

疯狂造物主再次出击! 我在所有计划中增加了25%的磁盘空间,包括月度和年度账户,适用于我们所有的现有和新客户!

Linode 300的磁盘空间从8到[b]10[/b] GiB。
Linode 450的磁盘空间从12到[b]15[/b] GiB。
Linode 600从16到[b]20[/b] GiB磁盘空间
Linode 900从24到[b]30[/b] GiB磁盘空间
Linode 1200从32到[b]40[/b] GiB磁盘空间

记住,年付可以在此基础上获得额外的50%的空间。 如果你对转为年付感兴趣,请提交一张支持票。

感谢你的业务。 享受免费升级!


评论 (13)

  1. Author Photo

    caker.. ive siad this before.. can i have your babies plz kthx

  2. Author Photo

    Caker, I don’t want to have your babies, but thank you!

  3. Author Photo

    Excellent, thanks!

    That means that I can now increase my swap space to be in line with the last RAM increase…

  4. Author Photo

    Awesome service, awesome staff!

    Thank you!

  5. Author Photo

    Woohoo, thanks caker!

  6. Author Photo

    Most definitely, thanx caker.

    I love this place. 🙂

  7. Author Photo

    When I first saw this, I thought someone had reactivated the thread from January – my brain obviously couldn’t believe a second disk upgrade in less than a year.

    Thanks, Linode.

  8. Author Photo

    [quote:353e946887=”Internat”]caker.. ive siad this before.. can i have your babies plz kthx[/quote]

    I’m afraid the line of people with that offer is now around the block several times. 😀

    Thanks, caker & co.!

  9. Author Photo

    My linode64 (purchases April 2004) with 4.5Gb of disk space is now a linode300 with 15Gb of disk space… I suppose this means I can do bigger better things; maybe play with mysql and php and apache rather than thttpd and simple CGI and flat files 🙂

    I wonder if there’s a marketting opportunity to re-introduce a new lower rate linode128 with lower specs and cheaper per-month fees!

    Verizon did this a while back; originally their DSL was slower than 768K, but as improvements happened the base model became 3Mb for the same price. A few years later they re-introduced the 768k service at a new low price.

    I’ve no idea if such a product would introduce current customers to change to a lower service or even if it would entice more customers. But something to think about!

  10. Author Photo
  11. Author Photo

    This offer is not just insane, it is downright [b]du[/b]-bious.


    In all seriousness – very cool.

  12. Author Photo

    Caker. I just wanted to say that I recommended a colleague of mine to linode.com a few days ago and he opened an account. So a successful referral and two happy customers including me! When he told me that disk space had gone up for free I said "What? Again?". I couldn’t quite grasp that this had happened so many times and that it was happening yet again. Linode is simply unparalleled. Thank you very much.

  13. Author Photo

    I sure am glad I signed up. It was due to your awesome IRC chat, and because I was impressed with your committment to the users and the anecdote of a free upgrade. How true that was. So now you are walking in the steps of Google! I also have gotten a client to sign up with you too.

    For anyone who thinks caker is crazy actually I left my old horrible ISP when I realized after some years they had kept charging me the high end account charge while giving me less than there lowest service (and were horribly incompetent). So this is very good business.

    Love and delicious memory chomp chomp chomp caker!(that’s the cookie monster in me). You totally ROCK! Someone else has dibs on making babies with you I will limit myself to recommending the hell out of LINODE.COM. Thank you!

    Matt Rosin
    Tokyo, Japan


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