Migration question.


I've been with Linode for a couple of years and I'm preparing to migrate a disk image from one linode to another.

My question; the instructions for migration mention using /dev/xvdb, as in the command that initiates the transfer,

dd if=/dev/xvdb | ssh -C "dd of=/dev/xvdb"

But isn't '/dev/xvdb' later used as the swap partition and not the main partition?

Shouldn't I be using '/dev/xvda' ??


3 Replies

Is there a reason for not just using the "Clone" tab to clone the disk image to the new Linode?

  • Les

The 'Clone' tab in the Linode Manager is what you want.

Oh, didn't even know that was there on the dashboard.

I guess I'm spending too much time reading the "Linode Library".

Thanks for your help.



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