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BlogLinodeJames Sinclair se une a Linode

James Sinclair se une a Linode

James Sinclair se ha unido a Linode esta semana a tiempo completo. Muchos de vosotros ya le conocéis de nuestro canal de IRC como irgeek. James tiene una larga historia con Linode y nuestra comunidad: es uno de nuestros clientes más antiguos, ya que posee el noveno Linode jamás creado, que adquirió apenas tres días después de que abriéramos el negocio (hace ya casi 6 años).

James se trasladó desde Denver, CO, para unirse a nuestro equipo. Le gusta la cerveza Guinness y el acceso root a su host. Estamos entusiasmados con sus futuras contribuciones a Linode. Por favor, únase a nosotros para dar la bienvenida a James a nuestro equipo.

Comentarios (10)

  1. Author Photo

    Congrats James! I hope your relocation included finding a place where they pull a good pint.

  2. Author Photo

    Congrats again, geekster!

    Although I will show up on your doorstep if you touch my root while drinking guinness 😉 (for the Australians amongst you, that one will crack you up)!

  3. Author Photo

    Great to see Linode getting even bigger. My business is going to be deploying many linodes, so it is a good thing to see the staff numbers growing, especially since my linodes have been practically trouble-free since I joined over 6 months ago.

  4. Author Photo

    Congrats James.

  5. Author Photo

    Congrats on joining the team!

  6. Author Photo
    Rosemary Farr Williams

    Congratulations James.

    Aunt Rose and he who obeys!!

  7. Author Photo

    Welcome aboard. I hope this growth doesn’t change Linode though. Most companies end up growing up and selling out their customers.

  8. Author Photo

    Welcome aboard. Don’t sweat the sellout rhetoric 🙂 *running on a linode!*

  9. Author Photo

    Congratulations James and the Linode team! What makes Linode a company I cannot help but recommend to friends is the outstanding quality of its small team.

    While Linode continues to only hire the best their customers can only remain impressed.

  10. Author Photo

    I’m a completely satisfied Linode customer of 2 years. Keep up the high quality and reasonable prices! It is extremely hard to grow and stay high quality but you manage to be doing it so far — don’t let up!

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