我们很高兴地宣布,更新后的 Arch Linux(Arch Linux 2012.07)发行版模板可在 Linode 管理器中立即部署。新模板安装了最新的系统更新,包括将"/lib "改为符号链接。如果您想了解更多有关在 Linode 管理器中部署发行版的信息,请参阅 Linode 资料库中的这篇文章。
对于新部署的 Arch Linux,您需要在首次尝试使用之前初始化 pacman 密钥环。 我们还建议所有部署 Arch Linux 的用户关注Arch Linux 新闻存档。存档中会提供有关新更新的信息,这些更新可能需要一定程度的手动干预才能完成。
希望您喜欢更新后的 Arch Linux 模板!
评论 (14)
Very cool! It can be a pain to deploy/update a new Arch install if it has been a long time since the package snapshot.
Awesome, thank you! You guys must have read my mind (or you’ve been looking at the logs), as I was just encountering issues with installing from the old image last night. Especially with the recent changes to glibc, updating a new Arch node seemed to be quite broken.
Keeping the template fairly up-to-date is important in a rolling release distro, especially when we are not able to do a typical netinstall.
I was just about to post a bug/feature request, and then noticed this post.
Thanks guys!
Awesome stuff Linode! Do keep up the great stuff!
For new deployments of Arch Linux, you will need to initialize the pacman keyring before attempting to use it for the first time.
Great, Linode, superb as always!
Now, for all you archers out there. A shell script that will generate entropy, initialize and populate the keyring.
The idea for this script was inspired by a forum post.
You may want to make the following adjustment to your script:
“mandb > /dev/null 2>1” becomes “mandb 2>&1 > /dev/null”
The 2>&1 redirection needs to come first so that both go to /dev/null, and it needs the ampersand to redirect properly.
Done, although, I never saw where the ampersand was supposed to go. It should work better now, though.
Hi Blake,
Wouldn’t running mandb in a loop produce terrible entropy? From what I’ve understood, the idea is to gather something so long and random that it’s not easily guessable (like input from someone banging on the keyboard like a monkey and disk timings from regular use).
I am not a cryptoanalist, but in theory at least, if every Arch user ran the same mandb command on the same set of manpages, they would get the same or somehow similar keys, right? That can’t be good.
Running mandb or similar commands like that isn’t pumping output from mandb or whatever command you run into your /dev/random; the idea is to cause lots of system activity from which entropy is drawn. The nature of the activity is largely irrelevant, as the entropy is drawn from the system *doing things*, not piped in directly from what it’s doing.
“The 2>&1 redirection needs to come first so that both go to /dev/null, and it needs the ampersand to redirect properly.”
This is incorrect. The following redirects both stdout and stderr to /dev/null:
mandb > /dev/null 2>&1
Any Bourne shell variant (bash, dash, etc.) will read this line as “redirect stdout to /dev/null, and redirect stderr to wherever stdout is being sent”.
I updated the script as of three, four weeks ago when I realized your statement was correct, though hadn’t been posted at the time. The script, as it is now, will redirect correctly.
Does the current image handle the switch to systemd?
Stephen Tanner:
The current image uses systemd by default, so no switch is necessary.