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El Linode Object Storage está aquí

Linode OBJ

El tan esperado lanzamiento de Linode Object Storage ya está aquí! Construimos Linode Object Storage para que sea más fácil y asequible para los desarrolladores gestionar datos no estructurados, como activos de contenido, así como retos de almacenamiento sofisticados y de uso intensivo de datos en torno a la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje de máquinas.

Para ver otras formas en que los desarrolladores pueden utilizar el almacenamiento de objetos, consulte nuestra documentación:

Linode Object Storage es un almacenamiento compatible con S3, altamente disponible y fácilmente escalable para cualquiera de sus necesidades de copia de seguridad, big data y archivo de datos. Con Object Storage no necesita tener o utilizar una máquina virtual Linode para beneficiarse del almacenamiento de sus archivos o de la ampliación de su capacidad. Linode Object Storage está disponible de inmediato en nuestro centro de datos de Newark y se extenderá al resto de nuestras regiones a partir de los próximos meses.

Linode El almacenamiento de objetos comienza con 5 dólares al mes e incluye 250 GB y 1 TB de transferencia saliente, y a partir de ahí el almacenamiento y la transferencia son de 0,02 dólares por GB. Los cubos se escalan hasta 10TB por cliente, por clúster.

Comience ahora!

En el caso de los clientes existentes, puede empezar a aprovisionar y gestionar sus datos no estructurados y su sitio web estático directamente desde su Linode Cloud Manager . Es tan fácil como pulsar un botón.

Leslie, de nuestro equipo de documentación, ha creado un video tutorial que muestra lo sencillo que es:

Los que aún no son clientes pueden registrarse aquí y aplicar un crédito de 20 dólares para sus primeros meses de servicio en Linode al utilizar el código OBJECT20.

Para saber más sobre las opciones de almacenamiento de Linode, visite nuestra página de productos.

Comentarios (14)

  1. Author Photo
    Mohammed sais El azzouzi

    Good news thanks for the wonderful staff. Greetings

  2. Author Photo

    Bad pricing? Spaces only costs half this for bandwidth including CDN.

  3. Author Photo

    I hate to saying it but this is disappointing pricing for the storage y’all.

    I was really hoping for good pricing and unmetered/uncharged ingress/egress from the object storage if used entirely within the Linode network.

    Backblaze B2, for example, is $.005 (half a penny) per GB per month.

    The included 1TB of bandwidth is nice, but the storage pricing really needs to be tweaked to be competitive. This just makes it “more of the same” when compared with other providers.

    Strive to be better than S3 pricing! You can do it!

    • Author Photo

      We appreciate you taking the time to share this feedback with us, and I’ve passed it along to our team to review. The outbound traffic will work against your transfer pool first, before being charged the $0.02/GB, and 250GB of storage is included in the $5/month.

  4. Author Photo

    Bandwidth pricing isn’t everything. You have to compare latency, reliability, etc. Linodes have always been very low latency compared to Amazon so Linode’s offering may be better for things like static site hosting, small files, etc. and other services may work out cheaper for large binary downloads where latency isn’t an issue. It depends on your use case.

  5. Author Photo


    Good news. When it will be available on Singapore Region and is there any plan to build a new data center in Indonesia 🙂

    • Jessica Yoo

      We don’t currently have anything to share, but we’ve taken note of your interest! Make sure to keep an eye on the blog for our latest updates.

  6. Author Photo

    Let’s say I have a use that requires distributing large files to users, who expect to download them with reasonable bandwidth, but latency does not matter at all. What would you recommend to use instead?

  7. Author Photo

    For AWS, from some documentation: “An Amazon S3 bucket has no directory hierarchy such as you would find in a typical computer file system. You can, however, create a logical hierarchy by using object key names that imply a folder structure. For example, instead of naming an object sample.jpg, you can name it photos/2006/February/sample.jpg.”

    Is this the same with Linode’s object storage? The video indicates that you can upload folders, and they will actually show up in the web interface as being a folder. When doing this, is the folder virtual in nature, or does it actually exist in the bucket?

    • jdutton

      Hey Kirby – the short answer here is yes! You can do this with Linode Object Storage as well. Technically, the file structure is still flat, but you can still emulate folders/folder hierarchy when uploading objects.

      As in the video, if you’re using the Cloud Manager, this can be achieved by uploading a folder with object in it already or by dragging objects directly into an already-established folder.

      For more tips/tricks/tools, check out our How to Use Linode Object Storage guide.

  8. Author Photo

    When you’ll add CDN to your spaces, like DigitalOcean does? For even better latency for people/users from the same local area/state

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