Filesystem ACL Patch for Kernel 2.4?

I was wondering if there was any plans to add the filesystem ACL patch ( to the 2.4 kernels? I know that the 2.6 kernels have it, but I'd rather use the 2.4 kernel for a production system.

1 Reply

I did not include the ext ACL patches for 2.4. It doesn't look like they're going to make it into 2.4.28 either (at least from the most recent changelog on

The most recent 2.6 kernel is pretty damn stable, except for a quirk or two (for instance, the console only works once for some reason on at least Fedora). The only thing holding me back from making 2.6 the default kernel for Linodes is the pain caused by UML not supporting TLS/NPTL yet (requiring you to move the TLS libraries out of the way [mv /lib/tls /lib/tls-disabled]).

If you really need ACLs, give the 2.6 kernel a shot.



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