Is there a way to move Linode Backups between datacenters

I'm currently "backing up" my linode by dumping off the mysql database, and compressing that + the www/ filesystem where the web pages are served, and scp'ing that to another linode in another datacenter.

It works, I know I can restore the site and get it up and running, but I'd like to use Linode backup instead (turnkey, etc).

My fear is that as it sits, if a datacenter goes sideways, I am toast.

Any way to move a backup around?

7 Replies

Once a backup is in the Linode Backup service no. You could sync the MySQL dump to another Linode and have the backup service on both Linodes. Then it gets backed up in both datacenters.

Bumping this topic: Has anything changed with Linode backup in the two years since I last asked?

That is: if all you do is Linode backup, are you exposed to an entire datacenter going sideways?


I'm currently "backing up" my linode by dumping off the mysql database, and compressing that + the www/ filesystem where the web pages are served, and scp'ing that to another linode in another datacenter.

It works, I know I can restore the site and get it up and running, but I'd like to use Linode backup instead (turnkey, etc).

My fear is that as it sits, if a datacenter goes sideways, I am toast.

Any way to move a backup around?

Hey there,

From within Linode Manager, there is no way to move the backup around to a different datacenter. The only real way to do that would be to restore the backup to a new Linode within the same datacenter then clone that Linode's disks to another datacenter or requesting a migration of that Linode to a new datacenter. Once the data is in a new datacenter, you can activate backups on that Linode.

While I don't foresee any of our datacenters going sideways like that, one option you may want to look into is periodically making offline backups. This wouldn't cost extra, and would allow you to upload an image of the website to a new datacenter or a new Linode if needed. I would recommend taking a look at this guide: … -over-ssh/">

I hope this helps!


Stephen Crane…

Linode Customer Support


While I don't foresee any of our datacenters going sideways like that, one option you may want to look into is periodically making offline backups. This wouldn't cost extra, and would allow you to upload an image of the website to a new datacenter or a new Linode if needed. I would recommend taking a look at this guide: … -over-ssh/">

That method requires starting your Linode in Rescue Mode, which equals downtime. This may be unacceptable to many. Also, the guide describes entering commands manually to set a password and enable ssh, so it can't be automated.

1) 3-2-1 rule. You need offsite backups anyway

2) mysqldump backup doesn't scale, as it tends to bog down or lock mysql, use percona xtrabackup

3) rsync is your friend

We need a turnkey, automated solution for this. You can charge for extra.

We have to host our next project elsewhere as you are unable to provide automated cross-data center replication.

This guide titled Backing Up a Compute Instance to Object Storage has instructions for backing up your data across geolocations. If you're unfamiliar with our Object Storage service, you can find more info here and the pricing data here.

While it is not directly tied into our Backups Service, there are instructions in that doc on automating the process by setting it up as a cron job.

I have gone ahead and recorded your feedback on a turnkey solution for cross-data center backups to our internal tracking. We always appreciate hearing from our customers on improvements they would like to see to our platform!


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