How to automatically check for a new kernel

Running the following script under cron and it will notify you your Linode needs rebooting to pick up the latest kernel:


curl -s "" | jq '.DATA' | grep "Latest.*$(uname -r)" > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
  touch /var/run/reboot-required
  echo "New Linode Kernel is available - Reboot Required" | mail -s "New Linode Kernel is available" TODO@email

3 Replies

Rather than putting an API key on the Linode, you could also use the RSS feed:

Either way works, all depends what kind of parsing you want to do.

  • Les

> Rather than putting an API key on the Linode, you could also use the RSS feed:

Either way works, all depends what kind of parsing you want to do.

  • Les

And here's a bash script that uses the rss feed

    curl -s | grep "Latest.*$(uname -r)" > /dev/null
    if [ $? -eq 1 ]
        echo -n 'Not using latest Linode kernel'

Shows 4.0.2 as the latest for me Latest 64 bit (4.0.2-x86_64-linode56) note the newest kernel isn't always the one marked as latest. A kernel is only given the Latest flag when Linode think it's stable.


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