

何年も前、Linode がまだ未熟だった頃、新規登録はすべて即座に有効になりました。 しかし、中には正直者ではない人がいて、盗んだクレジットカード情報を使ってお金を巻き上げたり、リソースを使って悪さをしたりすることがあることに気がつきました。 そして、すべてのサインアップを手作業で確認する時代が始まったのです。 少なくとも1人の人間が、そしておそらくもっと多くの人間が、長年にわたって受け取った何千ものサインアップの中から、すべてのサインアップを見てきました。

Linode オフィスでは、誰が最もアクティベーションを行ったか、誰が最も平均アクティベーション遅延が短いかなどを競い合っています(誰が勝つと思いますか?)。しかし、誰かが緊急にLinode を必要としたためにアカウントを失ったり、正当なサインアップが何時間も審査待ちの列に置かれたりするのは、やはりつらいものです。


これに加えて、サインアップシステムを全面的に見直し、よりシンプルで使いやすくなりました。これで、Linode チームはハッピーになりました。



コメント (14)

  1. Author Photo

    We all know mikegrb had the best time.

  2. Author Photo

    That’s great to hear.

    Any word about what you might be cooking up as a Christmas gift to use current and potential customers.

    We haven’t seen a RAM increase in quite some time, that would be my vote or going to the new Six-Core Intel servers 🙂

  3. Author Photo

    A typo on the signup form: CVV should be CVC (“Card Security Code”).

  4. Tom Asaro

    @Cliff: CVV (Card Verification Value) I’m not sure which is the most used, but there seems to be several abbreviations for the same thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card_Security_Code

  5. Author Photo

    Big fan of the new form design and large input boxes. Well done.

  6. Author Photo

    @tsaro: Ah — I didn’t know that. FWIW I’ve only seen it referred to as CVC during my too frequent credit card use on the web. Hence the “typo” comment.

  7. Author Photo
  8. Author Photo

    I’m not a linode customer; just saw the signup page, and I have to say I couldn’t find any anti-spam or anti-fraud detection method.

    black magic, eh…

  9. Author Photo

    @heri: caker sends a team of ninjas to your house at night while you sleep to run a background check

  10. Author Photo

    Must be working well, as I’m a brand new customer, and didn’t notice that the process wasn’t completely automated.

    http://billeater.com/ up and live on a linode as of yesterday!

  11. Author Photo

    I don’t know what system you guys use to deny people service although it must be better than the rest cause other VPS providers have denied me service. I admit that my intent often is perceived to be nefarious. However- real hackers would wouldn’t ever think so. Having said that I respect Linode for not having denied me instant access or using IP address schemes as criteria for instant acceptance (or other absurd things you can easily work around). I’m glad to know Linode isn’t just another service provider. It clearly isn’t just another job/owner/corporation.

  12. Author Photo

    Good sign-up system, big boxes, clear , easy to sign up in less than one minute. Nice work !

  13. Author Photo
    Matthew Trachtenberg

    Well I actually am still waiting to login now, received “receipt” 1.5 hours ago, and had to wait .5 hours from sign-up to get that, still cannot login.
    Called number listed on website (609) 593-7103 just now, no answer went to answering machine.
    Got to say this is not building my confidence in you guys, I am trying to move a bunch domains off slowdaddy, and was very excited to signup, spent a lot of time debating between you and slicehost, and now I am seriously having second thoughts.

    I’m in asia so it the begining of my day now.
    I’ll be waiting…

    Matthew Trachtenberg

  14. Author Photo

    Hi Matthew,

    Just wanted to give you my vote of confidence for Linode. I’ve used SliceHost and Linode, and while they’re both good I much prefer Linode.

    My own activation was indeed instant, but I’m about the most “verifiable” person that ever lived – if you’re in Asia, they may be taking some additional verification steps. I work in web hosting and unfortunately about 95% of our fraud attempts come from Asia, so it’s probably similar for Linode.


