博客哲学Ubuntu 11.10 - Oneiric Ocelot

Ubuntu 11.10 - 奥尼尔-奥赛罗特(Oneiric Ocelot)

Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot"(发行说明)现在可以在Linode管理器中进行部署。为了帮助开始部署一个发行版,我们已经写了一份部署指南,这将证明是有用的。如果你想从旧版本升级,我们也写了一份指南。

Canonical一如既往地支持Ubuntu 11.10,时间只有18个月。Ubuntu 10.04 LTS在Linode管理器中仍然可用,它将被开发者支持到2015年4月。

评论 (6)

  1. Author Photo

    Thank you very much Linode. As always, you rock.

  2. Author Photo

    Ocelot for the win

  3. Author Photo

    Thanks guys. I will need to update my Linode now to new ubuntu!

    More work for me then!

  4. Author Photo


    Can we also have Scientific Linux added to the distro list? CentOS has been having issues lately, and SL is backed by Fermilab and CERN, so it’s not likely to go away anytime soon.


  5. Author Photo

    Well, time to upgrade

  6. Author Photo
    Frank, Flatmate Rooms

    Good for those who like to be on the bleeding edge. At Flatmate Rooms we use long term support (LTS) releases for deployment.

    We have some servers on “in-between releases” and 18 months is just too short a timeframe for availability of patches. If the only reason for upgrade is availability of newer versions of packages, sometimes it’s just better to compile those from source. However like I said, it’s good for development and being able to give Canonical devs feedback. Being on LTS will let you have a stable supported system that will have critical package upgrades available for longer.

    Another thing we use on different VPS platform is Landscape from Canonical, which is a commercial offering I thoroughly recommend to business users who aren’t on Linode or who have desktops to keep an eye on as well. Great thing about Linode is that many of the Canonical’s Landscape features are built in to the admin interface, although I ‘d like to see more of them with the same levels of polish.


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