UML, uClibc, and uWoody

Has anyone had any luck using a uClibc based distro with UML/Linode?

I got uwoody (from uClibc) installed and configured using chroot and then rebooted through the Linode web admin but I can not get any sort of CLI. When I SSH into host20 and watch the boot it stops right before it should give me a log in prompt. When I try and SSH into the machine my password works ( I watched it with an ssh -vvv) but I never get given my bash prompt. Any ideas? Is there something special I have to do with a distro to make it work with UML?

1 Reply

I have installed Gentoo on a Linode without using caker's distro. The only thing I needed to take care of was that the Linode console is vc/0 and vc/1 through 8 don't exist. Check that root login is allowed by ssh on the tty terminals.


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