

我们很高兴地宣布,弗里蒙特的计划升级已经开始,只不过不是你所期待的弗里蒙特。 在接下来的几周里,我们将把所有的基础设施从飓风电力公司的FMT1设施过渡到他们的FMT2设施,该设施就在路边几英里处。 FMT2是一个现代化的建筑,我们认为这比FMT1老化的电力和空间限制有很大的改进。


从今以后,所有在弗里蒙特创建的新的 Linode 都将登陆新的设施。执行计划升级或调整你的Linode大小将过渡到新设施。 这是在先到先得的基础上,因为在我们实际转移FMT1的剩余硬件之前,我们的设施的可用性有限。

对于那些有待升级的用户,你可以登录到Linode管理器,查看你的Linode仪表盘,在那里你会有一个新的 "可升级 "框。采取升级措施将同时升级你并将你迁移到FMT2。

那些尚未加入FMT2的人将会收到包含维护窗口和搬迁到新设施的细节的门票。 敬请关注!


评论 (28)

  1. Author Photo


  2. Author Photo

    Awesome news!!!

  3. Author Photo
    Connor Tumbleson

    Freemont lol. Finally 🙂

  4. Author Photo

    Good job guys! Very excited for the upgrades

  5. Author Photo

    You are in the Migration Queue!

    Your position is 22 out of 26 queued migrations in this Linode’s datacenter.

    Finally! Thank you Linode

  6. Author Photo

    Great news! Thank you Linode!

  7. Author Photo

    Thank you Linode, migration was flawless!

  8. Author Photo

    Great! Finally, Fremont catchs up now.

  9. Author Photo

    Thanks guys, now eagerly watching a progress bar.

  10. Author Photo

    Thanks guys! Migrated in less than 10 minutes!

  11. Author Photo

    w00t! All upgraded.

  12. Author Photo

    “We’ve networked both locations onto the same layer-2 LAN, Essentially we have created one large LAN,”

    i bet those interconnects are reliable. Otherwise you have just added another point of failure.

  13. Author Photo

    Thank you guys!!! Awesome news… Already migrated my linode 🙂

  14. Author Photo

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been waiting for long time, and now it was all worth the wait!

  15. Author Photo

    Excellent. I’ve migrated my node. Thank you Linode.

  16. Author Photo

    1 in 1, done! Great job!

  17. Author Photo
  18. Author Photo

    Awesome, thanks guys – migration for each Linode was smooth and flawless!

  19. Author Photo

    After flawless migrations of all 9 of our linodes, and seeing about a 20 – 30% improvement, we have one question.

    While df indicates the additional disk space, it is not indicated on the dashboard and is not available for resizing an ext.

  20. Author Photo

    Finished upgrade! Now gonna to install Debian7
    Thanks Guys

  21. Author Photo

    Flawless upgrade. Finished the upgrade in a little over 5 mins. Loving the increased memory and the 8 cores! Awesome. I’m glad I’m with Linode. Thanks.

  22. Author Photo

    Awesome! thanks Linode.

  23. Author Photo

    Thank you so much

  24. Author Photo

    This is awesome!!!!! Thank you for the doubled size memory and cores!

  25. Author Photo

    Great news. I like Linode.

  26. Author Photo
  27. Author Photo
  28. Author Photo
    Edwin Yip | dev of LIVEditor

    Oops, I wasn’t aware that I have to click that ‘upgrade’ link in order to get actually upgraded…

    Now it says “Your position is 1 out of 1 queued migrations in this Linode’s datacenter.”, looks like I’m the last one 😉


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