



様々なスレッドでほのめかされていたように、大きな発表がここにあります。 すべてのLinodeプランのリソースを2倍にしました。 つまり、RAMが2倍、ディスク容量が2倍、転送量が2倍、そして価値が2倍になりました!🙂。


Linode 128は[b]Linode 256 - 8GiB Diskになります。
Linode 192は「b]Linode 384 - 12GiBディスク」となります。
Linode 256は、[b]Linode 512 - 16GiBディスク[/b]になります。
Linode 384は、[b]Linode 768 - 24GiBディスク[/b]になります。
Linode 512は、Linode 1024 - 32GiBディスクになります([b]Linode 768 - 24GiBディスク)。

詳細は [url=https://www.linode.com/products/linodes.cfm]products[/url] ページをご確認ください。


➡ [b]Fremont:[/b] 56台以上のホストでは、すでにアップグレードが完了しています。 残りのFremontのホストについては、近日中に詳細なアップグレード/移行スケジュールをお知らせします。

➡ [b]ダラス:[/b] これらのアップグレードを行うために、データセンターのスペースを確保しているところです。 もう一つの選択肢は、Linodeを別のデータセンターに移行(IP変更)して、すぐにアップグレードを受けることです。 その場合は、[url=https://www.linode.com/support/ticket_new.cfm]サポートチケット[/url] を開設してください。

EDIT:ダラスのアップグレードが可能になりました。[url=https://www.linode.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2711]このスレッド[/url] をご覧ください。

➡ [b]アトランタ:[/b] アップグレード完了。



また、年払いのお客様には、新基準に加えて50%のディスク容量が追加されます。 年払いへの切り替えをご希望の方は、[url=https://www.linode.com/support/tickets.cfm]サポートチケット[/url] にご記入ください。


リスト][*] [b]既存のファイルシステムのサイズを変更して新しいスペースを確保する[/b][リスト][*] Linodeをシャットダウンする。
[*] メンバー -> ディスクイメージ -> ルートファイルシステムをクリック -> 新しいサイズを入力して変更を保存
[*] Linodeを起動します。
[*] [b]新しい空のディスクイメージの作成[/b]
[list][*]メンバー→ディスクイメージ、"Create an Empty Disk Image "までスクロールダウン。
[*] ラベルを入力します(例:「disk2」)。
[*] サイズを入力する(右上の「ストレージの概要」ボックスを使用)
ファイルシステムの種類に "ext3 "を選択し、ディスクを作成する。
[*] 新しい「disk2」を空いている /dev/ubd? 保存
[*] Linodeを再起動します。
[*] Linodeにログインして、rootとして"mount /dev/ubd[insert device letter here] /path/to/mountpoint" path/to/mountpoint は既存のディレクトリです。
[*] [b]より多くのLinuxインストールを展開する[/b][list][*]なぜなら、Distro Wizardを使えばいいのです! 新しいディストロを試してみるとか :-)[/list].
ご利用いただきありがとうございました。 お楽しみに

- Chris

コメント (41)

  1. Author Photo

    Let me be the first to say thanks, and long live Linode! 🙂

  2. Author Photo

    This is great news — really fantastic. You guys are the best.

    I’m at the Dallas datacenter — what’s the timeframe for equipment upgrades there?

    I’m not sure if I should ask to be moved, or wait it out…

  3. Author Photo

    you know, it’s kind of funny…. i just spent the evening hanging out with another linode customer (a former roommate and good friend of mine) who asked me if dashboard.cfm was the "big announcement" that’s been rumored about. i told him it wasn’t, and boy am i glad it was [b]so[/b] much bigger than that.

    thanks, linode. and thank you, man of cake.

  4. Author Photo

    You guys are fantastic, I can’t believe this… and it’s on top of a storage and a RAM increase not that long ago!

  5. Author Photo

    [quote:df38256610=”astrashe2″]I’m at the Dallas datacenter — what’s the timeframe for equipment upgrades there? [/quote]
    It’s been over a month since I requested the space, and no ETA yet. I’ve been trying to get an answer from my rep there, but it’s been slow going. It’s at least weeks away, so if you want the upgrades soon you’ll need to migrate.


  6. Author Photo

    Awesome! Definitely worth the suspense. 🙂

    Oh and host12 should definitely be first in Fremont. 😉


  7. Author Photo

    Hmmm nice,

    Since Sep’04:
    [b]Linode 64[/b] -> [b]Linode 80[/b] -> [b]Linode 100[/b] -> [b]Linode 128[/b] -> [b]Linode 256[/b]

    Linode.com — simply excellent!


  8. Author Photo

    Yeah, I just logged in to mess with my IP address setup, and it was like: Disk usage: 50%.

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    YAH. Thanks, guys.

  9. Author Photo


    This upgrade came right when I needed. Thanks a lot!

  10. Author Photo

    Very nice, thanks caker. I’d love to migrate from Dallas to Atlanta myself but can’t with all those filtered ports in Atlanta. Any idea if that’ll be fixed, or are you stuck with it?

  11. Author Photo

    [quote:de5289fdbd=”c1i77″]Hmmm nice,

    Since Sep’04:
    [b]Linode 64[/b] -> [b]Linode 80[/b] -> [b]Linode 100[/b] -> [b]Linode 128[/b] -> [b]Linode 256[/b]

    Linode.com — simply excellent!

    I just said the same sort of thing (started with a linode64, now got a linode256)! That’s an astounding increase! That’ll make the competition think!

  12. Author Photo

    I migrated from Dallas to Atlanta, and it went without a hitch.

    The whole process was automated, and I could control when my vps went down.

    I have my network configured manually, so I had to login on the console and edit my configs manually. But that’s easy.

    I was squeamish about it, but I can’t imagine it being easier, or going more smoothly.

  13. Author Photo

    Awesome. Thanks.

  14. Author Photo

    I’m on host41.linode.com and it looks like mine has increased by 50%, but the RAM hasn’t come into effect yet. I’m assuming this rollout will take place over time.

    Fantastic stuff, linode!

    Cheers, Tom

  15. Author Photo

    Re. the 50% extra disk: That was from the LAST upgrade. After this upgrade, it will be double THAT.

    I’m on host45, so I haven’t gotten the boost yet, but I care about keeping my 2 ip addresses constant, so I’m gonna wait it out. 😆

  16. Author Photo

    Great news Chris, you always deliver when I’m running low on resources.

    Linode.com A+ as usual.

  17. Author Photo


    I had noticed that other services offered better resources for the same price a few weeks back, but I wasn’t going to change because I’ve had good experiences here and bad experience with bargain-basement operations.

    Periodic resource bumps even if it goes over and above what I’ve agreed to pay for reinforce this decision.

    Moreover, when I refer colleagues/clients to you and you do this sort of thing, it makes me look good.

  18. Author Photo

    mthaddon: RAM won’t happen whilst you’re live – you get it on reboot.

  19. Author Photo

    Any updates on when the remaining Fremont hosts will be upgraded?

    I’m eager to start using these new resources 🙂

    I think I’m going to switch to annual payments after the upgrades to get an even bigger upgrade to disk space. That means I’m going from 4 GB to 12 GB… not bad at all! I’ll probably start using the space for backups.

  20. Author Photo

    As it’s 10 days (in my TZ) since the last status update, any more news on Dallas?

  21. Author Photo

    We’ve completed negotiations for two more cabinets in Dallas late last week. We’ve got servers ready to ship, with more components on order. I’m still going to say 3-4 weeks, but possibly sooner.

    We’ll start the upgrades for the remaining Fremont hosts this week (honest).


  22. Author Photo

    It’s been almost two weeks, so I thought I’d bump this to ask if there is a more specific eta for us poor souls who haven’t had the resource bump yet?


  23. Author Photo

    Ditto. I’m waiting with bated breath!

    On another note, with all the recent upgrades, I’m now beginning to get confused on what I’ve purchased vs. what I’m now getting for my original purchase. Looking at my very first invoice (dated April 08, 2004), I purchased a Linode 384. Based on caker’s original post, that now translates to a Linode 768 host, right? And that means that disk space will be 24GB (vs. 12GB at what a 384 node is rated at now?) when the migration is finished for my host (host 11)? I’m thoroughly lost. 😕

    [quote:2ad62d80a1=”andrewjw”]It’s been almost two weeks, so I thought I’d bump this to ask if there is a more specific eta for us poor souls who haven’t had the resource bump yet?


  24. Author Photo

    [quote:0a1ca129bd=”unixfool”]Ditto. I’m waiting with bated breath!

    On another note, with all the recent upgrades, I’m now beginning to get confused on what I’ve purchased vs. what I’m now getting for my original purchase. Looking at my very first invoice (dated April 08, 2004), I purchased a Linode 384. Based on caker’s original post, that now translates to a Linode 768 host, right? And that means that disk space will be 24GB (vs. 12GB at what a 384 node is rated at now?) when the migration is finished for my host (host 11)? I’m thoroughly lost. 😕

    The invoices seem to have updated from what we originally purchased, I originally had a 150 but now my first invoice says 384. So since the invoices have been updated, you’re stuck with a Linode 384 unless you want to shell out the extra cash.

  25. Author Photo

    [quote:9dacd88502=”unixfool”]Ditto. I’m waiting with bated breath!

    On another note, with all the recent upgrades, I’m now beginning to get confused on what I’ve purchased vs. what I’m now getting for my original purchase. Looking at my very first invoice (dated April 08, 2004), I purchased a Linode 384. Based on caker’s original post, that now translates to a Linode 768 host, right? And that means that disk space will be 24GB (vs. 12GB at what a 384 node is rated at now?) when the migration is finished for my host (host 11)? I’m thoroughly lost. 😕

    According to:


    If you got a linode 384 in 2004, you got something that wasn’t even on the list. So, you must have been spending some pretty serious cash at the time.

    I got what was essentially a 64 in early 2005, and it went to an 80 (sept 28, 05), then a 100 (jun 16, 06), then a 128 (jan 18, 07), and it will now be a 256 after The Planet gets their act together. So, if you got your node in 2004, I’d say you are looking at something close to 4x whatever you originally had.

  26. Author Photo

    [quote:22becae5d1=”andrewjw”]It’s been almost two weeks, so I thought I’d bump this to ask if there is a more specific eta for us poor souls who haven’t had the resource bump yet?[/quote]

    Dallas Update: Hosts are ready to ship to Dallas. As soon we’re told they are ready to rack them for us, it will be ~ 5 days to bring them up (ship, rack, test).

    Fremont Update: The Migration Queue tool is available for those on host9 – host26. All other Linodes in Fremont have already received the upgrade.

    Migration Queue:


  27. Author Photo

    If I’d been privy to that link you posted, I’d have not even asked my questions. It’s obvious from my post that I didn’t know of this, at least to me. One should wonder why invoices from 2004 would reflect recent price changes anyways, so it’s easy so assume the invoices have not been altered.

    Based on that link, and after doing the math, I bought a 96 node. Anyone know why the 2004 invoices changed?

    According to:


    If you got a linode 384 in 2004, you got something that wasn’t even on the list. So, you must have been spending some pretty serious cash at the time.

    I got what was essentially a 64 in early 2005, and it went to an 80 (sept 28, 05), then a 100 (jun 16, 06), then a 128 (jan 18, 07), and it will now be a 256 after The Planet gets their act together. So, if you got your node in 2004, I’d say you are looking at something close to 4x whatever you originally had.[/quote]

  28. Author Photo

    [quote:c3921703df=”unixfool”]Anyone know why did the 2004 invoices changed?[/quote]
    You could chalk this one up to a design flaw. Your invoice item records point to the package, where the label is — so when the package name changes, so do old invoices. I have a note to fix this (by copying the package label into the invoice item record), but it won’t fix old invoices…


  29. Author Photo

    Thanks, Chris.

    I’ve just migrated to Fremont. I also have so much more disk space to play with that I’m now planning a whole refresh.

    Every time I think I’ve seen it all in regards to stellar support, you go over the top…I’ve recommended my friends to try Linode.com and one already has and loves it. Keep up the good work and more business will come your way by word-of-mouth alone!

    Thanks again!

    [quote:5fd54175cb=”caker”][quote:5fd54175cb=”unixfool”]Anyone know why did the 2004 invoices changed?[/quote]
    You could chock this one up to a design flaw. Your invoice item records point to the package, where the label is — so when the package name changes, so do old invoices. I have a note to fix this (by copying the package label into the invoice item record), but it won’t fix old invoices…


  30. Author Photo

    Update: Never mind, I thought I was in Fremont but I am in Dallas on host29, so my upgrade is a few weeks out.

  31. Author Photo

    Just in time! I’ve been very happy with Linode’s service, but to be honest I was thinking of switching away. I realized recently that for only a few dollars more a month, other hosting companies were offering more powerful dedicated servers. Now that the Linode is more powerful, everything is awesome! I’m going to be changing distros (gentoo->Ubuntu) and web servers (apache->lighttpd) soon, so everything will be more awesome. Thanks Linode.

  32. Author Photo

    Just bumping this up as it’s been a couple weeks since the last update. Any news on the Dallas front?



  33. Author Photo

    New hosts are leaving for Dallas on Monday.

    If all goes according to schedule, we’re hoping to start migrations by the weekend.


  34. Author Photo

    Not to sound impatient, but it’s the next Monday and the weekend is over. Are there any news about the Dallas linodes?

    Greetings (and thanks for a good service.)

  35. Author Photo

    Here’s an edited excerpt from Monday’s IRC channel logs. It’s not good I’m afraid 😥 I’m dying for my upgrade!

    15:38 < caker> Daniel H. – Monday April 16th, 2007; 1:05 PM CDT
    15:38 < caker> We are anticipating that your cage will be built by the end of this week. An eta on when the new servers will be racked and online is still being determined.
    15:38 * caker fumes
    16:15 < tierra> takes one to two months to approve the cages, and an additional 2 weeks past the date that all hardware arrives to actually get it put together… that’s pretty sad
    16:15 < caker> tierra: s/hardware arrives/contract signed/, but yeah…
    16:15 < caker> out of sight (no customer hardware on premises), out of mind I guess
    16:16 < caker> there’s way more to the story, but not worth going into
    16:18 < tasaro> they *should* have started the cage when the contract was signed… and I’m guessing they sub that out anyway
    16:18 < caker> what pissed me off more than anything are all the broken promises/commitments
    16:18 < caker> If they told me it would have taken this long, I would be more understanding
    16:19 < caker> tasaro has a good idea: build the cage around our racked servers :)
    16:19 * caker ‘s mood: bleh
    16:20 < caker> sorry guys…
    16:20 < tasaro> When caker called the sales rep on Thursday, he had the balls to tell him we’d be online sometime on Friday
    16:20 < caker> in his words: "Tomorrow"

  36. Author Photo

    Just so everyone’s clear: All of our hardware arrived at ThePlanet in Dallas last week. They are building out our new cage (woohoo!) and have told us it will be completed by this Friday. Then, they need to install our hardware (various console / power controllers / switch, + 19 servers), so I guess add a few business days for that.

    So, that puts us into the middle of next week for the new hosts to be online. Once ThePlanet racks our servers we’re ready to go on our end.


  37. Author Photo

    [quote:1ba3d70531=”caker”]Just so everyone’s clear: All of our hardware arrived at ThePlanet in Dallas last week. They are building out our new cage (woohoo!) and have told us it will be completed by this Friday. Then, they need to install our hardware (various console / power controllers / switch, + 19 servers), so I guess add a few business days for that.

    Chris, i assume you’ve looked around, is there anyone out there with better customer service than ThePlanet? or is the next step just managing your own hardware?

    i use another ISP who used to have their hardware at ThePlanet. they eventually left ThePlanet because of poor service and picked up their own space at a data center where they could kick their own hardware.

  38. Author Photo

    wonderful service.

  39. Author Photo

    Almost had a heart-attack… LJs RSS feed redisplayed this thread just now and I was thinking "What, again?!!! I don’t believe it!" but I guess it was the edit of the head article that cause the RSS feeder to redisplay it. I was right to not believe it 🙂

  40. Author Photo

    Yeah, I just had the same thing and thought "what the…?"

  41. Author Photo

    This company does nothing but make me happy!

    Virtual beats actual! I have a very powerful server for very little money!

