

我们已经发布了一个新版本的Linode管理器,其中有很多好东西。 除了代码的重组(这让我们的开发人员很高兴),许多预先存在的功能的位置也被重新组织了。但是,真正的新闻是这使我们能够实现一些很酷的功能......


  • 现在可以在一个Linode.com账户下更直观地管理多个Linode。
  • 不再需要将多个账户连接在一起。
  • 林节点可以被贴上标签,你可以随时更改,这使得识别多个林节点变得更加容易。
  • 在你的账户中添加一个Linode是小菜一碟。 这很容易:在Linodes子标签下的 "添加一个Linode "链接,选择计划,确认。完成了。
  • 一个被广泛要求的功能,你现在可以在任何时候改变你的用户名。 阿门。


  • 你现在可以创建额外的Linode.com用户,能够登录到你的账户。
  • 我们的系统现在允许你限制一个用户访问特定的Linode、DNS区域,甚至创建一个 "只计费 "的用户。
  • 时区偏好的设置现在是按用户而不是按客户进行的。


  • 类似于Amazon's EC2,这个功能允许你添加Linode或额外的东西,当你删除它们时,会按比例收到你的账户的信贷。这是短期项目或任务的完美选择(或者如果你想向你的朋友展示Linode有多酷,而不给他们访问你的生产服务器的机会)。


  • 如果你从你的账户中删除所有的Linode(但不取消你的账户),你的Linode.com登录将保持有效。
  • 你可以在任何时候返回,并使用你的任何剩余信贷。
  • 你的DNS区域将保留,但它们不会被提供服务,除非你有一个可收费的Linode。


  • 尽管我们在几个月前就实施了这一措施,但没有正式宣布。 好了,有了基于浏览器的控制台访问你的Linode。
  • 浏览器控制台会自动对你进行认证。 不再需要输入你的用户名和密码。
  • 每个数据中心都有一个控制台服务器。 启动控制台会引导你到与Linode相同的数据中心的控制台服务器上。


  • 磁盘IO图是对CPU和网络图的补充。
  • 一个新的图表历史界面


  • 可以就特定的对象(一个Linode或一个DNS区域)打开门票。
  • 所有对该对象有访问权的用户都能看到该票据,通过电子邮件接收票据更新,并能参与该票据。


评论 (13)

  1. Author Photo
    Kim André Akerø

    Very nice work, indeed.

    Btw, if it’s possible, could you also put the host’s hostname (which host the Linode is on) in the Linode Manager front page (which lists all Linodes linked to the account) as well? For example, right before or right after the Location column?

  2. Christopher Aker
  3. Author Photo

    This looks great, and the new features are awesome :-). Great work folks!

  4. Author Photo

    Great work guys, nice and neat, very clean with the same awesome functionality.

  5. Author Photo

    Brilliant! The instance-day billing is just what I’ve been looking for. Been thinking about rebuilding my server from scratch, clearing out the cruft, but couldn’t really do it without downtime. This provides just such a mechanism!

  6. Author Photo

    You guys rock. Enough said.

  7. Author Photo

    You guys really are amazing! Congratulations and keep up the good work.

  8. Author Photo

    It’s like you woke up and realized someone has replaced your Ford Fiesta with a Ferrari.

  9. Author Photo

    LOL. My “low-end” Linode is way more capable than a Ford Fiesta 🙂

  10. Author Photo

    I like SSO for management of multiple Linodes. How about SSO for the wiki and forums?

  11. Linode Blog » Introducing the Linode API

    […] be able to manipulate objects you have access to (the grants system was implemented in our last Linode Manager relase).  There are already Python and Perl bindings, with more to […]

  12. Author Photo

    You should feature the instance-day billing on the front page it is a very appealing feature.

    I thought I’d read about it somewhere on your site, but I was having a hard time finding it until I decided to work my way back through your blog. Even then, I almost missed it.

  13. Author Photo

    The Linode manager is an accessible web-based software interface to Windows screen readers, I must say.
    The only application wich doesn’t work too well is the Ajax console, but oh well.
    Otherwise, it’s an amazing manager!
    I would happily refer over 10 billion new customers to Linode!
    Regards, –Keith
    Caker and community: I just wanted to say a personal thank you to the folks who respond in your technical support department. Instant responses, quick service, and best of all, you credit people if any kind of downtimes occur!
    Also, you happily keep customers around if they don’t have linodes attached!
    I thank you all for your wonderful Linux OpenSource technology, and keep up the good work!
    Linode is a wonderful system!
    One final P.s.

    Caker, how do you folks feel about the Xen virtualization system over UML?


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