Linode64 - available or not ?

I started signing on few days ago (first step only). Got confirmation email and now I want to continue, but I've noticed that you have no more linode64 avaialable ? Does that include mine or not ? My email is margolis + segmentality + com. Can you check ? Thank you, M.

5 Replies

The page is updated live I believe, so when you ordered yours the 'available count' would have gone down by one immediately.

Just gotta wait for your account to be set up :)

The page is updated live, but I do not know when it is updated.

If it is updated after you have entered your contact details the your linode is there.

If it is updated once you have entered you credit card details, then there may not be any left.

But there are now 5 avail so you should be able to get one.


It is updated once somone completes the entire signup process, meaning, you get an invoice and a payment receipt email. I did some "code locking" in the signup system to prevent two people from taking the very last Linode; say if two people hit "Submit" on the Step3 page. It prevents a server from being oversold (by even one slot).

Hope that answers your question.


Time to make a suggestion.

Since you send out an email to enable people to continue to the payment phase of the sign-up.

Would it be possible to reserve a linode for like 20 minutes or something, to enable someone to get the email and act on it. So they do not end up getting the email and finding that the last email has gone.


Well - thanks - fine!

I went through the whole process now and waiting for my account to be created :)


It is updated once somone completes the entire signup process, meaning, you get an invoice and a payment receipt email. I did some "code locking" in the signup system to prevent two people from taking the very last Linode; say if two people hit "Submit" on the Step3 page. It prevents a server from being oversold (by even one slot).

Hope that answers your question.



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