

[b]Ajax作业队列更新[/b] - 如果你启用了JavaScript,你的浏览器将更频繁地检查作业进度的变化,在有变化时更新作业队列。 当一个工作完成后,页面上的其他元素也会被更新。
[b]作业队列进度条[/b] - 当你的Linode队列中有未完成的作业时,现在有一个进度条显示在作业队列的顶部。 当工作开始时,进度会增加一个单位,当工作完成时再增加一个单位。 这并不表示长作业(如图像传输)的真正进展......[i]还没有![/i] 。
[b][url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url] 迁移后的SSH密钥[/b] - 以前在迁移后,你必须为你的新主机重新部署[url=https://www.linode.com/members/sshkeys.cfm]SSH密钥[/url],以便[url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url] 访问。 现在,这已经为你解决了。
[b]添加[url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url]的SSH密钥[/b] - 以前你需要用新的密钥再次添加你现有的[url=https://www.linode.com/members/sshkeys.cfm]SSH密钥[/url],现在我们在提交密钥的表格中为你提供了你现有的密钥。
[b]从[url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url]启动,不需要先从网站启动[/b] - 如果你从未在当前主机上启动过配置文件,并且只有一个配置文件,没有参数的启动命令将启动该配置文件。 以前的启动总是启动最后一次启动的配置文件,所以你必须在新主机上第一次从网站上启动。
[b]从[url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url][/b]启动/重启一个特定的配置文件 - [url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url]中的启动和重启命令现在接受一个可选的参数,表明你希望在启动工作中使用的配置配置文件,之前总是使用最后启动的配置文件。
[b]List Configuration Profiles from [url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url][/b] - [url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url]有一个新的命令 "configs",它将列出为一个 Linode 定义的配置文件。
[b]查看配置文件细节[/b] - [url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url]有一个新的命令'config N',将显示特定配置文件的细节。
[b]从 Lish 查看作业队列[/b] - [url=https://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Lish_Documentation]Lish[/url] 有一个新的命令'jobs',它将显示你的 Linode 的作业队列。


评论 (5)

  1. Author Photo

    There’s lots more coming in the future and let us know in the [url=https://www.linode.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=7]Feature Requests forum[/url] if you’ve got something you’d love to see us implement.[/quote]

    Do you have a todo list that you can share with us so we know what to look forward to? Don’t take this request the wrong way. I really like what you already offer, too.

  2. Author Photo

    Great news thanks.

  3. Author Photo

    Great — thanks for all the nice new stuff! Is the argument a number or an exact string matching the profile name, or something else?

  4. Author Photo

    Seems like it only takes a number as an argument (I just tried it).

    The command [b]configs[/b] will apparently show a list of the configuration profiles in your account and their assigned number.

  5. Author Photo

    As NeonNero noted, the reboot, boot and config Lish commands take a number. Basically your config profiles sorted oldest created to most recent numbered starting at 1. And yes, the configs command will output the config number plus profile name and notes:
    [code][lindev5@absecon2 lish]# configs
    Configuration Profiles:
    1) My Debian 4.0 Profile – this profile has notes, other one doesn’t
    2) New Profile
    3) New Profile 2 – another note
    [lindev5@absecon2 lish]# config 1
    Configuration Profile Details:
    Label: My Debian 4.0 Profile
    Note: this profile has notes, other one doesn’t
    RAM: 300 MiB
    Boot Device: /dev/ubda
    Options: updatedb helper: yes kernel params: ‘ro’
    Disk Images:
    Device: /dev/ubda
    Label: Debian 4.0 Disk Image
    Size: 500 MiB
    Type: ext3
    Read-Only: no

    Device: /dev/ubdb
    Label: 256MB Swap Image
    Size: 256 MiB
    Type: swap
    Read-Only: no

    [lindev5@absecon2 lish]# [/code]


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