
Hi Guys,

I am a newbie and recently had a Plesk Ctl Panel installed on a fresh Linode. Twas easier than a migration. I use Plesk for email configurations, as I use Outlook, and it works fantastically well. I tired to install WordPress through the Plest panel. Is this something Linode supports? The configurations, upgrades, etc? Parallels would offer ideas, but not hands on support.

Any and all help welcome.

Allan (SeederBoss) :)

1 Reply

Once you install a Control Panel, you've left the realm of SysAdmins and are tied to whatever CP you installed.

You'll need to get your advice from your CP support, since your system is no longer a regular Linux system. Any regular Linux advice is just as likely to completely fubar your system (thanks to the CP integration) as it would be to solve it.


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