労働者の日の週末にバイク旅行をするために準備をしてきました。 何人かの仲間と一緒に、NC/GA/NTの境界付近(Deal's Gap、Cherohala Skywayなど)に行く予定です。 29日の金曜日の朝に出発して、日曜日の午後遅くに戻ってくる予定です。 往復で1000マイルくらいでしょうか😀。
その間、私はあまり頻繁にチェックインすることができませんので、優先順位の高くないリクエストには遅れが生じる可能性があります。 私が便利なインターネットアクセスを得られれば、この差は気にならないかもしれませんが、念のため皆さんにお知らせしておきたいと思います。
- Chris
コメント (5)
I don’t know how much time I could sit in front of a computer if I had a bike. (Should be a great time to ride!)
Have fun
Here are some links, for those that are interested:
Can’t wait!
I’m getting ready to split tomorrow morning — if there are any emergencies, please call 615-293-3169.
I’ll be checking in frequently — I was able to get my Samsung A500, a data cable, and an old PC laptop (running Linux, of course) to use the cell phone as a modem, so I can LOG ON while in the mountains! (I’m such a geek). Laptop and Cell Phone combo really blows me away 🙂
[quote:6d03e46e97=”caker”]I’ve been gearing up for a motorcycle trip over Labor Day weekend.[/quote]
How was the trip?
Are we going to see pictures? 🙂
It was a great trip, even with the rain and hot weather. It was about 950 miles in total. Would have been more, but you can’t exactly kick it on wet roads.
Here are some digis:
Those are two buddies of mine, Aaron and Blake; I’m riding the yellow Honda SuperHawk. There are a few photos of the serious rain storm we were hiding from, complete with mini river in the parking lot. Also some nice scenic photos from the Cherohala Skyway drive.