



为了实现这一目标,我们的数据中心已经用思科ASR 9000系列边缘路由器进行了升级,使我们能够扩展到每个数据中心的许多兆位容量。目前,每个数据中心都有几百吉比特的转接和对接,以后还会有更多。我们在ASN63949下运营我们的网络。


  • 我们现在完全独立地做出路由决定,使我们能够在互联网上实时快速地绕过麻烦。
  • 我们已经将每个设施的IP容量提高到了以前容量的5到10倍。
  • 我们有高容量的边缘路由器和运营商酒店的自发光光纤回程,提供许多兆位的额外扩展能力。由于我们是自己的回程供应商,在不同地点之间提供额外的容量是快速和容易的。
  • 我们在未来可以做一些很酷的事情,比如数据中心之间的连接,每个客户的VLAN,以及对我们的一些或所有IP空间的Anycast公告。



转运:Telia, NTT, Cogent, Zayo (很快:GTT, Tata)

我们选择了1950 Stemmons和2323 Bryan街这两个主要的区域性运营商酒店作为我们在达拉斯的存在点。1950 Stemmons也被称为Infomart,是达拉斯最大的建筑之一,面积超过150万平方英尺。在Infomart,电力和连接非常丰富;该建筑有四种不同的电力供应,100多个运营商冗余地建在建筑内。


转运:Telia, Hurricane Electric, Cogent (很快:NTT, GTT, Tata)

虽然在湾区有几个不错的存在点选择,但我们决定选择11 Great Oaks和55 S Market,这两个大型设施有很大的运营商多样性。这些是我们最长的光纤跨度,需要放大,以便在旧金山湾下走一趟。


转运:Telia, NTT, Cogent, Zayo (很快:GTT, Tata)

在亚特兰大,我们选择了一个单一的设施,即玛丽埃塔56号,作为我们的区域存在点。这个著名的运营商酒店被选中而不是亚特兰大市区的所有其他选择,仅仅是因为没有其他设施可以与Marietta的连接性竞争。为了确保完全的物理冗余,我们不同的暗光纤通过不同的建筑入口进入56 Marietta,并使用完全不同的电源系统落在不同的会客室。


转运:Telia, NTT, Cogent, Zayo (很快:GTT, Tata)

在纽瓦克,我们选择了哈尔西165号和第八大道111号的存在点,这两个地方都是新泽西/纽约都市区的著名航母酒店。我们特别选择了165 Halsey,以使我们在曼哈顿岛的物理多样性。我们的物理足迹遍布整个纽约都市区,使我们在像超级风暴桑迪这样的灾难性事件中更不容易受到停工的影响。


转运:Telia, NTT, Cogent (很快:GTT, Tata, Vodafone, Sparkle)
对等互联:linx, ams-ix, lonap

在伦敦,我们选择了8/9 HEX和14 Coriander Avenue作为存在点。由于这些设施的地位和欧洲更友好的对等互联气候,我们能够通过欧洲最大的互联网交换中心与数百个主要网络直接连接。这使我们能够将高达50%的流量通过对等互联而不是中转,为我们的客户提供最短的路径和尽可能低的延迟来连接许多最大的欧洲网络。


转运:Telstra, PCCW, Tata (很快: NTT)

南亚过境市场的一级网络比世界其他地区更加孤立,使得使用任何单一供应商都难以提供良好的连接。在2015年推出这一设施时,这带来了一个未曾预料到的挑战:我们第一次需要真正做到多网合一。认识到这一点后,我们决定推迟新加坡,以便我们能够安装我们的第一对思科ASR 9000s作为边缘路由器,并在未来成为我们的全球公共ASN上启动。我们为新加坡选择的设施连接良好,避免了向偏远的运营商酒店铺设暗光纤的需要。


转运:Telia, Cogent (很快: GTT, Tata, Vodafone, Sparkle)

基于在新加坡学到的经验,我们现在对所有未来的 Linode 设施有了一个蓝图。现在选择主机托管设施时,要考虑有多少高质量的网络可供我们使用,包括在主机托管设施本身。法兰克福数据中心的连接非常好,我们不需要将暗光纤点亮到远程运营商酒店。

东京 2

转运:NTT, Tata, PCCW (更多将会出现)

我们将在下个月开设一个全新的东京设施。这将使该地区的客户能够利用Linode最近的几个公告:KVM 管理程序,我们最新的计划规格,包括双倍的内存和SSD服务器,以及大规模供应。请继续关注未来几周内的公告。

评论 (40)

  1. Author Photo

    Congrats everyone! This is an awesome accomplishment! Really exciting to see such a giant improvement in the network

  2. Author Photo
  3. Author Photo

    Congratulations and thank you Linode Team! You guys are awesome! 🙂

  4. Author Photo

    Hey, we’re in Equinix, too! Hi neighbor 🙂

    Great job explaining all this.

  5. Author Photo

    hello, congratulation on such great achievement.

    just had 1 question, having such massive capacity, is there any chance of increasing outbound limit in DO plans? thanks.

  6. Author Photo

    Thanks! You finally has some good news about the Tokyo 2 🙂

  7. Author Photo

    Congrats guys! Do you guys plan on having a presence in Ashburn someday soon?

  8. Author Photo

    Great job linode team!!

  9. Author Photo
  10. Author Photo

    Congratulations! Good job!

  11. Author Photo

    Linode are in Powergate, right?

  12. Author Photo

    Congratulations! Good job!!!!
    It’s almost 2 years
    Tokyo datacenters love it waiting for it

  13. Author Photo

    Wow. Up to 7 diverse providers in a single DC. Your BGP policies are going to be a nightmare. Good for you though.

  14. Author Photo

    Linode continues to be exceptional. Thank you.

  15. Author Photo

    I hope linode can provide more VPS of Japan region..always out of stock XD

  16. Author Photo

    Would more providers be considered for the Tokyo 2 location? Specifically, NTT has consistently excellent latency to Mainland China, but NTT’s peering points with China Telecom and China Unicom tend to be extremely congested, causing ridiculous packet losses (>20%).

    Would it be possible to add KDDI (as in the current Tokyo location) and/or IIJ to the mix? They typically have much better throughput to Mainland China, and better connectivity to other “obscure” locations.

  17. Author Photo

    I would like to reserve space in Tokyo 2.
    Is there enough space? Please consider migration time for existing users in Tokyo 1 before publicly open to new customer.
    How many times bigger than Tokyo 1?

    • Author Photo


      We aren’t taking reservations for Tokyo 2, but we will be accepting users for our Tokyo 2 beta very soon. Send a ticket over to the Support team to request access: linode.com/contact

      And in regards to your last question, there’s plenty of room in Tokyo 2 for our users.

  18. Author Photo

    Take a transit from IIJ for Tokyo 2 would be really nice 🙂 Please consider if possible

  19. Author Photo

    Soon for Tokyo 2 transit maybe: GTT

  20. Author Photo

    Strongly wish Tokyo 2 have IIJ or other Chinese friendly transit with CN2 optimizations.
    Currently from my location (ChinaTelecom, Shanghai, China), NTT has 60% higher latency than IIJ, about 20% pocket loss and only about 1Mbps bandwidth.
    Please consider if possible.

  21. Author Photo

    Finally, the Tokyo node will be upgraded….

  22. Author Photo

    I notice that you’re not peering with Janet (AS786) – the UK’s academic internet provider. Please could you peer with them? (either over LINX or, better still, privately as I notice you’re both present in TeleCity Powergate)

    For bonus points, please also peer with AS12496 and AS42689. Thank you 🙂

  23. Author Photo

    Awesome, I need a tokyo vps urgently

  24. Author Photo

    NTT is not a good choice !!!

  25. Author Photo

    @wdhwg001 , IIJ and KDDI are not available in Equinix Tokyo facilities, as far as I know.

    I guess available choices as additional upstream networks are, GTT, Vodafone (Asia/Global) and RETN.

    Linode alreadily announced NTT, Tata, and PCCW as upstream networks in the post above.

    Please see : https://www.peeringdb.com/fac/452

  26. Author Photo

    @beautyleg , Please rest assured, NTT is constantly upgrading their backbone links to 100 Gbit/s Technology… Linode will have good blend of IP transit and peering links in Tokyo 2…

    Please keep in mind Linode always uses best-path routing except cases when a better latency or bandwidth availability can be observed through other circuits…

  27. Author Photo

    @thanks you
    @mister anderson

    Okay. But IIJ has almost all aspects better than NTT when talking about accessing from China mainland. Maybe we can bear the high latency or trust the bandwidth upgrade promises, we still cannot take a 20%-25% pocket loss vps as a usable choice.

    I think I might feel sorry for the lack of IIJ and KDDI. Although Tokyo 1 has triple latency than IIJ’s 50ms latency, it’s still an option because it has only 0% – 2% pocket loss.

  28. Author Photo

    I was a user for tokyo center(old data center),but as some reasons my machine now i haven’t .
    For recent days,some people say that maybe official will be opened Tokoy 1 again ,I am not sure ,so linode official staff can give us a reply?Very very expect for open Tokoy 1

  29. Author Photo

    NTT is REALLY NOT FRIENDLY to China Telcom users!!! Hope you could add KDDI or IIJ as transit providers for Tokyo 2!

  30. Author Photo

    Please join JPIX and JPNAP exchanges. Thanks!

  31. Author Photo

    Do you have any kind of public roadmap for future features such as anycast?

  32. Author Photo

    is that vlan already support by linode side?

  33. Author Photo

    any chance to see an updated version of this blogpost with more details about peerings, transits, bandwidth, internal interconnections betweek linode DCs etc?

    this post is pretty old now


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