博客网络伦敦和亚特兰大现已启用 IPv6


作为我们在所有地点支持 IPv6的持续努力的一部分,我们很高兴地宣布,伦敦亚特兰大的本地 IPv6 现已可用。 现有的 Linode 只需单击 Linode 管理器远程访问选项卡上的 "启用 IPv6 "即可启用 IPv6。 新的 Linode 和迁移到 IPv6 设施的 Linode 将自动启用 v6。 更多信息,请访问我们的IPv6 常见问题页面

我们还开始对路由到 Linodes 的大型 IPv6 分配进行有限的试验。如果您想参加试验,请开票,我们将尽力满足您的需求。


评论 (10)

  1. Author Photo

    Maybe i should not ask, but do you have an eta to support native IPv6 in Tokyo?

  2. Author Photo

    Thank you! Linode rulez!

  3. Author Photo

    That’s good to hear! I know that last time I mentioned IPv6 to the Atlanta facility, they said they had no plans to implement it.

  4. Author Photo

    Regarding large IPv6 allocations, (presumably /64), will Linode have the ability to delegate reverse DNS for the IP allocation to the customers DNS servers?

  5. Author Photo

    Great news: already updated my site in the London datacentre to be dual-stack. Thanks, guys!

  6. Author Photo

    You guys are awesome. Best in class offerings as usual from Linode. Thanks!

  7. Author Photo

    Just click and go!
    It’s so simple that one wanders if everything is OK, but it is! One minute of downtime and you’re IPv6.
    Just love Linode!

  8. Author Photo


    You guys are truly amazing – an early christmas present!

    Thanks so much guys, you’ve just made my day 😀

  9. Author Photo

    Tokyo when there is IPV6?

  10. Author Photo

    Great!!! Just one click and everything was taken care of.


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