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BlogLinodeLots of Great Stuff

Lots of Great Stuff

I’ve been busy lately and have got some great new stuff for you:
[b]Ajax Job Queue Updates[/b] – If you’ve got JavaScript enabled, your browser will check for changes in job progress more frequently, updating the job queue when there are changes. When a job finishes, the other elements on the page are updated as well.
[b]Job Queue Progress Bar[/b] – There is now a progress bar displayed at the top of the job queue when your Linode has incomplete jobs in the queue. The progress will increase one unit when a job is started, and another unit when a job completes. This doesn’t indicate true progress of long jobs (such as image transfers)… [i]yet![/i]
[b][url=]Lish[/url] SSH Keys after Migrations[/b] – Previously after a migration, you would have to deploy [url=]SSH Keys[/url] for [url=]Lish[/url] access again for your new host. Now, this is taken care of for you.
[b]Adding [url=]Lish[/url] SSH Keys[/b] – Previously you would need to add your existing [url=]SSH Keys[/url] again with new keys, now we include your existing keys for you in the form field for submitting keys.
[b]Boot from [url=]Lish[/url] without Requiring Boot from the Website first[/b] – If you have never booted a profile on your current host and have only one profile, the boot command with no arguments will boot that profile. Previously boot always booted the last booted profile so you had to boot from the website the first time on a new host.
[b]Boot/Reboot a Specific Profile from [url=]Lish[/url][/b] – The boot and reboot commands in [url=]Lish[/url] now accept an optional argument indicating a configuration profile you wish to use for the boot job, previously the last booted profile was always used.
[b]List Configuration Profiles from [url=]Lish[/url][/b] – [url=]Lish[/url] has a new command ‘configs’ which will list the configuration profiles defined for a Linode.
[b]View Config Profile Details[/b] – [url=]Lish[/url] has a new command ‘config N’ which will display the details for a specific configuration profile.
[b]View Job Queue from Lish[/b] – [url=]Lish[/url] has a new command ‘jobs’ which will display the job queue for your Linode.

There’s lots more coming in the future and let us know in the [url=]Feature Requests forum[/url] if you’ve got something you’d love to see us implement.

Comments (5)

  1. Author Photo

    There’s lots more coming in the future and let us know in the [url=]Feature Requests forum[/url] if you’ve got something you’d love to see us implement.[/quote]

    Do you have a todo list that you can share with us so we know what to look forward to? Don’t take this request the wrong way. I really like what you already offer, too.

  2. Author Photo

    Great news thanks.

  3. Author Photo

    Great — thanks for all the nice new stuff! Is the argument a number or an exact string matching the profile name, or something else?

  4. Author Photo

    Seems like it only takes a number as an argument (I just tried it).

    The command [b]configs[/b] will apparently show a list of the configuration profiles in your account and their assigned number.

  5. Author Photo

    As NeonNero noted, the reboot, boot and config Lish commands take a number. Basically your config profiles sorted oldest created to most recent numbered starting at 1. And yes, the configs command will output the config number plus profile name and notes:
    [code][lindev5@absecon2 lish]# configs
    Configuration Profiles:
    1) My Debian 4.0 Profile – this profile has notes, other one doesn’t
    2) New Profile
    3) New Profile 2 – another note
    [lindev5@absecon2 lish]# config 1
    Configuration Profile Details:
    Label: My Debian 4.0 Profile
    Note: this profile has notes, other one doesn’t
    RAM: 300 MiB
    Boot Device: /dev/ubda
    Options: updatedb helper: yes kernel params: ‘ro’
    Disk Images:
    Device: /dev/ubda
    Label: Debian 4.0 Disk Image
    Size: 500 MiB
    Type: ext3
    Read-Only: no

    Device: /dev/ubdb
    Label: 256MB Swap Image
    Size: 256 MiB
    Type: swap
    Read-Only: no

    [lindev5@absecon2 lish]# [/code]

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