



2020年9月,我们开始了升级亚特兰大数据中心的工作。我们很高兴地宣布,这些升级工作已经完成 ,升级后的亚特兰大数据中心可供所有Linode客户使用,包括在该地区的新部署。


  • 99%的正常运行时间SLA
  • 电源和冷却 - N+1 电源和冷却
  • 合规性 - SOC 1 类型 2, SOC 2 类型 2, SOC 3, HIPAA, PCI, OIX-2, GBLA, FISMA


  • 100%的正常运行时间DC SLA
  • 电源 - 2N 冗余 
  • 冷却 - N+1冗余 
  • 合规性 - SOC 1类型2、SOC 2类型2、HIPAA、PCI-DSS、GDPR隐私保护和SSAE-16/18


更新(2021年3月17日):新的亚特兰大设施可以供新客户使用。在云管理器的数据中心下拉菜单中选择 "亚特兰大 "以创建新资源。


评论 (10)

  1. Author Photo

    this is AMAZING news !!!
    DigitalOcean does not have a DC in the South of North America.
    Vultr has Atlanta & Miami but they seem to always have very limited resources (specifically servers) available.
    “add recent products to Atlanta” i hope this would mean “Block Storage” and upcoming Managed databases.
    we typically see cloud providers competing with new products/services but putting the time and investment on the actual infrastructure gives me greater peace of mind, confidence and trust.
    who will not love “100 percent uptime DC SLA” ?

    • jdutton

      Hi Randall! We wanted to follow up here to let you know that Block Storage will indeed be part of the Atlanta data center upgrades. Stay tuned and keep an eye out for more updates.

  2. Author Photo

    Dear Friend,
    I have some question about GDPR below as:
    1. What is the difference between EU GDPR and UK GDPR?
    2. Does the EU GDPR apply to the UK GDPR

    Looking forward to your reply

    • pwoods

      Hey Hansen – thanks for your question regarding GDPR. While we cannot offer legal advice or counseling, I think the following Community Questions post should help with some clarification. It includes links to some relevant resources that provide more information:

      Linode GDPR and EU-US Privacy Shield Compliance

    • Author Photo

      GDPR is a resolution that was passed by the EU, this then had to be implemented into member states laws. In the UK (which was a member of the EU at the time) this was done by passing the Data Protection Act 2018.

      As such the “UK GDPR” is the law enacted by the Data Protection Act 2018, and is compliant with the rules that were required by the EU’s GDPR. There’s no functional difference other than the fact that the UK is no longer part of the EU.

  3. Author Photo

    Any news for the Brazil datacenter?


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