PHP 5.0.1 on Red Hat 9 (Small)

checking lex output file root… ./configure: line 2418: lex: command not found

configure: error: cannot find output from lex; giving up

Getting the above error when trying to ./configure

Can't seem to dig up an RPM for it real easy, "lex" is pretty wild at Google resulting in all sorts of results that have nothing to do with Linux, Compilers or PHP :wink:

At any rate, trying to update PHP and hit a wall I can't find my way around yet.

Would appreciate any help. :)


5 Replies

It's called "flex", not lex :)


located an RPM for Bison that is for RedHat 9, working with that right now. Wall wasn't as high as anticipated :)

Well that fixed the PHP configure complaining about not finding bison, but doesn't include any "flex". A google search for flex encourages me to work out more on all sorts of excersise equipment. ;)

I did find a package for redhat 9, part of "openpkg" and it includes an RPM for Flex.

trying to install flex generates:

error: Failed dependencies:

OpenPKG is needed by flex-2.5.4a-1.3.0

openpkg >= 1.3.0 is needed by flex-2.5.4a-1.3.0

trying to install openpkg generates:

Preparing… ########################################### [100%]

package openpkg-1.3.0-1.3.0 is intended for a ix86 architecture

package openpkg-1.3.0-1.3.0 is intended for a linux2.4 operating system

Apparently it doesn't know that I am installing it to an x86 with a Linux 2.4 kernel. hmmm, grrr :)

found it :) phew, grrr :)

Configuring extensions

checking whether to enable LIBXML support… yes

checking libxml2 install dir… no

configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.

And of course it exits abruptly there. Get past one problem and run smack into another. I've found a couple RPM links for xml2 but unable to get all the dependencies right, looking for an updated source tar.gz


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