Noob question about terminals

So I have a Gentoo instance running, and I SSH into it using Mac terminal.

I then fire up a second Mac terminal, SSH into the "box", login… and am presented with the screen contents of the first login session.

What am I doing wrong?



4 Replies

That's interesting. What does "grep $yourusername /etc/passwd" say on the Linode?

Additionally, is there anything set in this box:

~~![](<URL url=) … 3at101.png">" />

in your profile's Preferences?~~


That's interesting. What does "grep $yourusername /etc/passwd" say on the Linode?


> Additionally, is there anything set in this box:

in your profile's Preferences?


This is a fresh Gentoo 2008 install.

Thanks for the reply,


your not ssh'ing to lish rather then your actual linode are you?


your not ssh'ing to lish rather then your actual linode are you?

Bingo! That was it.

Thanks much folks.



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