博客凌霄阁速度会议 - 6月18-20日

速度会议 - 6月18-20日


速度-标志本周,Linode参加了在加州圣克拉拉举行的O'Reilly Velocity会议。Velocity是O'Reilly的网络性能和运营会议,重点是扩展和管理网络应用、移动应用和技术文化。


评论 (3)

  1. Author Photo

    I really wish I could be there, but I’m stuck here in the UK for now. You could make a long serving Linode supporter very happy and send me a medium t-shirt though!

  2. Author Photo

    You should really sell these t-shirts and maybe pins, stickers, and some other merchandise.

    I would be really proud to wear a Linode t-shirt and make more people know about your awesome service.

  3. Author Photo

    I would buy a T-shirt. Hey, if it works for Tesla 🙂


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