ブログネットワークLinode NextGen。ハードウェア

Linode NextGen:ハードウェア


Linode:NextGen に関するシリーズの2番目の投稿です。シリーズの最初の投稿は、私たちが行っているネットワークのアップグレードに焦点を当てました。この記事では、新しいホスト仕様、CPU、フリートの更新、およびこれらすべての変更のデプロイスケジュールに焦点を当てています。 おっと、そして:


私たちは皆様のLinodeをより速くするために何百万もの投資をしています。クレイジーなほど速くするために。新しい "NextGen" ホストハードウェア仕様に対するフリート全体の3/4のリフレッシュを開始しました。 そして、私たちはすべてのLinodeを8コアにアップグレードしています、今すぐにです!あなたのコンピューティング能力を倍増するには今 Linode を再起動するだけです。

ホストの更新が完了する頃には Linode は 1年未満のハードウェアで実行されるようになります。これは何を意味するか?同じ価格でウェブサイト、サービス、処理を高速化します。

NextGen ホストを駆動するのはは 2つの Intel Sandy Bridge E5-2670 プロセッサです。E5-2670は電力価格性能比のハイエンドに位置しています。  各 E5-2670 は 20MB のキャッシュを使用し、8 コアを 2.6Ghz で動作させます。 また最新世代のエンタープライズグレードのハードディスクドライブ(キャッシュの倍増、ポート速度の向上、待ち時間とアクセス時間の短縮)に移行しました。

Linode は来週ごろに NextGen ハードウェアでの稼働を開始します。 廃止されるサーバー上の Linode は新しいハードウェアに移行する必要があります。影響を受ける人には、詳細とリードタイム(数週間)を充分含んだサポートチケットを受け取ります。 また希望すれば事前に移行を実行することもできます。

では SSD はどうでしょうか? SSDが Linode の将来に入っているのは疑いはありません。しかし、エンタープライズクラスのSSD(SLCまたはeMLCベース)は非常に高価です。 また、MLCベースのドライブは安価ですが、消費者グレードのラップトップドライブを使用してLinodeにをドライブするのはどう考えても正しく感じません。 従って、エンタープライズ SSD の容量が増加するまで待ちます。

Linode Debian 6 32 ビットを実行し、8 コアを持つ Linode 1024 を走らせている新しいホストビルドにでのLinux カーネルコンパイルベンチマークの例を次に示します。 :

apt-get update && apt-get -y install build-essential
wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.8.tar.xz
tar xf linux-3.8.tar.xz
cd linux-3.8/
make distclean && make defconfig && time make -j8

real    1m41.861s
user    10m37.423s
sys     1m41.298s


コメント (113)

  1. Author Photo

    Excellent! E5s are a MASSIVE improvement over the L5520s. Well played, Linode!

  2. Author Photo

    Wow, such a great move!

    Linode FTW!

  3. Author Photo

    Any hope for a lower-spec’d plan that’s cheaper than the current 19.95 plan? I don’t need more power… but I could use a lower bill!

  4. Author Photo

    Wow, great job! I’m glad I went with you guys.

  5. Author Photo

    Great news! I just checked mine and it’s still 4 cores, when should it be activated for everyone?

    Thanks 🙂

  6. Christopher Aker

    You need to reboot once to get the additional cores.

  7. Author Photo

    So where are you selling the old hardware? I’d be interested in one or two old boxen and I’m sure others might be too…reply to my “required but not published” e-mail address?

  8. Author Photo

    Exelente !

  9. Author Photo

    Love it!

    PS: any chance for cheaper RAM in the future? CPU is great but for a lot of us, it’s memory that’s the limiter!

  10. Author Photo

    That’s awesome,
    but what about those 1/4 who won’t be using a “NextGen” hardware? Can I know whether my server is using a “NextGen” hardware or no?

  11. Author Photo

    my 425 days Uptime will be lost lol

  12. Author Photo

    Guys you are awesome! These new features are making me to stick with you! Keep going! Another good improvement would be more memory for all plans 😀

  13. Author Photo
    Khayrattee Wasseem

    This is AWESOME!!
    Thank you Linode for your quality service and awesome team!


  14. Author Photo

    Rebooted my 1024 and moar cores!!! Thank you!!

  15. Author Photo

    Does the number of nodes per host the same? Twice as many cores don’t help as much if more nodes are sharing them.

    (and also I suppose if a RAM upgrade were in order it would have been covered in this “the hardware” part…. too bad)

  16. Author Photo

    This is all fantastic for the system and will allow Linode much higher density on each physical server..

    As Nick mentioned above Linode might need to look at their prices as well.. My site that I have on a Linode doesn’t need 8 cores or multiple TB of transfer.. Memory is probably my biggest physical constraint because I don’t want to increase my costs..

    There are a lot of good VPS/Cloud offerings out there now offering comparable service levels for much lover costs.. Without mentioning any names there is one provider offering 2GB of memory and storage on RAID10 SSD for the same amount that a Linode 512 costs and they give you unlimited backup snapshots included in that.. With Linode backups are extra..

    Even if availability was a high priority (not that the other provider is unreliable because it appears they are very reliable) I could get two 1GB servers and load balance them for the same price as the Linode 512..

    Don’t get me wrong I think Linode are fantastic and I don’t have a bad thing to say about them but they need to make sure they remain cost competitive rather than simply offering a bulked up service that many don’t actually “need”..

    Kudos to Linode for being very proactive on hardware and network upgrades..

  17. Author Photo
    LessWrong Masturbator

    Lies! 101 seconds to compile the kernel.

  18. Author Photo

    Great news, thanks Linode! Just rebooted my Linode. How do we verify that we have access to 8 core goodness?

  19. Author Photo

    Amazing! Thank you!
    Hope next gift will be RAM 🙂

  20. Author Photo
  21. Author Photo

    Awesome to hear!

    What tool is that in the screenshot? 🙂

  22. Author Photo

    While, I am sure, most of us are fine with enterprise SAS drives and dont need SSD’s.. competition still beats you on RAM field. In times when everyone is comparing you with DigitalOcean that same DigitalOcean offer 2GB of RAM for 20$

  23. Author Photo


    It’s htop

  24. Author Photo

    @Jesse The tool in the screenshot seems to be htop.

  25. Author Photo

    I just wonder if Linode think about mix SSD and HDD as a hybird storage solution.

  26. Author Photo

    I totally agreed with @Amar and @WipeOut. More memory for each node will make Linodes looks more juicy and its loyalty customers happier.

  27. Author Photo

    Awesome upgrades for sure! Whats next RAM?

    Part 1: Bandwidth – 10x upgrade – COOL!
    Outbound N/W Cap – 5x upgrade – Cool!
    Part 2: CPU/Cores – 2x Upgrade – Awesome!
    Any extra Core – whats the cost? Is it reduced to 50% of what it used to be? Is it possible at all?

    Part3: Next What????
    RAM – Xx upgrade??
    What other cool features/upgrades on the cards?

    Looking forward to hear on this soon!

  28. Author Photo

    Even if it’s “expensive”, having SSD as an additional cost option is nearly essential for certain kinds of applications.

    It doesn’t matter if it’s double the cost for the same spec. Many people would be willing to pay.

  29. Author Photo
    Artem Russakovskii

    David, install htop – it’ll show you in a very friendly manner.

    Linode, you are amazing.

  30. Author Photo

    SO guessing part three is RAM? Hard Disk would be very nice but we got a little bump late last year.

    Not sure how I am going to use all that CPU though. I assume they aren’t increasing the number of nodes per box so we will actually see that speed bump.

    A smaller plan for existing members would be awesome. I know they don’t want to go below $20 as harder to cover support costs and we wouldn’t want to Linode’s support to decrease.

  31. Author Photo

    Super awesome! Thanks for the great upgrades 🙂

    Little question, as I understand it – reboot to get 8 cores, open a ticket to get to new physical hosts? Or will only those with hosts that are being retired have to open a ticket?


  32. Tom Asaro

    “Linodes on servers that are being retired will be required to migrate onto newer hardware. For those affected, you’ll receive a support ticket with the details and with plenty of lead time (weeks).”

  33. Author Photo

    Hi Tasaro,

    Sorry – I meant, are we eligible for a move to the new Sandy Bridge platform by opening a ticket, even if our physical hosts aren’t being retired?


  34. Tom Asaro

    @Niels – Yes, of course. Wait a week or two to see if you receive a ticket, otherwise we’ll accommodate requests.

  35. Author Photo

    You should hold a raffle for the old hardware. It’d be like christmas!

  36. Author Photo

    Fab. Just rebooted my cheap server hosting plan and four turned into eight. Great company. Glad I moved from EC2

  37. Author Photo

    Could always have an SSD cache on the RAID Controller 🙂

  38. Author Photo

    Really happy about these recent upgrades. I’m really hoping that the next announcement will be a RAM bump, but more importantly, a lower tier or two, at least for existing customers with at least one linode at an existing $20+/month price point. Sometimes you just need less power for LESS money, and right now, there are some VPSs I need that I can’t afford to spend $240/year on.

  39. Author Photo

    Well, as long as there are no RAM changes, I am not that excited. I like the change ofcourse, but RAM is the only really limiting thing currently.

  40. Author Photo

    Pretty sure that Linode has said in the past that $20 per VPS is as cheap as their business model will support.

    That’s understandable, but I just hope that they’re not going to artificially restrict the RAM in order to sell more of the more expensive VPSs.

  41. Author Photo

    Awesome! I’m personally hoping the next installment is another DC or two – Sydney, South America, Singapore being the most desirable (imho).

  42. Author Photo

    Thank you very much! You spoil us, Linode!!

  43. Author Photo

    Pretty surprised you didn’t go with flash-cache read-only cache to supplement the new HDDs or at least raid controller SSD cache

  44. Author Photo

    Good upgrade! Can’t wait to see what’s next!


  45. Author Photo

    good job!
    nice to hear that:)

  46. Author Photo

    Thank Linode very much!

  47. Author Photo

    Oh ya .. another DC in Singapore/India(?) will be a great idea.

  48. Author Photo

    Sounds great. I hope the CPU graphs in the dash update as well.

  49. Author Photo

    Great! For those who asked the tool in the screenshot is “htop”.

  50. Author Photo

    I’m pretty sure Linode donate its old hardware to some university. At least that is what a friend told me.

  51. Author Photo

    “As in all you need to do is reboot to double the computing power of your Linode”

    But your pricing shows (1 X priority ) for 512MB plan?
    Should it be (2 X proirity) for 512MB plan?

    Planning to shift to linode. Can you please clarify me on this?

  52. Author Photo

    oh oh , good job 🙂

  53. Author Photo

    There is more to a provider than specified resource limits. Terms of service, customer support, ability to cope efficiently with network abuses, many geographic locations, ipv6 and top notch infrastructure are all points where Linode shines.

    Since it seems the boat has sailed for more RAM with the absence of such in this “nextgen: the hardware” post, my hope is for “nextgen: data center” having peered data centers with IP failover/ anycast across DCs. HE has two datacenters in fremont – would be great to see it out of there at least.

    rock it.

  54. Author Photo

    I have to agree with some of the other commenters here, RAM is the big sticking point for us. We’d like at least 2GB but don’t want to be paying almost $80 a month for it. Cores are great but with modern caching, we need more RAM!

  55. Author Photo

    Doubling the Memory and offer up to 96GB of Ram at least? Would the Storage have SSD for Cached Content, so we get some benefits of SSD without moving totally to SSD?

    To me CPU power is useless since most of the time we ran into memory bottleneck well before CPU does.

  56. Author Photo

    Awsome (Y) (Y) two thumbs up…. Allways love new addons!

  57. Author Photo

    You guys rock. Thanks.

  58. Author Photo
    Eslam El Husseiny

    @Jesse htop

  59. Author Photo

    The average PHP framework website is RAM-limited. As great as these upgrades are for large-scale operations, a couple of 512s is all I need per site. The current offering is fast enough already. It’s just too expensive for only 512mb RAM.

  60. Author Photo

    Just rebooted and now have 8 cores at my disposal. Nice one Linode!

    For anyone wondering what utility is shown in the screenshot in this post, it’s htop. Install it and run it to see how many cores you’re Linode is utilising before and after reboot.

    For some reason, cat /proc/cpuinfo only reports 1 core (whilst htop shows 8). Why is that?

  61. Author Photo

    This is of course good news 🙂 But.. I would have rather have seen an increase in performance without an increase in the number of virtual cores. I realise however that this would not produce any visible ‘marketing numbers’, and so make the upgrade less impactful.

    I think the problem comes with software that doesn’t take advantage of multiple cores very well (e.g. single threaded sw like redis, node etc). While it’s possible to make use of the cores with these, it means memory requirements multiply (so e.g. 8xCores on 512MB doesn’t really make sense).

    Any chance there will be the option to select an equivalent with a smaller number of cores? (e.g. choice of 8xCores 1xPriority, or 4xCores 2xPriority)?

  62. Author Photo

    Have three Linodes 512, 1024, 2048. Rebooted all. All still show 4 cores in >htop

    Bad luck, servers beging retired, or user error?

  63. Author Photo

    Not thrilled with this latest upgrade. Few Linode customers were bottlenecked by CPU performance, so most Linode customers will see no benefit from this upgrade.

    Disk space, on the other hand, is actively preventing us from doing things with our Linode that we’d like to do.

  64. Christopher Aker

    @Zuke: you likely have an .htoprc, or whatever it’s called, in your homedir that’s set to only display CPUs 1-4. Run ‘nproc’ or cat /proc/cpuinfo to see what your machine booted with.

  65. Author Photo

    You guys rock!

    .htoprc was the culprit. Deleting restarting htop shows 8 cores.

  66. Author Photo

    As a brand new Linode customer (started last week) I am really happy with the product and service. However, if there is one gripe I have is the cost of ram.

    Each current plan needs to at least be doubled for ram (if not tripled) at these price points for Linode to remain competitive in this market. Just my 2 cents worth 🙂

  67. Author Photo

    Will this new hardware be available at all datacenters? (London?)

  68. Author Photo

    I really hope they massively increase the ram.

    Not just 2x but more like 6x ram upgrade

  69. Author Photo

    Thanks for the upgrade… just rebooted and now I see 8 cores as promised.

  70. Author Photo

    Moar RAM is coming, I can feel it!

  71. Author Photo
    Jamie Thingelstad

    This is really great! Thanks! Rebooted and am loving the additional cores!

  72. Author Photo

    Excellent !! thank you guys

  73. Author Photo

    I think RAM will be next. It makes perfect sense. More cores don’t mean much if you don’t have the RAM to support the number of processes that will run on them 😀

    Thank you very much linode 🙂

  74. Author Photo

    Thanks for the additional cores and looking forward to migrating to the new chipset. Further, hope more memory is in store, Varnish is hungry.

  75. Author Photo

    Linode is just the best. Thanks, Linode.

  76. Author Photo

    fingers crossed for the RAM, it seems that is the most anticipated upgrade for many, I agree with many here that due to modern caching techniques bottlenecks occur in RAM before CPUs.

    Still, good upgrade, one happy customer…

    Paul 🙂

  77. Author Photo

    I’d like some infinite sized disk space store, that I could mount.

  78. Author Photo

    The extra cores aren’t of a lot of use to me (except maybe for higher InnoDB concurrency) but the faster cores are.

    What will be involved in getting a system migrated to the new hardware? How much downtime will there be?

    Anyway, I’m crossing my fingers for more RAM in the 3rd phase. RAM density and number of slots per CPU have increased significantly over the past few years so they shouldn’t have any issues getting a LOT more memory into each physical server without significantly increasing the cost.

  79. Author Photo

    Jason, depends on disk usage mainly. It’s usually about 1min/GB

  80. Author Photo

    I really want to see Linode close the pricing gap with providers like DigitalOcean. They don’t need to match it, but it hurts seeing a $20 2GB instance at DO while paying $80 for one at Linode. That’s just such an insanely large gap that it’s hard to not consider the possibility of switching. Closing that gap, at least to some degree, would make it a lot easier to justify staying put.

  81. Author Photo
    uğur mirza zeyrek

    looking forward for ram upgrades!

  82. Author Photo

    What about having some SSD availiable, as a /scratch so your Linode isnt running off it, but the working set of your data is

  83. Author Photo

    I applaud you on the conservative HDD choice — the main downtime-causing problems I’ve had on Linodes to date has been I/O bottlenecks as a result of processes running out of physical memory and turning to swap. I can’t imagine MLC SSDs would improve this much — IME the stalling could get worse with cheap SSDs.

    Also, just to continue being a squeaky wheel — I’ve asked here and on IRC before… payment with Bitcoin would be very much appreciated. It doesn’t mean I want to be anonymous; it just means I want to pay in BTC.

  84. Author Photo

    Waiting for the Free RAM upgrades.

    I am currently hosting my websites on Dedicated servers but the reliability of Linode is really better than my current server. If they increased the RAM on their plans then there would be more reasons to come back home to Linode 🙂

  85. Author Photo

    I restarted, but /proc/cpuinfo says I’m still running the L5520. I haven’t received a ticket yet. When can I expected to be upgraded?

  86. Author Photo

    8 Cores with 2TB traffic. Linode, you just make others’ fight tougher.

  87. Author Photo

    Would Linode be considering using SSD as swap space then? Totally removing SSD from the equation to me is insane.

    I am hoping for a surprise on Memory upgrade ( something more then 2x )

  88. Author Photo

    Thank you. Fastest reboot I’ve ever done. And yup, there they are.

    I’m happy.

  89. Author Photo

    Waiting for that memory upgrade……… hoping for an announcement soon! The suspense is weighing on me. 🙂

  90. Author Photo

    So does the new network upgrade give good QoS for services like VOIP?

    Loving the upgrades but just had an ‘out of memory’ on my linode so fingers crossed RAM is part 3 and I/O is part 4

  91. Author Photo

    Well, so far no news about memory increase. I must say I’m about to migrate to DO, after over 2 years of Linode, thats sad, but another problem I’m having is the high latency on SSH from south-america, unacceptable.

  92. Author Photo

    Hello, after restart I see my 8 cores which is great. But the cpu is E5-2650L. Does this mean that the server I´m on is one of those 1/4?
    Thank you.

  93. Author Photo

    I am waiting for the announcement too. (http://blog.serverbear.com/interview/linode/)

    Really enjoy the 8 cores performance, however, I believe memory is bottleneck for MySQL servers.


  94. Author Photo

    Not sure of the accuracy but recently came across https://twitter.com/asbradbury/status/312984696852185088

  95. Author Photo

    I was wondering on the issues of memory. 2 * 8GB instances would have been cheaper then 1*16GB instance. And i dont get why after 16, it isn’t 32GB and 64GB. Why the strange 20GB and 40GB?

    ( I am guessing with 128GB Per Server, that is 3 Client possible in 1, but what is the 8GB left for ? )

    Anything in between 8GB and 40GB is more expensive then buying multiple of 8GB. Strange?

    And with those old servers, would Linode provide cheaper options for high memory usage.

  96. Author Photo

    @tasaro I filed a ticked but was told I couldn’t manually move to a new host, FYI.

  97. Author Photo

    @MJ maybe they have not deployed any new hardware in that location yet?

    Also got a question will newly made linode’s be put on new hardware?

  98. Author Photo

    @stephen Well, if it’s indeed a 2x ram increase, than I am afraid I’ll stick with the competition. If more, than I’ll probably switch back to Linode.

  99. Author Photo

    It seems there is no upgrade for memory.

    Based on what my app’s needs, I think that i have to move my server to DO.

    I like the CPU power here, however it is kind of not the most needed resources for now.

  100. Author Photo

    @Peter, or may be they will Double the Ram while starting price @ $15?

    And where is the third part of the NextGen series. Still waiting.

  101. Author Photo

    Was there supposed to be a third part? Couldn’t tell.

  102. Author Photo

    A lot of moaners commenting 😛

  103. Author Photo

    this week is about to end, and Chris told us that the announcment of the 3rd NextGen will be this week.

  104. Author Photo

    I restart my linodes this morning and indeed there are now 8 CPU. Thanks!

    What I would like to see is the Linode DNS manager to push changes quicker.

  105. Author Photo

    So why did my nodes migrate onto a 2630L’s

  106. Author Photo

    It seems that in the London datacentre we’re getting 2650L’s @ 1.8Ghz, not 2670’s at 2.6Ghz. Are these considered part of the next gen spec, or will they be upgraded at some point?

  107. Author Photo

    Ah, looks like we’re getting the 2670s now.

  108. Author Photo

    Great, thanks Linode

  109. Author Photo

    I may be mistaken but is the kernel build benchmark above performed on an unloaded host? 🙂

  110. Author Photo

    Linode is losing ground by not having SSDs. They are too late to the SSD VPS battle even if they added b4 2014. A quick check on sites like Serverbear and you’ll find a swarm of hosts who have added SSD hosting options. I’ve already move 4 Magento (database-heavy) clients from Linode to other SSD based VPS hosting options at reduced costs, with night and day difference in performance! Still Linode has such a feature rich, flexible and easy to use GUI, plus their wiki/docs are extensive! So overall, a solid offering, as such its sad because more and more hosting decisions only consider SSD options now. :/

  111. Author Photo

    @Hayden, how many years have you been running on said SSD VPSs? I wish you the best on your Magento instances, I think it’s a risk running such sites on SSD (Intel 520) alone. Actually if you’re really running 4 Magento instances you should just go with dedicated servers, but I know you have to make a living too. 🙂

  112. Author Photo

    @cp10 The very next month Linode ran SSD beta:

    As the blog post above shows, Linode knew SSDs would be in their future. I’m waiting to move many assets over to Linode as well as client referrals. DO’s IP restriction has tons of users either frustrated or not using their service at all. I think once Linode launched this, they will position themselves as the most complete and flexible service available!

    Most of my Magento clients are now hosted by LiquidWeb SSD VPSs and also private SSD hosting. I think Linode will beat their prices but still once moved, its not as easy to have a happy client move again.

    Still it will be nice to have another SSD service to recommend.

  113. Author Photo

    Here’s an example of what I was referring to in my above comment from July 2013. I referred a client to both DigitalOcean and Linode and here was their response:

    “Sorry for the delay! I looked into Digital Ocean but ruled them out because I need multiple public IP’s for some SSL sites I host. So far so good, haven’t really benchmarked Linode yet but seems good.”

    I get the job/paid either way, but VERY happy that Linode has stepped up! Makes my jobs easier.

