
Linode ライブラリが一歳に

今日は Linode ライブラリが1周年を迎えます!過去 12 か月間にわたり、当社のドキュメント チームは、基本的な Linux 管理から高可用性サーバー構成に至るまで、サーバー管理に関する 300 以上のガイドを公開し、記事をそれらを使用したい誰でも利用できるようにしました。

私たちの使命は、Linuxサーバーアプリケーションの広い範囲を展開し、管理するための正確でわかりやすい手順を提供することです。私たちは、私たちが受け取ったすべての肯定的なフィードバックについて皆さまに感謝したいと思います、 そして、我々はWeb上で最も広範なサーバー管理ライブラリを構築するために努力しているので、改善のためのあなたの提案を歓迎し続けます。結局のところ、私たちはあなたの人生を楽にするために存在しているのです。

提案を行いたい場合は、ライブラリのホームページにある提案ボックスを自由に使用するか、ドキュメントチームにドキュメントをdocs@linode.comまでメールしてください。 私たちはまた、より多くのコミュニティの貢献を求めていますので、まだカバーされていないガイドを書きたい場合は、ぜひ声を聞きたいです!

コメント (13)

  1. Author Photo

    I love the Linode Library! <3

  2. Author Photo

    As a new Linode customer the Linode Library was invaluable in getting my Linodes up and running. The Linode Library is a real treasure! Thank you Linode staff and community!

  3. Author Photo

    No 42% increase for this birthday?! I kid, keep up the good work!
    The library is another reason to stick with Linode, and I’ve browsed it just to catch all the tips and tricks.

  4. Author Photo

    The library is excellent! I couldn’t have gotten all the different servers and services set up and configured the ‘proper’ way if I followed those random half-hearted guides on the internet!

  5. Author Photo

    The library was a key selling factor for signing up with Linode.

    For a relative newcomer to Linux, it was an essential piece of the jigsaw puzzle to start my own private VPS.

    Rock on Linode!

  6. Author Photo

    I probably wouldn’t be a Linode user if it wasn’t for the library. It is really helpful and it provides a sense of security to people who are relatively new to linux like me.

  7. Author Photo

    Great library guys! Thats why I really fell for Linode, great community, library, and support!

    Keep it up 😉

    … oh and 42% update would be nice too…

  8. Author Photo

    Yes indeed. Keep up the excellent work. I’ve been so appreciative of the performance I have been getting I’ve gone ahead and upgraded my plan to the next notch with full intention of cancelling my old provider within the next month.

    The performance improvement is definitely noticiable between my old and new provider. :p

  9. Author Photo

    Agree with Dave, the Library and the lack of smiling-customer-service-girl-with-headset photos on the Linode homepage were the main selling points for me when I started my Linode VPS a few months back.

    Keep up the good work and please keep targeting the geeks!

  10. Author Photo

    Zsolt, I have to say I’m with you.

    Great Library, but also the honest interfaces was what convinced me. It just says to me: We do VPS, no bullshit marketing.

    loving it!

  11. Author Photo

    YES very much agree with Zsolt… never thought about it before but the lack of headset-girl is awesome… sure they are nice to look at but if I have a question about IPTABLES or how to configure my nginx server I want to talk to a real (fellow) nerd. I have recommended Linode to many friends, colleagues, and even competitors… and the Library is invaluable for everything from complete overhauls of existing architecture to little annoying things.

  12. Author Photo

    I love you, Linode Library. You’ve saved my neck, almost literally.

  13. Author Photo

    The library is excellent! I couldn’t have gotten all the different servers and services set up and configured the ‘proper’ way if I followed those random half-hearted guides on the internet!

