Love the RAM increase and your service! Keep up the great work.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Linode!
Awesome work guys!
Happy Birthday Linode!! 😀
Thanks for the upgrade by Italian users 🙂
Happy Birthday!
Aside from the great service, the next best thing about Linode is that you never know what they’re going to ugprade for everyone next. My server has grown quite a bit over my years of being here.
Happy birthday, Linode!
Thank You! Happy Birthday!
You guys are awesome!!!
Happy birthday and thank you for helping building great websites 🙂
Awesome! I was thinking about upgrading my RAM which would not have even given me this much of an increase! Thank you very much!
Happy B-Day!
Thanks. You are the best in the biz and this makes it even better.
Congratulations Linode,
Thanks for this present! You are the best + some extra.
Thanks guys. An awesome gift from an awesome service.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Linode! You rock. 🙂
Happy birthday Linode!! you rock!
You guys are really decent folks, I feel so… comfortable having been here the last couple of year, so here’s to the future!
I just bought a Linode, but I have to say this service is great so far. Thanks for the upgrade. =)
Happy bday, Linode. 🙂
A very happy birthday to you Linode! You all rock!
Awesome! Thank! You and Happy Birthday Linode!
Very many thanks for this and Happy Birthday!
I’m drunk! Please explain in laymans terms, why double ram is good for us? (My php.ini settings are at 64mb per script)
Vive le Linode~!!
Congrats!!! May Linode and Lindoers continue to prosper for ever and ever!!!
Thanks for the great news and happy birthday!
Should I manually resize my Swap Image (I’m running Ubuntu 8.10) to match the new amount of RAM? It’s still a 256 Mb image
I love you guys. Pretty sure I had 96mb of ram when I signed up. Was thinking about upgrading to a 540 due to bandwidth, now the upgrade is going to be that much sweeter
You guys rock! I was busy optimizing Apache to reduce RAM when I saw my available ram go way up to my delight.
Keep it up!
WOOT! This is amazing! I’ve been with Linode for almost a year, and never regretted it for a second. Happy birthday to Linode, and happy un-birthday to me! The extra RAM ROCKS! Thank you Linode!
Keep on the good track linode!
Happy Birthday! And many more to come! Love the upgrade, you’re service blows the competition away.
Congrats and thanks!
Thankyou for giving this to your loyal and happy customers. Where possible, I will continue to suggest people use your services.
More of the awesomeness I’ve come to expect from Linode.com. Having been a customer on and off since the UML days (due to changing needs), I’m glad to see how far Linode has come, and happy to have been a part of it in some way.
Keep up the excellent work, guys! Congrats on a great 7 years.
I love Linode!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday and thank you!
I <3 YOU!
Happy Birthday, All –
Very cool present for us, indeed –
Enjoy and continued prosperity –
Thank you very much! It was a very nice surprise! Happy Birthday!
The best keeps getting better! Thanks, Linode!
Guys – Fantastic!
It’s always great to see companies that understand the importance of making their customers happy, and especially by passing on benefits without having to be asked.
Keep it up!
– The Geeks @ Gizmos for Geeks
Fantastic! Happy Birthday!
Very nice, thank you!
good job
and nice upgrade.
wow! happy birthday linode!
Fantastic! Thanks!
I hope that your company will grow up as much as you worth.
Thanks guys, your are the #1.
u’r awesome!!
thanks fr your job, great job ))
What a wonderful way to make me like this company! Great PR move! Keep up the great work.
p.s. You are over 300% faster than the competitors that I compared you to.
Thanks Linode – you guys are awesome!
I love Linode!
PS. Happy Birthday!
Man, your competition is going to HATE this news. Thanks for doing things right, and happy birthday.
Happy birthday Linode!
Linode rocks!!!
Happy Birthday and Thank you! 🙂
Happy b-day! 😀
And man, do I *love* you guys! AWESOME UPGRADE!
Happy Birthday!
Linode rocks! Happy Birthday!
Much love! Happy birthday from AU!
Happy birthday, and thanks for the present. 🙂
On to many other years of flawless service!
Guys, you rock! Happy birthday!
Awesome! Thanks Linode! Your service just keeps getting better and better.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!! Linode ….Good to hear about the BIG RAM increase…
Thanks LINODE, for this wonderful service and Happy B’day!
Slicehosters are crying…
Thanks for that upgrade! I’m not a long time customer, but I’m very happy of this service! Happy 7th birthday!
I have a question: how can you host 40 Linode 512 on a server? Does it have more than 20 GB of RAM? I’m just wondering…
I thought it was a bug!
But congrats linode!
happy birthday linode!!! and thanks!!!
Thank you and happy birthday!
No doubt that you’re one of the worlds’ best VPS service providers 🙂
I’m happy that i’ve decided to use your service
Keep up the good work
I love you, man. (sniff)
We’re already so happy with your service. Thanks for the icing!
Always thought it’s a good idea to move to Linode.
Happy Anniversary to Linode.
Incredible upgrade — thought I’d read it wrong.
Even more sure I’ve jumped onto the right bandwagon now!
Congratz and thanx!
I was a very happy with Linode user before the change. Now I am over the moon. Thanks
Excellent. Thank you guys! Happy birthday!
I have been with Linode for more than 5 years and you just keep me very happy with your platform and support.
Happy Birthday!
This is freakin’ sweet! :))
Congrats Linode! 😀
Happy birthday, Linode! Thanks for an upgrade! 🙂
Now Linode is the best vps.
Happy birthday! Hope the years to come are as good as the past 7 years.
i can only say W-O-W!!!! about the free mem upgrade 🙂
Linode defines how VPS should be done!
You guys rock! Happy birthday, Linode!
We are a non profit org with limited resources but have quite a well ranked site. This extra ram was really needed. Thank you!
And you linode-staff, keep working with the same good spirit! We appreaciate your services!
Happy Birthday!
My uptime:
08:34:40 up 227 days, 14:34, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Thanks for the free upgrade!
So refreshing to see a company that is genuinely interested in improving their customers’ experiences. I’m sure I don’t just speak for myself when I say that is why you have a very happy customer-for-life!
Happy birthday Linode!
I’m happy to see Linode increase memory for free. I remember some months ago you increased disk for all plans! That’s what it is to be customer oriented.
Thanks for the great service!
(yesterday when I saw that there would have a “big” announcement my fear was that it was “linode was acquired” …but fortunately it’s not)
Thanks for scrolling all the way down. Congratulations.
Now my ISP is doubling my download rate for free… They must know I’m dieing (but I didn’t yet 🙂 LOL
I became a Linode customer in late 2003, when they were less than 6 months old. The thing is, *I had no idea*. They had their shit together so well that it never even occurred to me how small or young they might be.
I picked Linode from other VPS providers on a web search, because they had a Debian option, and I thought that signaled competence. (At the time, Linode was literally the only VPS provider I could find that offered something other than an ancient version of Red Hat.) When I signed up, their web provisioning system was virtuously simple and worked well. I have used them and recommend them unqualified to others in the 6.5 years since.
Never mind the time I had a little trouble logging in. After a few tries, I gave up and started eating dinner. That’s when the phone rang, and a nice guy named Chris with a southern (U.S.) accent told me that I was using the wrong user name.
As I write this, a small business I own is crippled because of the fools and charlatans who created QuickBooks Online. By contrast, Linode is a model of reliability and customer service; you kick ass and stay out of the way, and I couldn’t be happier.
WOWOWOW! Linode is the best vps provider of the world!!! 🙂
You guys rule!
What’s RAM? 😉 kidding – thanks Linode, it’s a great surprise in my first month with you!
Now could we get something at a smaller price point than $20 please? Please?
Whoah! What a nice surprise! Thank you.
Happy Belated Birthday Linode 🙂
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to an amazing company! 7 years is just the beginning!!
Thank you Linode, that was a delicious piece of birthday cake!
Happy birthday Linode!
congratulations thanks a lot.
Our dreams, that we thought difficult to be done, now become true.
happy birthday.
thanks a lot.
Our dreams become true at last.
happy birthday. you are great
Now I’m running on 505380 kB, nothing can stop me! 🙂
Thanks guys and Happy Birthday!
Awesome, Nice work guys!
Happy 7th from me!
I was waiting for a sign to signup – this is a very good sign.
Awesome guys!
Long time happy customer advocate since 2005 here!
Your now even more awesomer than you were before.
Thanks a lot guys & Happy Birthday!
For the people asking for a smaller price point — are you crazy? $20 is mad cheap. I’m starting to think some of you just complain for the sake of it.
Wow thanks for the upgrade Linode!
Live long and prosper!
You guys are the best! I plan on moving the rest of my sites from SH over to my newly upgraded 768mb machine. Got 5 other 512’s for clients who are going to be very happy with the news.
Thanks for the service and keep up the great work!
Thank you … Thank you .. Thank you Linode!!!
Ruby on Rails is Memory Hungry … this saves a tone for all serious rails application hosting needs.
Though we had some terrible downtime issues in Dallas DC and thoughts on moving to somewhere else … I would still LOVE Linode and continue further with Linode.
FREE RAM upgrade is awsome.
Thank you once again.
Thanks Linode…. I’ve been using linode about 2 years.. and now with the super upgrade… make me will stay with linode…… woohaaaaa
Happy Birthday linode…
Happy 7th and thanks for the massive boost, this is truly incredible.
Hopefully this isn’t the sweetener for the rackspace acquisition being announced tomorrow? 😛
I’ve changed my plan and was very surprised that I’ve got additional 250 MB of RAM!!!
Linode – RULEZ!
Congratulations on your continued success, and thanks for the RAM boost ^_^
We moved our entire infrastructure over to you last month and have been exceptionally pleased with the quality of the Lindoe setup. To then have an unexpected windfall in the form of 40% extra ram a month later has simply blown us away. It really doesn’t get much better than this.
Thanks, well done and happy birthday!
Thanks Guys! Yet another reason Linode is the best VPS service out there, hands down!
You guys are the best. We’ve been extremely happy Linode customers for more than a year, starting w/ 512MB, happily paying to increase to 1024MB a few months ago as our traffic continued its ascent, and now to 1536MB for free!
That — together with a perfect uptime record — equals great customer service.
I want to have your babies.
Wait, I’m a man. Plus, that would be weird.
Thanks for the RAM!
You guys are soooooo awesome, happy birthday! 😀
Happy Birthday! I love you!
Belated happy birthday and thank you so much for the additional RAM.
Thank you so much. and HAPPY BRITHDAY!
Happy Birthday! I am very happy for you guys and very much appreciate the RAM boost! Keep up the good work. Thank you! =)
Happy Birthday linode and thanks for such lovely gift 🙂
Wish dear linode a belated happy birthday!
Thanks for the treat!!! (extra RAM) 😉
Thank you thank you thank you thank you
— a satisfied customer!
Happy Birthday Linode, may you have many more to follow.
Keep up the good work, I look forward to doing MUCH more business with you over the next year or 2 😉
Happy birthday (with a slight delay), and good work providing such a great service!
Happy Birthday to Linode!
I know you are the best!
Stunned, what a fantastic bit of news and a great way to celebrate your continuing success Linode.
Happy Birthday!
and many thanks for the nice gift
Oh I love you guys. Been using your service for nearly 2 years now and never had a single problem.
I just went to reformat a server there, and saw “Plan: Linode 512”. Was thinking “the hell is going on there?”
Love you all, Cheers,
Thanks Linode
Happy Birthday guys and thanks for the upgrade!
Another step, fantastic upgrade for the money.
Well done and here’s to 8!
This is so sweet. Thank you!
Happy birthday and thanks for increase! You are the best!
This is truly excellent.
Now I can go and boast to all my friends paying $40 a month for a 512MB “slice”.
Wow, I see it also means there are now 20GB slices available!!!
happy birthday Linode… Thank you! 🙂
I am a newbie to Linux and server management who was just looking into starting her own forum, and was evaluating various VPS/”Cloud” solutions. I had already decided on Linode thanks to the excellent library (very helpful!) and the support forum.
My only concern was the amount of RAM, which while competetive with other providers still seemed a bit low. As I am a ‘no budget’ individual, for me the lowest plan is the only option.
Imagine my pleasant surprise when I come to Linode homepage today, and discover than my ~$ 20 now gets me a full 512 MB RAM. 🙂
From this poor student in India, please accept heartful thanks. I will surely buy a Linode 512 in coming days. And I will speak highly of your company to everyone else here in the hope you guys get as much new business as you can. You truly deserve it, you have made me happy even before I have become a customer!
Once again, accept my sincere appreciation, and continue to delight us like this.
Riya Sen
Great news! Thanks! 🙂
Hi everyone! I was once a customer of Linode.com. I am pleased to hear about the RAM upgrades-though I have been wishing to see on my personal wishlist some diskspace/bandwidth upgrades along the way. :). Come on Linode! When was the last time you intraduced your customers to a diskspace/bandwidth upgrade cycle, Caker? Or is that not in the plans? The primary reason I stopped in November of 2009 with Linode was due to money. I also felt very bad leaving an account opened with no Linode attached! I may (Money being the key issue) at some point happily sign back up with you folks. I joined in may of 2009, to November of 2009 and would love to come back! I’m a blind computer user, and have found every single feature accessible out of the box, other than the graphs with CPU and other such resources! Please take care, Linode! You folks are simply amazing. Now all that needs to occur down the road for 2010 is some diskspace upgrades without raising the pricepoint! If you raised the prices much higher, I’d never be able to aford a Linode seeing as I don’t work currently and only make what Social Security decides to dish out primarily. The $19.95 feels very nice though! I had that 16 GB of disk space going for email, web, etc. But I did have a lot of emails yelling at me about disk I/O. Has Linode.com gone over to raid10 entirely on all machines yet? I look forward to someday signing back up, and would hope that I am accepted back with you folks! You might remember me as Keith-BlindUser on the linode.com forums, and my profile is in serious need of being updated. I also show up occasionally as Keith on Irc.OFTC.net. Channel #Linode.
Congratulations. I’ve been a happy Linode customer since 2005 (almost 5 years) and I have nothing but praise for you guys. Keep it up!
Wow this is amazing! Happy bday to Linode! This is why I will stick with you guys for a long time.
Linode is so far the best VPS these days. I never had any problem. After 200 days of uptime I guess is time to reboot. Happy B’Day Linode team!!
That is awesome guys, keep up the good work!
Great incentive for both old users or near-future users (me).
Happy to you linode and +1 happy customer :)… Keep up the good work….
This is exactly why I choose linode over slice host.
Keep it up and I’ll keep putting my customers and my own sites with you guys.
All I want now, is the ability to attach cheap and large networked storage to my account. Currently this is my only issue with linode.
Cmon guys it’s cheap to provide! Give us with some good decent network storage located on our internal network for mount over NFS! I don’t care if it’s slow! I just need space! 6G is not enough and really expensive.
I just rebooted my server and checked the memory.
I have access to 2 accounts with linode. They were both 540 accounts.
I noticed my personal server memory was showing 525 megs, while one of my clients is properly showing 540.
Upon reboot of my node, I noticed it came back online with 751, instead of 768.
Seems like one of my nodes is getting ripped off. What’s the deal? Perhaps it’s a Ubuntu 9.04 vs. 10.04 issue…but I doubt it. My guess would be someone on the “525 meg” node purchase extra memory and it’s been taken out of all the other nodes on the server =(
linode22060 vs. linode49973
I’m happy with the upgrade, but curious about the discrepancy.
Happy Birthday – and keep on rockin’!
Stunning as always. <3
birthday cake for everyone!
thank you thank you
Happy birthday and thanks 🙂
Thanks linode
Thanks Linode! You’re great towards your customers, as always!
Great news. Things have sure come a long way.
⬆ ♥ Linode
Happy b-day Linode! Thanks dudes!
Happy customer from Brazil.
Thanks Linode! Thanks for my 238 day uptime too 🙂
Thank you very much and Happy Birthday to you too. I have not gotten anything really setup but it has been a useful test bed right now. 😉 I hope to make it a permanent server in the future once I figure out and master all these dang config files.
Just found this, you guys rock 🙂
Happy Birthday, thanks for the upgrade!
Happy birthday Linode!
Thanks for the memory upgrade
Happy B-Day Linode! Thanks for providing the very best VPS service on the planet!
Wow I’ve been with Linode nearly 7 years (member since October 03) time flies!
Just goes to show that its not worth considering other hosts. Linode while always pretty solid has just got better with time.
Thanks for the upgrade! Super impressed with your service. I’m a Linode fan!
Happy birthday from Australia you champions! Amazing.. flawless.. faultless service. I have not a bad word to say about you. Thank you for being you, Linode!
Linode is the best. I’ve recently realized that there was no way the competition could match what Linode offerd and converted to a yearly payment. This customer is in for a long haul and happy to pay such an excellent company with unmatched services and wonderful birthday presents. All the best to Linode and may you keep growing and making good profit, so we could enjoy your services for a very long time.
Happy birth day to Linode and … thank you
That is awesome! Thanks for the upgrade!
I liked your servers from the beginning… the best choice I could do.
Now, the only thing to do is to upgrade and take more and more power… 🙂
THANKS!!!!1 You’re the best!
Thanks a bunch and happy birthday.
Congrats on 7 years and thanks for the upgrade!
I keep looking at upgrading to physical or c/hr cloud services, but I can’t get away from the Linode simplicity/reliability/pricepoint. Well done!
Awesome! Just signed up for an account 🙂
Wow! Congrats on the birthday, and thanks! I am a very happy new customer!
Thank you. lindoe rocks. \m/
darn .. just saw this .. and rebooted!
that’s the second ram upgrade in a year 🙂
big cheers Linode, thank you and Happy Birthday.
Congratulations from Australia. I’ve only been a member for less than a month and I’m glad I made the right choice.
Congrats and Thanks 🙂
At Linode birthday, the customer gets a gift!
Happy birthday linode!
And thanks for the extra RAM gift 🙂
Congratulations on the RAM upgrade, and keep the diskspace coming as well!
Thanks for the lovely upgrade. Congratulations on completing 7 years! 5 globes for you guys.
There’s customer support and there’s customer support! Once again an excellent move Linode, thanks for the RAM!
Happy Birthday and Thank You!!!
Keep up the great work!!
Thank you Linode!
A happy & satisfied customer.
Guys, fantastic! got the account for a couple of years – not even one single issue!
Hey! This is such a great news!!! So I’m staying.. you’ve just stopped me from moving my stuff to another provider offerring 512 MB for US$ 16/mo.
I’m more than happy to stay for US$ 20 considering you have good support and a killer web interface for administering the VPS and the DNS records.
Happy Birthday Linode! I’ll continue to recommend you to a ton of people here in Peru.
Thanks so much guys – you are awesome.
Congrats of 7 years of success. I think you are the best VPS provider out there by far.
You will definitely keep getting my business…
Linode? Simply super. Have a good one guys.
Cool! Now that I know it wasn’t an accident, I can talk about it.
Well this clinches it, we’re dumping our 8gig slice at Slicehost and moving into a 12 gig Linode!
Happy Birthday!
Happy belated birthday!
Thanks for the RAM 😀
Thanks guys, and happy birthday! 🙂
– A new customer (because of the extra RAM)
Congrats and thanks for more memory
Fantastic! Appreciate the upgrade guys.
Pleasently surprised with the RAM increase. Keep up the great work.
I was thinking about dropping my subscription to linode (just don’t use it that much…), and was in the process of logging in to dispose of my VPS instance when I happen to see that they increased the specs for no extra cost. I’m keeping it at least another month just to reward them for being such a great company.
As an aside note – I had contacted slicehost and asked them why I should choose them over linode (same price for seemingly less product… I wanted to at least give the competition the chance to explain to me why the discrepancy exists), and received a nonchalant “we don’t really care what our competition is doing” as a response to my inquiry. This really turned me off to them as a VPS service as a whole..
Linode, however, has shown excellent customer service, and the product has been solid over the past two years. Highly recommended!
Absolutely stellar guys. I went to your front page and saw the new 512 base plan and was wondering how I could get on it — then I went to my VPS and saw I already had it! Now that’s customer focused 🙂
I need to thank you! I noticed a performance boost and I wondered why 😉 You’re great!
Wow, could you guys be any cooler??? (Answer: No!)
I have to say, i love this company. I hope we can see more 7 years together.
Sad innit. 7th Birthday, and the only thing anyone does is talk about a memory boost. 7 Years of dredging hard work, long hours and commitment from Linode staff and clients to bring about, in my experience, one of the easiest experiences I’ve ever had in the last 3 years and it passes with the ordinary pomp and ceremony of ‘just another day that everything is OK’
On a side note, I have 103KB of memory free and only using 64KB of my 256KB swap. Rebooting to up the memory seems, like last years 33% disk space increase, a lot of effort 🙂
See when things work, they just WORK and keep working.
Happy Birthday Linode, I can’t wait till 77 🙂
Just wanted to say thanks for the great service!
Thanks for the RAM upgrade. I love linode. So much better than slicehost!
Awesome. I just rebooted after 150 days uptime – the only reason I rebooted was because I wanted the latest kernel and to my surprise I am now swimming in RAM!
Absolutely awesome service – I’ve had several upgrades on the way and am a happy customer. Long may it continue.
Congratulations and Happy (belated) Birthday Linode.
This is total CRAP! What kind of company gives users MORE of what they need at the SAME PRICE!
I work for IBM. I demand our RAM be reduced back down to 64MB and you should raise your rates to $200 per month!
I will not stand for this BS.
[…] had been smooth sailing since May (as expected), and Linode even gave a free RAM upgrade back in June (a bit unexpected). $19.95/month for a Xen VPS running Ubuntu 10.04 with 512MB of memory, 16GB of […]
Congrats on 7 years! Thanks for the upgrade.
Wow, what a nice surprise! Just rebooted.
Happy (belated) birthday!
I love your service – Best VPS I’ve ever used.
I left Linode earlier this year because of lack of need, but will be coming back, especially now. I miss my Linode.
I’m eagerly waiting for Linode’s 8th b’day! And the surprise goodies!! 🙂
Great article I think. Thanks for sharing with us !
I Really do think you guys are making the world a better place.
Keep the good work guys
hello sir, I had read previous blogs too, you write very good
Thank you so much for this valuable post. Great knowledge is always a good thing to know. Grazie for sharing! Please Keep sharing . It was good help very well explained. Thanks
Such a good article.
I love this site..
Thanks for this great article. Loved it ❤️
thanks for this valuable info.
This is the most useful and valuable Article I’ve read in this month. Thanks so much for this.