Heute, am 16. Juni 2005, ist der zweijährige Geburtstag von Das vergangene Jahr war sehr erfolgreich - die Linode-Abonnements und die Anzahl der Hosts, die online sind, haben sich seit dieser Zeit im letzten Jahr verdoppelt. Ich habe den ersten Mitarbeiter von Linode eingestellt. Wir haben den Service, den wir anbieten, weiter verbessert.
Hier ein kleiner Einblick in das, was wir für das nächste Jahr oder so geplant haben:
[b]Der Umzug nach Xen[/b]
[url=]Xen[/url] ist eine Technologie, die es erlaubt, ein einzelnes System in mehrere Domänen oder Gastbetriebssysteme zu partitionieren. Gastbetriebssysteme unter Xen sind nicht auf Linux beschränkt, obwohl wir uns für unseren Zweck zunächst auf die Bereitstellung von Linux konzentrieren werden. Der Hauptvorteil gegenüber UML aus Sicht des Endbenutzers ist die Leistung. Xen läuft mit nahezu nativer Geschwindigkeit, während UML einen praktischen Overhead von 50-100 % verursachen kann.
Wir haben die Unterstützung für Xen bereits in den [url=]LPM[/url] implementiert, es ist jetzt ein Wartespiel, während einige, zumindest für uns, erforderliche Funktionen in Xen (PAE-Unterstützung) kodiert werden.
[b]Infrastruktur mit gemeinsam genutztem Speicher[/b]
Derzeit hat jeder Host Festplatten, die die Linode-Dateisysteme für diesen Host enthalten. Wie offensichtlich ist, können Festplatten ausfallen, was zu Problemen für diesen speziellen Host führt. Dies schränkt auch die Menge an Speicherplatz ein, die wir für alle Pläne anbieten können, da die Menge an Speicherplatz auf jedem Host festgelegt ist.
Die Ziele des Umstiegs auf eine vernetzte Speicherinfrastruktur sind die Befreiung von der Platzbeschränkung und die Bereitstellung einer redundanten und ausfallsicheren Einrichtung, um Probleme zu beseitigen, die beim Ausfall von Festplatten entstehen.
[b]Xen + Shared Storage = Live-Migrationen[/b]
Die Verwendung von Xen und gemeinsamem Speicher bedeutet, dass wir eine "Live-Migration" durchführen oder Xen-basierte Linodes zwischen verschiedenen Hosts verschieben können, während sie noch laufen, völlig unsichtbar für den Endbenutzer. Dies könnte nützlich sein für den Lastausgleich von Linodes in Echtzeit über verschiedene Hosts oder um Linodes auf eine andere Gruppe von Hosts zu verschieben, während ein bestimmter Host im Cluster gewartet wird. Coole Sache.
- —
Ich hoffe, das gibt Ihnen eine gute Vorstellung von dem, was kommen wird. ist bestrebt, die beste virtuelle Server-Plattform zu bieten, die es gibt. Daher möchte ich mich im Namen von für Ihre Geschäfte, Vorschläge und Beiträge zur Linode-Community bedanken.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Christopher S. Aker
Kommentare (27)
I’ve been here almost the whole time, since July 2003. It’s been amazing watching Linode grow from just a handful of hosts to the dozens and dozens there are now. It was a fantastic service then, and somewhat unbelievably, it’s gotten better and better ever since.
My favorite was 1GB HDD -> 2GB HDD -> 3GB HDD. As soon as I’d get close to running out of space, there’d be more! Free!
Caker, the plans you’ve outlined for the upcoming year are very exciting. Thanks for making Linode the perfect tool for so many uses.
This is the best hosting company I have ever partnered with, hands down.
Well done Caker. 😆 😆 😆
First and foremost, Happy birthdaaay!!! Where’s the party?
I’ve been with Linode since april 2004 and I don’t remember being sorry throughout my time here. Excelent job! 😉
I am too eagerly awaiting the new changes!
Bravo! Congratulations caker (and mikegrb).
/me passes champagne around
Xen is an exciting thing, even now while it’s still maturing. I’m very much looking forward to Linode migrating to it.
Ive only been here for about 3 months. But man I tell you what this is by far the best service ever. Since I have been with you guys I have signed up with other companies just to see how they compare with linode so I can post reviews on my blogg and make people aware about how crappy they are. And let me tell you Linode is the best and hopefully always will be, Dont stray away from here guys, you will be missing out on something spectacular.
Congrats! Two years strong and many more to come. 8)
I cant wait for the Migration, Xen has already proved itself to be a powerful OS Virtulization kernel, and I think the transition will be welcomed here.
I’ve been here since August 2003. I’m especially happy that Linode was able to, after much work on their part, eliminate the load spike problem which had been plagueing early linodes. My Linode has been humming along so smoothly for months and months now that I hardly even bother to check my munin graphs for problems anymore. Great Linode performance and support is making my system administration skills rusty, and that’s a good thing!
My only request for the future is to add more disk space, and more memory if possible, to the plans. I’m approaching 90% full on my filesystem and so far Linode has saved the day by adding more disk space to the plans right when I needed it, but it’s getting close to that time again!
It’s been an amazing and wonderful two years.
/me raises his glass
Here’s to another two!
Yeah, I fully love everything about Linode, and the UML system has been perfect for what I needed. If Xen is gonna be even better, you’ll have a fully satisfied customer for a long time.
P.S.: The best part is the honesty of caker and mike, and I’ve learned a bunch and been able to teach in the IRC channel which has been a great resource. I also feel that I can help mike and caker out at times with answering questions when their time could be better suited at keeping this great service working well.
I love this service. I’ve been here 18 months and it keeps getting better. Happy birthday and thank you.
And since I’m an alcoholic, and I’m always looking for a reason to celebrate…
Wow, how the time flies! I’ve been here since almost the beginning (my billing history starts exactly two years ago today), and I’ve been quite happy with the service. I’m looking forward to Xen – it looks very promising. At home I now have a FC4 system that includes Xen, and it’s looking like it can do quite a lot.
Congratulations! You deserve it Caker.
Been here since August 2003 and only had a couple of problems in all that time which is amazingly good.
Cheers to caker! 😆
Just checked my billing history goes back to October 2003… not far from being with linode 2 years myself cant believe its been that long already…
I joined early & have been a happy customer of linode ever since. Service over the past two years has been excellent and response time from Australia is good.
Dear Caker,
On this year annyversary, i hope we will get a apecial discount from linode, it will make us more royal to linode 🙂
i am joining linode start from August,2005
This month is my shell anniversary
How about -5%? I mean, with the great customer support, fast response times, and just plain cool having a root account I think a -5% discount is a good idea!
Linode is already a great deal, and you’re only talking about $1/month for those of us on Linode64. I think I’d rather continue to get disk space and bandwidth bumps, as well as more work on Xen, than save $1/month.
I said *negative* 5%. I was trying to be a smart arse.
[quote:e15fb37226=”harleypig”]I said *negative* 5%. I was trying to be a smart arse.[/quote]
Oh. My bad! Went right over my head.
i don’t think so if more diskspace will give us more benefit, maybe caker should give a special reward for a royal customer like discount 10 % or etc for monthly payment, this is just my opinion
What members of which royal families have accounts on Linode? I’m curious. I didn’t even think about the possibility of royals being geeks.
I dont think he meant he’s part of a royal family … after all, wouldn’t that be a bit messed up? royal family members asking for 5-10% discount (not to say linode prices are < $100) 😛
Okay, bad jokes are flying left and right. If you’re lucky, they go right over your head.
I think it’s time to declare the two year anniversary thread officialy finished…
DUCK! It’s a pun!
A bit late, but, congrats! 🙂