
Linode 10周年!

本日 Linode 10周年をマークする日を迎えるにあたり、お客様の皆様に感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。皆様の励ましの言葉と建設的な批判に対するあなたのご愛顧、あなたの肯定的なフィードバックに感謝します - そのすべてが私たちをより良い会社にするのに役立ちました。口コミのおすすめをありがとうございます。長年にわたる当社の成長の大半は、幸せな顧客が他の人に Linode について伝えてくださったことに起因します。 私たちは常にサービスを向上させるために努力し、その努力が報われることは非常に喜ばしいことです。

もちろん、情熱、献身、才能が会社を築き続ける過去そして現在の従業員がいなければ、これは不可能です。少し前までは、3人の Linodian が遠隔で魂を注いで作っていた Linode を成功に導きました。最近はオフィスやワークペースを定期的に拡張しています。私たちが作り出した仕事と私たちが影響を受けた人生をとても誇りに思っています。10年目を迎えたチーム全体におめでとうございますと言いたいです!

この10年間で Linode は驚異的な成長を遂げ、成功を誇りに思いながらも謙虚に取り組んでいます。私たちは、お客様に革新、大きなサポート、品質を提供するという大きな義務を感じています。今年及び今後の計画はエキサイティングなものです。次の10年間を楽しみにしており、その一旦を担う皆様にも感謝を申し上げます!


コメント (39)

  1. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode, thanks for being awesome! x

  2. Author Photo

    Congratulations, guys 🙂

  3. Author Photo

    Congratulations, happy birthday Linode!

  4. Author Photo

    Let’s celebrate this with increased storages! 🙂

  5. Author Photo

    Thanks a lot for your great service!! Keep up the excellent work!!!

  6. Author Photo

    Happy birthday Linode!

  7. Author Photo

    Happy Birthday, and Congrats!

  8. Author Photo

    Happy birthday to Linode!

  9. Author Photo

    I hope this is only the beginning of many years ahead to come. Thanks for being awesome!

  10. Author Photo

    Happy birthday for the best VPS hosting! 😉

  11. Author Photo

    Happy birthday to Linode!

  12. Author Photo

    Congratulations, I hope you’ll continue to grow do well for another 10 years!

  13. Author Photo

    Congrats. Keep linode up for ever.
    best wishes 🙂

  14. Author Photo

    Couldn’t post on the forum for some reason. Some thoughts.

    The Website needs an update. The FAQ is driven by ColdFusion (Whooa!) and the community page/graphics, structure as well as forum software needs an overhaul. I dont see why the whole site, including the blog couldn’t be a Statically Generated Pages by Jekyll or equivalents.

    SSD – Intel S3700/S3500 SSD definitely do the job where you previously state there are no SSD fitted to your requirement.

    And Lots of other improvement i hope they are coming. Happy Birthday and looking forward to the next 10 years to come.

  15. Author Photo

    Happy Bday linode. Please introduce SSD plans

  16. Author Photo

    Congratulations Linode!
    Don’t let your current work load stop you from improving.
    Don’t ever become obsolete!

  17. Author Photo

    @ED ColdFusion drives a lot of big sites. It’s about the same age as PHP and Ruby, and it’s underpinnings are Java, and if done right it’s fast as hell.

    Congratulations, Linode!

  18. Author Photo

    Congratulations! Happy B’Day!

    Wish you all the success with great service from Linode.

  19. Author Photo

    Congratulations! Thank you for this awesome hosting (high uptime, honest resources division, awesome and blazing fast support and most comfortable dashboard I’ve ever seen).

    I’m sure you are looking forward and soon we will see your cloud files storage with Railgun support (to compete with S3 and Rackspace Cloud) and improved, multi-zone backup system.

  20. Author Photo

    Happy birthday, Linode! Congratulations to your team and thank you for the great service!

  21. Author Photo

    Happy Bday linode. Please introduce SSD plans.

  22. Author Photo

    Looking forward to being with you for many additional years to come – happy birthday Linode! 🙂

  23. Author Photo

    10 years of linode is really amazing

  24. Author Photo

    Congratulations, Linode team!

  25. Author Photo

    Congratulations, Linode team!

  26. Author Photo

    Congrat ! Happy Birthday !

  27. Author Photo

    Congratulations! no more plan for 10 years ? 🙂

  28. Author Photo


  29. Author Photo

    congrats and happy birthday, I hope the next 10 years is just as good!

  30. Author Photo

    Happy birthday.

  31. Author Photo

    Happy birthday.

    Your VPS service and support are great and great!!

  32. Author Photo

    WHERE IS MY SPECIAL BAG OF FREE COOKIES?! Birthdays without cookies are no birthdays. 😉

  33. Author Photo

    Live long and prosper !

  34. Author Photo

    Happy Birthday !

  35. Author Photo

    Congratulations! Hope we’ll celebrate the 11th B’day with an increased storage! Although I started to use Linode less than a year ago, I’ve already loved it. Well done!

  36. Author Photo

    Congratulations guys and gals! That’s a huge achievement and testament to the great service you provide. I’ve been running my site with you for a while now and it’s been great. Here’s to the next ten years.

  37. Author Photo

    Any plans to upgrade the “Extras”? 1 Gb/$/pm is like way out of market. The largest size gives just under 1 TB.

    That is one thing thats keeping me from recommending linode to a reference.

  38. Author Photo

    Belated happy birthday from us! It’s been 14 months with Linode today as of July 21st!

  39. Author Photo

    Congrats, Linode! Wish you all the best in the next 10 years!

