ブログLinodeテストのお願い - SYSEMUパフォーマンスパッチ

テスト依頼 - SYSEMUパフォーマンスパッチ

現在Fremontデータセンターでホストを使用しているLinode 64ユーザー(host9以上)で、ホストとUMLの新しいパフォーマンスパッチのテストに協力してくれる人を探しています。

UMLは、アプリケーションが行うシステムコールをインターセプトするLinuxの機能であるptraceを利用して動作します。 あなたのUMLがシステムコールを行うと、ホストはそのコールを傍受し、UML内部で作業を行い、そのシステムコールをホスト上の「getpid」に変換することで、ホスト上でシステムコールをヌル化します。 この場合の問題点は、ホスト上で2つのコンテキストスイッチが発生することです。

と [url=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/laurent.vivier/UML/





[list][*] 私たちはあなたをhost25に移行しますが、前のホストのあなたのスロットは予約されたままです(私たちがあなたを再び移行する必要がある場合に備えて)。 移行したことがない方のために説明しますと、これはファイルシステムイメージを新しいホストに移す自動プロセスです。 お客様側では何の変更も必要なく、ダウンタイムはイメージのコピーにかかる時間に限られます(通常は3GBで15分以下です)。
[*] 2.4.26-linode29-1um カーネルを起動するように設定してください。
[*] 物事を壊してみる[/list] 。
数日間うまくいったら、安定していると判断してサーバーを公開します。 さらに数週間後には、他のホストをこのカーネルに移行することができます。


第三に、何人かの方に2.4.26-linode29-1umカーネルをテストしていただき、sysemuのパッチが適用されていないホスト上でも正しく動作することを確認していただきたいと思います。 このカーネルについてのあなたの経験を教えてください。 sysemuが有効でないホストでは、以前のlinodeカーネルと同じように動作するはずです。



コメント (17)

  1. Author Photo

    Three updates in one test? You’ve got ball-balls Chris!


    — James

  2. Author Photo

    I’m interested….let do it!

  3. Author Photo

    [quote:0999715663=”mcowger”]I’m interested….let do it![/quote]

    Great. I haven’t patched a 2.6-um kernel with the sysemu patches yet, so for now go with the 2.4.26-linode29-1um kernel. I’ll update this thread when the 2.6 version is out.


  4. Author Photo

    I’m game. What do I need to do?


  5. Author Photo

    [quote:31f75d1a84=”terryr”]I’m game. What do I need to do?[/quote]

    Login, shutdown, and press the migrate button. After the migration, reboot.

    BTW, 5 users have moved over to host25 and so far so good.


  6. Author Photo

    Done! Are you looking for any specific feedback?

  7. Author Photo

    [quote:5c2da2598a=”terryr”]Done! Are you looking for any specific feedback?[/quote]
    I pretty much know there’s a performance improvement already, but hearing about that would be nice. It might be kind of difficult to pin down, unless you run specific tests and compare them against the linode28 kernel. Secondly, I wanted to generate some load on the host kernel, and the linode29 kernel, just to make sure the stability is still there.


  8. Author Photo

    I loaded a fresh Fedora Core 1 distro. Noticed immediately how much faster it is. Ran locate -u which was noticeably faster. Ran top and saw something strange. About every two seconds, there’s a cycle. See pics below. irq goes up to 0.9% and softirq goes up to 49.5% and iowait is 49.5%, then it all drops to 0 for 2 seconds and goes back up again for two seconds.


    I don’t recall this happening when I looked at top on the old host. Or did I just miss it?


  9. Author Photo

    I am seeing stragne problems with mysql that I did not see before moving over. Whenever, I try to connect I get this message:

    ERROR 2002: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)

    This is because mysqld either keeps hanging or completely crashes.
    It will run fine for a few hours and then just die. I can’t explain why.

    I will keep everyone posted.


  10. Author Photo

    [quote:04e5122a27=”jftuga”]I am seeing stragne problems with mysql that I did not see before moving over. Whenever, I try to connect I get this message:

    ERROR 2002: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)

    This is because mysqld either keeps hanging or completely crashes.
    It will run fine for a few hours and then just die. I can’t explain why.[/quote]
    I’ve noticed your Linode using a lot of swap, so perhaps you’re running out of memory and the OOM (Out Of Memory) killer is kicking in…


  11. Author Photo

    [quote:2ab259ee1d=”terryr”]I don’t recall this happening when I looked at top on the old host. Or did I just miss it? [/quote]
    I’ll give this a shot, too, but.. would you mind rebooting into the linode28 kernel and seeing if you can reproduce this?

    I somehow doubt the SYSEMU patch would be the cause of this, or the mysql problem…


  12. Author Photo

    I have modified the mysql server for a small memory footprint using the my-small.cnf that comes with the src distro.

    I will let you kno if this helps.

    Also, I am using a lot of swap, and am considering upgrading to a 96 or 128 when they become available.


  13. Author Photo

    [quote:befbb85d95=”caker”]I’ll give this a shot, too, but.. would you mind rebooting into the linode28 kernel and seeing if you can reproduce this? [/quote]

    Did that yesterday with no change, but when I checked this morning, I’m at 0.1% for irq and softirq and it cycles with iowait at 0.2%. The high initial numbers didn’t seem to affect performance at all.


  14. Author Photo

    where is the migrate button? I shutodown and clicked around but I never found it.

  15. Author Photo

    [quote:f84ba42be4=”bakins”]where is the migrate button? I shutodown and clicked around but I never found it.[/quote]
    This is something I have to set up for you first (which I just did). Login and you should see it.

    Testing has gone very well. In fact, the machine is “live”, 2.6.7-rc1 is performing great (on the host), and the linode29 kernel works perfectly on SYSEMU and non-SYSEMU patched hosts.

    I consider this test done, but go ahead and make the move — let me know what you think.


  16. Author Photo

    I was out of town for a week.

    I’ve now migrated and am testing. Everything seems to work. I’m testing out plone. I’ll do some tests and get back.

  17. Author Photo

    interesting… is this similar to the skas patch?

