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Linode Blog > Justin Cobbett

17 posts
Use CAPL, a Kubernetes Cluster API implementation that can be installed in existing Kubernetes clusters on Akamai, including the Linode Kubernetes Engine.
Justin Cobbett

Akamai Adds Support for Kubernetes Cluster API

May 20, 2024
by Justin Cobbett
Use CAPL, a Kubernetes Cluster API implementation that can be installed in existing Kubernetes clusters on Akamai, including the Linode Kubernetes Engine.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Justin Cobbett

Getting Started with LLMs: Managing Data Collection

Apr 24, 2024
by Justin Cobbett
Handling large volumes of unstructured data, along with storing it and managing access, are just some of the challenges you might face. In this post, we’ll explore these data management challenges.
VPC General Availability, featured image, with text.
Justin Cobbett

Akamai’s VPC is Now in General Availability

Jan 31, 2024
by Justin Cobbett
Akamai’s VPC is leaving open beta and is now in general availability.
VPC Open Beta featured image.
Justin Cobbett

Akamai VPC in Open Beta

Jan 9, 2024
by Justin Cobbett
Akamai’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is now in open beta for all users.
Metadata GA
Justin Cobbett

Customize Deployments with Akamai’s Metadata Service

Jan 2, 2024
by Justin Cobbett
Our cloud-init powered metadata service is out of beta and available in more data centers.
Introducing Warm Migrations on Akamai featured image.
Justin Cobbett

Introducing Warm Migrations on Akamai

Dec 13, 2023
by Justin Cobbett
Our new unified migrations significantly improve cold migration reliability and introduce warm migrations for quickly resizing VMs.
Image with symbol representing a database connected to other databases and the text Harnessing NoSQL Capabilities in PostgreSQL at the bottom.
Justin Cobbett

Harnessing NoSQL Capabilities in PostgreSQL

Jul 5, 2023
by Justin Cobbett
Manage unstructured data by combining database management and consistency with flexible schemas and quick querying of NoSQL databases.
An Introduction to Serverless Functions and FaaS
Justin Cobbett

Break Down Your Code: An Introduction to Serverless Functions and FaaS

Apr 19, 2023
by Justin Cobbett
Functions enable serverless computing by adding wrappers to repetitive code changes and abstraction from other application infrastructure.
Developer Tools
Mountains of Data: Big vs Small and Wide
Justin Cobbett

Mountains of Data: Big vs Small and Wide

Mar 23, 2023
by Justin Cobbett
Organizations are turning towards small and wide data to get more from their data instead of just more data.
Featured image for behind the scenes - incremental infrastructure improvements.
Justin Cobbett

Behind the Scenes: Incremental Infrastructure Improvements

Mar 8, 2023
by Justin Cobbett
Building for the future with infrastructure improvements, including more powerful CPUs, NVMe local storage, and firmware updates.
Justin Cobbett

Developer Story: Simplifying Docker with Easypanel

Feb 21, 2023
by Justin Cobbett
Andrei Canta, the developer of EasyPanel, talks about his design process and how Easypanel simplifies Docker containerized applications.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)