emerge dietlibc fails (seg fault

I'm trying to install the RedHat mkinitrd, and one of its dependencies is dietlibc. Emerging dietlibc gives me the following error:

localhost root # emerge dietlibc
. . .
strip -R .comment -R .note bin-i386/diet-i
bin-i386/diet gcc -O2 -mcpu=i686 -pipe -fno-stack-protector -o bin-i386/elftrunc contrib/elftrunc.c
make: *** [bin-i386/elftrunc] Segmentation fault

Anything that I try to do with the diet executable just segfaults.

This happens with gcc-3.3.3 and gcc-3.4.1 on my linode (even a fresh gentoo install). I can't reproduce the failure on my gentoo box at home, so I'm wondering if UML might be interfering somehow?

3 Replies

dietlibc 0.23 and 0.25 emerged OK on my Linode 64 (with gcc 3.3.3-r6) so it doesn't look like a UML/Linode specific problem with dietlibc.

Hm… just noticed something. I can build the bin-i386/diet executable running the 2.4.26-linode31-1um kernel or the 2.6.7-linode3-1um kernel, but it always segfaults running under the 2.6.7 kernel.

Both my builds were done under 2.4.26-linode31-1um.


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