Linode GDPR and EU-US Privacy Shield Compliance

Could anyone from Linode comment on their readiness for GDPR as I suspect there are a number of EU and EEA Customers wanting to know where they stand in relation to using you as a service provider and data store.

Less than 14 days until the deadline.

8 Replies

Hey there,

Today we updated the Linode Manager to allow our customers to accept our new Customer Agreement and Privacy Policy for GDPR. The Customer Agreement and Privacy Policy also bring us into compliance with Privacy Shield, with which we're currently in the process of registering.

If you are located within the European Union or European Economic Area you will also be prompted to review and agree to these updated agreements in the Linode Manager.

Is Privacy Shield registration process complete?
Linode does not appear on the list and am wary of completing the updated customer agreement without confirmation.

The EU Model Contract presented in the Linode Manager still specifies the Directive 95/46/EC wich is going to be replaced by the GDPR.

Is this OK or will this contract be updated?

Hey @wemake, thanks for your patience on this response. We have researched the issue you have raised and understand the GDPR to allow use of the EU Model Contract at this time. Linode is unable to give you legal advice, but you can learn more about the GDPR by reviewing the regulation's text, particularly with respect to Article 46 regarding your question.

It's now been months since GDPR has been officially in-effect.

It'd be great if someone from Linode could update us on the progress of the Privacy Shield application.

Hey there!

Our application for Privacy Shield self-certification has been submitted and we are waiting on approval. We will update our Privacy Policy once our application is approved.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.


Sorry for the delay, but I'm happy to share that we're now listed as Privacy Shield compliant on the Privacy Shield website.

Let us know if you have any questions in this thread!

HI. My server is currently hosted in Freemont and I have a number of New Zealand and Australian customers who access successfully.
We are about to add customers in the UK and Europe.
Will the US based server be GDPR compliant or should we spawn another instance in London ?


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