Citadel is reachable from all my subdomains


i have installed Citadel using the Linode guide: … untu-14-04">

in my server i have this subdomain:

and both can be used to access to the Citadel Web Interface, how i can access to Citadel only with have it's own index.php page, but now is no longer reachable because open the web citadel interface.


1 Reply

From the guide you linked to:
> This guide also assumes that you wish to run Citadel by itself on this server on port 80 or 443 for browser-based access.

> Note

If you intend to install Citadel alongside another web server package such as Apache or nginx, select the “internal” option when asked about web server integration. Be sure to specify unique ports for Citadel such as 8080 for HTTP or 4343 for HTTPS.


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