ブログリノードライノード API 2.0

Linode API 2.0

Linode 管理の完全自動化ができればいいとお思いですか?それは可能です:Linode API v2.0 の紹介です。

この新しいバージョンでは Linode のライフサイクルを通した管理が可能になります。 アカウントの元で、Linode の追加および削除、ディスク イメージと構成プロファイルの管理、IP 一覧表示、ブートやシャットダウンジョブを発行したり、状態を照会したりできるようになりました。

API は既存のユーザーとアクセス許可システムによって管理されるため、 Linode.com アカウントで API キーを生成し、指定したオブジェクトのみへのアクセス許可が可能です。

いつものように、Linode.com (および今後はAPI) を通して追加した Linode は、選択した支払期間を通じて請求されます。Linode を削除した場合、残りの未使用部分のクレジットがアカウントに返金され、インスタンス日基準の請求を効果的に提供します。

Linode API によって提供される自動化を使用すると、アプリケーションとツールでクラウド内の Linode を直接制御できます。 私たちはその可能性に興奮しており、APIの継続的な開発と共に間違いなく成長していく創造的なプロジェクトを見ていくことを本当に楽しみにしています。

コメント (27)

  1. Author Photo

    This is so cool guys. I had been meaning to request that you flesh out the API more so that it became a tool to manage the creation and control of linodes.

  2. Author Photo

    Excellent work! This is beyond awesome. This brings linode into the fully-automatic cloud-computing sphere at 1/4th the cost of an ec2 instance. Once the word gets out you guys may have fun trying to keep up with demand. (a really good situation to be in). In a word “wewp!”.

  3. Author Photo

    This is why Linode is the best. In Turkish; “Helal olsun!”

  4. Author Photo

    We’ve needed Linode container creation, clone, list and destroy – this is great news and we’ll take a look at your Reference Documentation. Thanks for your effort on this. We appreciate it. Thanks for also working on the implementation of your API for libcloud.org. We’ll be sure to let others know of your efforts.

  5. Author Photo

    Nice API features. Any chance of iPhone app in the near soon.

  6. Author Photo


    >>”This brings linode into the fully-automatic cloud-computing sphere at 1/4th the cost of an ec2 instance.”

    How do you figure?

    At $72 / mo., an EC2 get’s you 1.5 GB of RAM and a 1.8 GHz proc

    Here’s the pricing calculator in case you don’t believe me.


  7. Christopher Aker

    @Tim, price/resource comparisons aside, $20 gets you a Linode, which is roughly 1/4 the cost of the smallest EC2 instance.

  8. Author Photo

    @caker: Sure, $20 gets you a small Linode – which is 1/4 the cost of EC2 … but from a performance standpoint – that 1/4 the cost get’s you 1/7th the performance (360MB of RAM vs 1.8GB)

    So dollar-for-dollar, EC2 is waaaaaaaaaaay more bang for the buck.

  9. Author Photo

    @caker: Another way to look at it:

    For the performance of a EC2-small at $72 which get’s you 1.8GB … that would be equivalent to a Linode 1440 ($79) + Linode 360 ($20).

    So, to get the same performance from 1 EC2-small ($72), it would cost $99 at Linode.

    Which translates to Linode being 38% more expansive than EC2.

    Again, I love you guys but let’s not forget – you’re not the least expensive / high-quality rodeo in town

  10. Author Photo

    @Tim: I think you’re forgetting available CPU resources in your calculations. With a Linode 360 you get access to four Xeon cores, which you can max out any available CPU time on. The vast majority of the time our hosts run under very low load, meaning you get a heck of lot more bang for your buck than a single 1.8 GHz processor.

  11. Christopher Aker

    @Tim: Define performance for me.

    RAM does not equal performance. It depends on the workload, of course, but a blanket statement like that without some metric or benchmark to back it up is worthless. Also, where is bandwidth in your calculations? And persistent storage? And a static IP address? All of those are extra with AWS.

    Regardless, here’s a more accurate comparison:

    EC2 Small Instance, with reservation: 1.7GB RAM, 1 core, 64GB EBS, 800GB bandwidth, with static IP: $231.30/mo

    Linode 1440, 1.4GB RAM, 4 cores, 64GB DIsk, 800GB bandwidth, static IP: $79.95/mo

  12. Author Photo

    Excellent day to release on, it was my birthday.
    I used EC2 for a while, before I got my Linode, when I just needed to do the odd thing using Linux. Always cost me way more than I used because I’m in the UK and my bank adds £1.50 to any foreign transaction. When your using less than 50p a month, that’s a fortune!

  13. Author Photo
    Nilson Santos F. Jr.

    Glad to see there are Perl bindings available. 🙂

  14. Author Photo


    I’m with Chris and Phil on this one. I’d love there to be Linode in the EU (as EC2 has EU instances). However, every time I’ve tried to get anywhere near the total package that Linode offers using EC2 pricing, EC2 is way more expensive. (And I understand full well the problem for Linode in maintaining their quality control so far from the US).

    Furthermore, Linode listens like no other supplier I’ve dealt with. And with the irc channel, when I’ve had a problem or worry that needed an _immediate_ answer, I’ve popped in there and got it. One time when I had trouble accessing my linodes, I went to the irc channel and they were even able to tell me about problems with my carrier from the UK of which I was unaware.

    I’ve recommended Linode whenever people ask for hosting. And I don’t even ask that people use me as a referral – I want people to know that I’m recommending Linode purely because I think Linode is a top quality operation.

  15. Author Photo


    Thanks for the information.

    It might be worthy while to create a Linode web page showing this comparison between you and EC2 for others to learn and understand

  16. Author Photo

    I’ve been on the fence for a while over Linode vs Slicehost vs EC2 vs Mosso, etc. I think Caker’s cost + feature comparisons have made me decide to go with Linode for my next mini-project. I agree with Tim, you SHOULD make a page comparing this! Compare yourselves to others and display popular websites that use your service (uptime is a big concern too).

    From a cost-conscious (no, not cheap!) person like myself, seeing these numbers in front of me without having to hunt and calculate bandwidth, usage, etc. makes decisions turn from days (even weeks) to moments.

    That combined with this new API and the hopes of an iphone app will have me signing up soon!

    Best regards,
    Tony Carrera

  17. Author Photo

    @caker Also, if you could break down the cost structure as well for the EC2 comparision – that would be great. Since it seems that most of the EC2 cost that you calculated is related to the bandwidth.

  18. Author Photo

    Any chance the stats graphs can be exposed using the API? It seems like they are available for some time period after you log in using the normal console but issuing commands with the API doesn’t do the same thing.

  19. Author Photo

    I wonder why nobody has slashdotted this announcement just yet.
    I’m sure it would blast the sales as hell…

  20. Author Photo

    I would to have access to stats graphs through the API too 🙂

    And it would be very useful to remove all the linode information on the graphs. Privacy is gold 🙂

  21. Author Photo

    It would be great if you could view the last n lines of the console from the API.


  22. Author Photo

    Looks cool, but the idea of debugging code that makes automated charges to my credit card is a little bit nerve-wracking. Any chance of getting a fail-safe of some sort in case I forget to increment a loop counter?

  23. Christopher Aker

    @Daniel: You’ll notice linode.create() has a built-in limiter of 5 Linodes added per hour.

  24. Author Photo

    Very nice. Any chance of a sandbox? say for example


    Comes back with something like

    Node creation successful. $XX.XX was charged to your ImaginaryCard

  25. Author Photo

    I can’t send mail to api@linode.com, because your mail server returns error ‘User unknown’.

  26. Christopher Aker

    @Din: try again now, thanks.

  27. Author Photo


    Do you guys have any plan to support other cloud APIs/Frameworks such as jclouds?


